Chapter 52
Grass mud horse, are you treating me like a fool?
Everyone looks gloomy and uncertain, you condemn?What qualifications do you have to condemn a notorious thief? !

"Chen Ning, you are too presumptuous!"


"Fellow daoists, I'll go up together and hack him to death. The rewards offered by several major sects are extremely generous!"

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean!"

"That's right, I've been bored watching this for a long time. Damn, jijiwaiwai, do you really think you are a saint? Condemn? You condemn a dick!"

"Brothers! Go! Hack him!"


For a moment, the magic weapon soared into the sky, and various colors of light flowed, covering the sky and covering the earth. The Pig Ten Rings were so frightened that they stood up and shouted: "Grass! Boy, this pig god told you not to let you come out, but you won't listen, just won't listen, Alright, it's over!"

Chen Ning in white with black hair, this dead pig, when will he change his greed for life and fear of death?He's obviously capable, but he's so cowardly every time, he's probably as courageous as a sesame mung bean!
"You're afraid of chickens! Stop talking nonsense and set up the formation quickly!"

Chen Ning in white knows the weight of this dead pig, and a small teleportation array can be done with a wave of his hand.

"Fuck? That's right! This pig god will set up formations! I'm afraid of the hair!" Pig Ten Rings became arrogant again, with a rampant face, twisted the pig's buttocks, and shouted down the mountain: "A bunch of scum, it's brothers. Come and cut me!"


Chen Ning in white stroked his forehead and was speechless, Nima, where did this weird thing come from?
Seeing that the sword, gun, sword and halberd were about to fall, Chen Ning in white clothes flashed his eyes, and quickly made a formula. In an instant, he performed the secret of fighting characters, and he used the secret of fighting characters to evolve Zi Wufan's unique skill. The air gushes thinly, forming a purple barrier, blocking all kinds of magic weapons.

"You dead pig, hurry up and set up the formation!"

"Oh, what's the hurry, tsk tsk, boy, do you want to take advantage of this moment and make a big deal?"

Zhu Shijie's eyeballs rolled around, his expression eager to try.

Chen Ning in white clothes could tell what he was thinking with just one glance, he almost spurted blood out of breath, this dead pig, he wouldn't be cowardly when he should be cowardly, and when he shouldn't be cowardly, he would coax a group of them, assholes, and even do a big job Yes, why didn't you see someone call someone? ! !
If you don't run away, you will probably be stuck here!
Anyway, the firepower is almost enough, he can't control the holy city, but on the Tiancheng side, it is estimated that no one will trouble the main body in a short time.

The rewards offered by the main body here are much more than those offered in the holy city!

Unless the head is filled with the feces of Zhu Shijie, at most it is to allocate part of the energy to pay attention to the whereabouts of the main body.

Chen Ning in white went up and kicked, and the pig Shijie kicked flew more than ten meters away.

"Grass! Hurry up and set up the formation! Someone is coming!"

Zhu Shijie wanted to yell at him, but when he heard Chen Ning in white say this, he hurriedly asked, "Who? Who is coming?"

"Male Gobi, why are you talking so much today?! If you keep on talking, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"Hurry up and set up!!"

Chen Ning in white threatened and yelled at the same time, making Zhu Shijie's neck shrink back in fright, and he probably felt something when he touched it, and seeing the panic on Chen Ning's face that didn't seem fake, he also felt the seriousness of the matter.

"Boy, run!"

The Ten Rings of Pigs stood up, and then stretched out two pig's hoofs to swipe, the brilliance flickered, and the lines flickered, quickly forming a small teleportation array!

Chen Ning in white saw that Zhu Shijie had finally opened his mind, so without delay, he took a step forward and stepped into the range of the formation.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I'm gone! You can't hit, you can't hit!"

"Are you angry! Are you angry! I'll ask you if you are angry!"

Zhu Shijie also twisted his pig's buttocks, and walked into the formation with enchanting steps, "Brothers, this pig god will take a step first, remember, the next time we meet, it's a brother, so come and kill me first!"

"A little bit..."


There was a burst of space fluctuations, and the light shot up to the sky. In an instant, Chen Ning in white and the ten rings of pigs had disappeared.


"Just let these two guys run away?!"

"Grass mud horse, don't let me see you next time!"


At the foot of the hill, there was a commotion, and everyone could hear the sound of cursing.


The space changed again, with slight ripples appearing, and it was at the spot where Chen Ning in white clothes and Zhu Shijie ran away just now.

When everyone saw it, their eyes were red!
Male Gobi!

How dare you come back after running away? !
This time, everyone was furious, and they didn't have the slightest doubt that it wasn't Chen Ning and the others, because this happened before. After Chen Ning in white ran away with Zhu Shijie, he came back to ridicule him again, which made many popular people almost laugh. I got a brain infarction directly.

"Brothers! Let's do it! Don't be merciless. I will use the biggest killer move I have learned in my life. I won't believe it. They won't die today!"

"That's right! It's too hateful, you don't take us seriously!"

"Fellow daoists, take advantage of the fact that the space channel is not firmly established, let's do it!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Between the lightning and the flint, a more majestic momentum erupted, and everyone was furious. This is dung... oh, a blow with anger!
All kinds of rays of light gushed out, and magic weapons covered the sky and covered the earth. Swords, guns, swords, bells, small tripods, and nine-story pagodas all rushed up.


Such a big grievance, the effect is also great, basically the space channel collapsed in an instant, the void storm swept through, the screams immediately resounded, the sound was endless, and there was even scarlet blood oozing from the space, Terrible.

" are finally dead!"

"Retribution, retribution! You deserve this kind of death. Under the ravages of the hole and the storm, you really have no place to die!"


There were bursts of cheers, and the people in the market almost couldn't beat their crowns to celebrate.

"Go! Go and get the reward!"

"That's right, everybody, I have a suggestion, don't worry about what treasure it is and how much it is, I'll get it first, and then talk about distribution, how about it?"


"As it should be!"


When people go to the market space, there is only blood seeping out of the space, drop by drop, like the sound of the death knell.


But at this moment, Chen Ning, who was far away from the holy city, was hiding in an old forest deep in the mountains. There were so many trees here, it seemed like a sea of ​​forests, with no end in sight at a glance, it was the best choice after running away.

"Nimma, why does this kid carry so many spirit stones with him? Crap! Can spirit stones be eaten?"

"System, take a look, how many points is this thing worth?"

"Ding! It has been identified by the system that it contains a small amount of Sun Refined Iron, which can be exchanged for 10000 points."

"Only 10000? Spicy chicken!"

"What about this?"

"Ding! It can be exchanged for 5000 points."

"Grass, another spicy chicken."

Chen Ning hid in a cave. He sat cross-legged, and in front of him was a pile of magic weapons and a pile of shining stones, exuding pure aura.

"Luo Changfeng is also the eldest son of the third elder of the Luo family, why is he so poor?"

"On the contrary, this third son of the sect is so rich!"

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(End of this chapter)

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