Chapter 37 Sealing Fee

Chen Ning stared at him, and Zhu Shijie immediately faltered, not to mention there was Thunder God looking at him, as the saying goes, under the gun, there is justice.

It's time for a showdown, stop pretending, shit, this pig god is a good pig, a good pig with high morals!

Zhu Shijie was dejected and shouted listlessly: "66666..."

Chen Ning nodded, smiling all over his face, hehe, that's right.

Let's just say one word, Germany!

Convince people with virtue!Ah bah, serve pigs with virtue!

He carried Thor on his shoulders and looked around for a week. Seeing that no one made a sound, he couldn't help shaking his head, "Hey~~ You guys really let me down, so many people dare not even move me, a little condensed Yuanjing. Forget it, don't say you are a peerless master when you go out, idiot, it's really embarrassing!"

Everyone present, after hearing the words, all had gloomy faces, as if ten thousand muddy horses roared past in their hearts, why do they want to beat this little boy to death so much.Bizi?Nima, don't you have any clues in your mind?The fault is not with that woman, who beats you like a grandson?
Even Demon King Yang frowned. Although he was devoted to the Tao, he was not without temper. Chen Ning's repeated provocations made him angry.

"Will you still fight!"

Chen Ning was so arrogant that he almost didn't use his nostrils to look at people.

"If I don't fight, I can leave? If I really leave, I won't have a chance if I don't fight again. After passing this village, there will be no such shop."

His eyeballs rolled wildly, looking at the crowd of thieves, for a long time, no one spoke, he straightened his waist, and said: "Ahem, a bunch of rubbish!"

"Don't worry, I won't tell you about your retreat today, so..."

Chen Ning huffed and stretched out his hand.

"Hush money!"

Su Daji's staring eyes flickered, with a charming smile on her pretty face, "Master, you are really bad."

Chen Ning was shocked, and his whole body was numb, as if an electric current spread throughout his body.

"Fuck, I will die at the hands of this woman sooner or later!" He cursed inwardly, but another expression appeared on his face: "Hey, baby Daji, I have worse things..."

When Su Daji heard this, her pretty face blushed slightly, showing a bit of shyness. Of course, I don't know how much of this shyness is true and how much is false.

Zhu Shijie who was on the side saw this scene, but he became impatient, shit, what time is it now?It's a glorious moment to carry out the great cause of robbing the rich and helping the poor, Nima, are you flirting with this pig god, scolding you for being pretty?

What the hell is such an "ugly" woman!


"Boy, don't fucking be in a rut, hurry up and grab... Oh no, after robbing the rich and giving to the poor, it's time to run away!"

Pig Ten Precepts forcibly shrunk back the word robbery, but the word running away fully exposed everything...

"Ah! Yes!"

Chen Ning slapped his forehead, and it was rare to ignore the disrespectful words in Zhu Shijie's words, "Hurry up, hurry up, pay the hush money, or I will make today's events into a story, find ten or eight storytellers, three times a day, Talk non-stop!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's faces turned darker, especially the Pavilion Master of Fenghuaxueyue Pavilion, who was originally a beautiful woman who still has charm, but how can she still see the word "beautiful" now?She is clearly a bitter woman!
Bai Hanxue is about to vomit blood now, and the medicine garden has lost countless elixir, which is not harmful to the bones, but the loss of the holy medicine is a great sin. She wanted to recover it this time, but she did not expect that given the current situation, she It's going to be a waste of money to eliminate disasters!

Anger gushed out in her heart, and she even wanted to rush up to fight regardless of everything, but when she looked at it beautifully, the old man not far away was still spitting blood from time to time. It is conceivable that he was injured just now, and looking at Su Daji again, she could only grit her teeth and endure it .

"Extremely Happy Sect!! This revenge must be avenged!" Bai Hanxue's eyes flickered coldly, and he couldn't help but think of speeding up the awakening of the background.

When the time comes, a little nine-tailed celestial fox will be captured, and will be a slave for eternity, guarding the mountain gate!

The rest of the people also looked ugly and refused to give it, but there were coughs in their ears. Just now the old man coughed blood again and again, his face was as pale as gold paper. It may take a long time to recover from this injury.

Just as everyone's expressions were cloudy, Chen Ning smiled and took out a big speaker from his crotch. He lowered his head and adjusted it for a while, then tried to shout: "Hello? Hey! Hey? Hey, hey! "

"Ah, very good!"

He nodded in satisfaction. The voice was very loud. The system did not trick him this time. He bought a loudspeaker for one point, which seemed to be a magic weapon. As for why the system was suddenly kind, Chen Ning had reservations.

Everyone was taken aback by him, especially the old man, who was healing with his legs crossed. Although the private matter of healing had to be hidden, he was seriously injured. It doesn't matter how many people there are, but he didn't expect that after only a moment of concentration, he shouted and shouted and beat him out of the healing state, sprayed a big mouthful of blood on the spot, and fell to the sky.

"Damn it?" Chen Ning held a loudspeaker, with a speechless expression on his face, "Everyone, you saw it, I didn't touch him, he poured it himself, grass, a lot of age, and learn how to touch porcelain like others, Ni Ma, where is the face of a peerless master?!"

Chen Ning lowered his eyes, "I condemn this behavior of touching porcelain!"

After finishing speaking, he coughed twice, raised the loudspeaker and shouted: "It is said! One day, a righteous guy took his pig and was going to buy buns to eat, but he met on the way... Well, let me count Count, one, two, three, four, five, six, um, six big guys, they actually wanted to rob that righteous guy, and rob him of the steaming buns he just bought, and there was a Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion among them..."

"Stop! This sect pays the hush money!"

Bai Hanxue had a cold expression on her face, her murderous intent was not hidden at all, it was directly shown on her face.

"Hey, wouldn't it be great if you had done this earlier? Mommy, thinking about a story is very nerve-wracking. Oh, no, I don't have enough brains, so I need to pay more."

"Presumptuous!" Bai Hanxue was about to go crazy, did this kid really never die?Is it really possible to do whatever you want with an extremely happy sect behind your back?The Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion has stood in the Eastern Region for endless years. Although it has declined now, it is not a soft persimmon that anyone can squeeze twice!
"Master, if someone doesn't want to give it to you, don't force it, it's not sweet~" Su Daji came to Chen Ning's side, and looked at Bai Hanxue with a sweet smile.

Bai Hanxue's face was gloomy, and her delicate body under the palace costume was trembling with anger, but she couldn't win with her hands. For a moment, she couldn't help feeling bitter in her heart, why did she come here?
"call out!"

She took two deep breaths, and threw out a ring. As long as her background came to her senses, all the humiliated ones today could come back!

"It contains the hush money you asked for, today's humiliation, Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion will remember it in my heart!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Hanxue threw out another array, tearing apart the space and disappearing inside.

Chen Ning caught the ring, weighed it, raised the horn again, and looked at the others quietly.


(End of this chapter)

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