Chapter 32 Oli Gives!
At this moment, the world is silent.

Everyone was shocked, not to mention the "participants", even the people who were eating melons in the distance were all looking at the gods.

Pig Ten Commandments was even worse, grinning and shouting: "Awesome! Big brother is awesome! 6666!"

Ever since he learned 666 from Chen Ning, he has been out of control. Even when he heard 666 for the first time, the dead pig jumped up and down excitedly, calling out how reasonable it is, a mere number, repeating it. However, it has such a rich meaning.

At that time, Chen Ning just slapped him when he went up, stood with his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and said with a sneer, "What is 666, you are ignorant."

After a slap, Chen Ning immediately shouted: "Come out! My Ollie! Give me a giao!"

At that time, Zhu Shijie was stunned and almost knelt down...

"Hmph! Do you really dare to speak nonsense in front of me if you really think you defeated Zi Wufan, that trash?"

The person in front of the bronze mirror who said that Zi Wufan was a waste took a step forward, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with an extraordinary appearance.

"Yang Demon King, you are presumptuous!" Zi Wufan's lips trembled with anger, this man was too condescending to call him a waste, even though he was tyrannical and the best of his generation, why should he be afraid!

"Hmph! Shut up, you can't even beat an ant in the early stage of Condensation Yuan, what right do you have to be arrogant in front of me!"

Demon King Yang cast a glance at Zi Wufan, his face full of disdain.

Chen Ning is happy, oh yo?

Infighting started?
Tsk tsk, but there is one thing to say, this kid in black is a bit crazy, and his whole body is full of magic. Standing there, people can't ignore it.

The rest of the Tianjiao smiled wryly, and stopped Zi Wufan, for fear that he could not help but rush up, you must know that the demon king is a lunatic, if he really killed him... then he would kill him, the Zi family probably wouldn't even dare to say a word .

Demon King Yang became more and more disdainful, and no longer cared about Zi Wufan and the others.

He raised his head and looked at Chen Ning. Although he was below, he gave the impression that he was above him, as if he was looking down on others.

"You and I fight, life or death!"

Chen Ning was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, and said, "Who the hell are you? I am so busy, and the great cause of robbing the rich and helping the poor has not yet been completed, how can I have time to fight with you."

"Besides, if all cats and dogs come to challenge me, why don't I be so busy?"


This time, not only the melon-eating crowd in the distance gasped, but the other Tianjiao also sucked air, and they sucked very loudly.

"Hiss, you are paralyzed, hess, did I say something wrong?! Grass! Robbery... Ah bah, how great is the cause of robbing the rich and helping the poor, and you don't cooperate!"

Chen Ning stared, and shouted at Zhu Shijie in the distance: "Little pig, come here, and spread the word to them, our great cause of robbing the rich and helping the poor!"

"Ah ha ha, forget it, let me just say a few words here, ha ha... ha ha..."

Zhu Shijie was a group of cowards. When Chen Ning called him, their first reaction was to back away.

"Ahem, listen up, Ollie! Give me a giao!" Zhu Shijie backed up a few steps, and after standing still, he yelled loudly, startling the people around him, thinking that he was mentally disturbed, Fearing that he would suddenly explode and hurt others, he scattered in all directions with a whoosh.

"Heh, a group of little spicy chickens, I have never even heard of such a great truth." Zhu Shijie looked around, his face full of pride, and the light of "dimension reduction strike" in his small eyes seemed to be looking at people, not people. Fool……

What the fuck?

Chen Ning's head was full of black lines, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he gave Zhu Shijie a hard look, this is... crazy, right?
But the Ten Rings of Pigs seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of his eyes, and even stood up, walked behind their backs, and shouted: "Ollie here! Ollie here! Ollie~~here!!"

Just like a pyramid scheme leader...

Chen Ning stroked his forehead.

Grass, I don't know that pig.

Not to mention him, but the people present, who didn't twitch the corners of their mouths?

Even Demon King Yang looked inexplicable.

"Uh...don't worry about him, don't worry about him, I forgot to feed the dumb medicine, hehe, don't worry, I will feed the dumb medicine when I get back, I guarantee that he won't even fart in the future."

Chen Ning laughed dryly.

"Come and fight with me!"

"Is there any benefit?"

"Benefits? A battle of life and death, what are the benefits!"

"It's no good? Then don't fight, just beat a chicken, look at that kid, I punched him and vomited blood, at least I got such a thing, let's fight with you, don't beat you to death then, I even took a life for nothing." Chen Ning said earnestly, wanting to dispel Demon King Yang's unrealistic idea, just kidding, who the hell will play with you if you don't give money?

Whoring for nothing? !

Hearing this, Zi Wufan was so angry that he coughed again and again, almost violently, and fought Chen Ning again for [-] rounds.

Demon King Yang frowned in thought, but he was really thinking about Chen Ning's conditions.

After a while, I saw him touch the ring on his fingertip, a black light flashed, and a fist-sized stone appeared in the void, ups and downs.

"Ding! A special treasure has been detected, and you can get 100000 points that can be exchanged!"


Chen Ning's eyes lit up. What kind of thing is this? It's worth 100000 points.

Thinking about the piece of Chaos God Iron that he obtained in the Nine Dragon Sect’s treasury back then, it only had 1000 points, which was considered a special treasure, so isn’t this stone the "ancestor" of the special treasure? !

"Ding! The original god stone has been detected!"

At the same time, the rest of the Tianjiao also showed horror and exclaimed again and again.

"Original Divine Stone!"

"It turned out to be a fist-sized original god stone!"

"It is said that Demon King Yang obtained the inheritance of a fortune land, and as expected, he even has such treasures!"

Several people were short of breath, their eyes were shining, even Zi Wufan, who was injured by Chen Ning's punch, was already injured, but now he was still short of breath, causing the wound to bleed, and coughed again.

"How is it? How is this thing? Can we fight?!"

Yang Demon King held the original god stone and challenged Chen Ning to fight, very domineering.

"Hey, enough, enough! Come on! Since you begged sincerely, then I will show you mercy. I... just want to protect the galaxy... Cough cough, wrong, wrong, cross-talk, Sorry, hahahaha..."

Chen Ning smiled dryly with embarrassment on his face.

After a while, maybe there was no one to laugh with him, so this fellow also suppressed his laughter, "Okay, come on then, my uncle will fight with you!"

Demon King Yang's eyes flashed, and he flew into the sky, his jet-black clothes were windless and automatic.

"A battle of life and death!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Holding a gun in one hand and a halberd in the other, Chen Ning rushed forward like a cannonball.

The magical power of icy muscles and jade bones has already been in operation, and his whole body has turned into a touch of jade light.


Demon King Yang's aura erupted, showing his extraordinary strength, definitely surpassing Zi Wufan and others!

"The devil swallows the world!"

He came up with a killer move, billowing devilish energy, covering Chen Ning, it was extremely terrifying.

"Tips for carving insects!"

(End of this chapter)

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