Chapter 317
The strange monster roared.

He let the Luoyang Sword Immortal behead him and was trapped for more than 8000 years. He thought he would be free soon, but he didn't expect that in the end it was just a bamboo basket to fetch water.

"Come on! Do it! Cut me off!"

The ferocious beast's wings are tattered, and they are still open at this moment. He wants to die with his most perfect posture. They can be said to be the darlings of the heavens. The mistake is not to fall into that place, and they have achieved eternal supremacy long ago!

"Give me a ride! It's also the end of our big fight back then."

Luoyang Sword Immortal was in the light and shadow, couldn't see his expression clearly, didn't speak, and didn't raise his sword, just looked at the weird beast like this.

"What are you waiting for? Take your Luoyang Sword and cut off my head!"

"Quick! Do it! It's been more than 8000 years, and I want to be free!"

"Come! Come! Cut me! Do it! Cut me!"

The weird and ferocious beast was very eager, roaring so hard that its huge body was shaking, pulling the chain and making a dull sound.

Luoyang Sword Immortal still didn't move, but just looked at him steadfastly.

a long time.

The weird and ferocious beast stopped struggling, and there was silence in the underground palace, no, it should be said to be dead silence, even the soul-like things before made no sound.

"Have you found it?"

The ferocious beast made a strange sound, it seemed to be excited, but it also seemed to be regretful.

"Tsk tsk, I thought you were still the same for more than 8000 years, but I didn't expect your temper to be smoothed out."

"What? Don't want to kill me?"

The beast laughed loudly: "It's late!"

"Hahahaha... For more than 8000 years, how did you treat me as me for more than 8000 years? Do you really think that I am standing still? You have achieved the status of Immortal Emperor, have you forgotten the most terrifying ability of my family?"

"Hahahaha... ten thousand blood added to my body!"

Suddenly, the ferocious beast roared, and infinite blood suddenly surged in the underground palace until it condensed into a river of blood!

He sucked in suddenly, and the long river of blood rolled in and was swallowed by him. At this moment, the blood glow on his body was enough to shock the sky, and the smell of blood was so strong that it was disgusting!

And on the ground, under the horrified eyes of the monks from all over the world, all the bronze beasts exploded at the same time!

A torrent of endless flesh and blood poured into the sky, gradually converging into a meandering river of blood!
Evil, unspeakable evil filled the entire ancient site at this moment!


Suddenly, everyone heard rampant laughter, which was a wanton and carefree laughter.

The ferocious beast thought that he had won, but in the end he had won. The planning of more than 8000 years will fully bloom on this day!

"Sword Immortal Luoyang, thank you for smashing the hall, otherwise it would be difficult for me to get to this point!"

"Hahahaha... Did you do something wrong, Immortal Emperor? So what about Immortal Emperor? Didn't you just fall into my trap!?"

"You wait, wait for me to get out of trouble, wash the heavens and the world with blood, enter that place, and kill your real body!"

The terrifying sound reverberated in every inch of the ancient site, and all the monks showed horror. They were shocked by the sound and felt deep fear at the same time.

Chen Ning was no exception, his pupils constricted, and he was dumbfounded, shit, is this unrivaled evil still being released?
How can it be?

Luoyang Sword Immortal?Is it the name of the owner of this place?Immortal Emperor?Damn it, an immortal emperor was tricked by a sealed creature?
Damn, I don't want to die!

With the horror of this evil creature, it is not just talk to slaughter the world, he really has that strength!


The river of blood is getting wider and wider, already occupying half of the sky, and is rushing underground.

The cultivators of Myriad Realms watched this scene, even though they knew they had to save themselves, they were still unable to move - they were overwhelmed by the aura of the blood river, and they had no intention of fighting at all.

The aura of the underground became more and more alarming. After the beast swallowed the blood river, its aura became more and more terrifying. As it climbed step by step, it reached an unprecedented level!
"Haha... Immortal Emperor? So what if you are an Immortal Emperor? For 8000 years, I can also achieve the Immortal Emperor Fruit Status!"

"Come on, come on, today you just watch carefully, how I slaughtered all worlds bald!"

Perhaps it was the excitement of getting out of trouble that made this guy a little carried away, so much so that he couldn't see the change of Luoyang Sword Immortal.

"Comfortable! This is what power feels like! Over 8000 years, and finally, finally, my chance!"

"Using the order of the Emperor of Heaven to bring you here, you have not let me down, and you have not let me down in breaking the underground palace!"

"Now that there is no underground palace, what use are these sky-locking chains?"

The blood glow on the beast's body became heavier and heavier, and he could no longer see his own appearance, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped in blood.

And Luoyang Sword Immortal still didn't move, but his body became brighter and more cohesive, and he was no longer in the illusory state before.

Is this the real body coming?
On the earth, Chen Ning felt the most deeply. He had already been in contact with the false emperor. Xu Que was in the realm of the false emperor when he first came. Now he also feels the same momentum, but he is not sure who it is.

Just now that evil spirit also said that he wanted to achieve the status of Immortal Emperor.

"Could it be that evil spirit is about to step into the realm of false emperor?"

He was horrified in his heart, and had the idea of ​​running away immediately, but he still hasn't found Zhu Shijie and the big black dog. The big black dog is okay, just let the system send him back to his original world, but Zhu Shijie can't.

"Damn it, this dead pig doesn't know how to give a signal! Idiot, be careful I leave you here!"

Chen Ning gritted his teeth with hatred, especially when the atmosphere between heaven and earth was getting heavier and more terrifying. Now he wondered whether this historic site could withstand the aura of a false emperor!
At this moment, Zhu Shijie is hiding in the cave and shivering, how can he give him a signal?

In the depths of the earth, the ferocious beast has closed its eyes, and its whole body is covered with blood-colored light. Although it has a beast face, it can be seen that it is enjoying itself.

Luoyang Sword Immortal finally moved, he solidified himself!
The real body has come!

The cultivation base of the false emperor erupted suddenly!
The ferocious beast suddenly opened its eyes, looked at the blazing sun, and once again showed shock.

"You actually came here?!"

"Huh! I've told you so much, you are really stupid, do you think I don't know what you want to do? Ridiculous!"

"The inheritance represented by the eight Heavenly Emperor Orders in 910 belongs to you, right? I didn't think before that I would regret it when I broke through the underground palace, but it's okay. Now the result is the same, and I will kill you!"

"Roar! Rampant!"

The body of the beast surged, and gradually turned into a human body, dressed in a pitch-black robe, the whole body was hidden in the endless darkness, as if gathering the evil of the heavens!

Even more terrifying than the demons!
"You are an immortal emperor, and now I...hehe, I am also an immortal emperor, what can you do to me?!"

"I could suppress you 8000 years ago, let alone today? Yu Beast, you are too confident, do you think you will be invincible when you reach the Immortal Emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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