Chapter 55 Who is it?

Beiyuan City is located in the northern part of the Eastern Territory. It is named because it is located in the last plain in the north of the Eastern Territory. Looking outside, it is the land of the Underworld, with countless seas and abundant waterways.

On this day, there was an uproar in Beiyuan City. On the city wall, the cultivator from Southern Xinjiang was stripped of his entire body with only his underpants left.

Countless monks in southern Xinjiang were outraged, thinking that this was Chen Ning's provocation to them, and they shouted at the world, spreading far and wide, even surpassing those arrest warrants!
"Grass mud horse! Which bastard is this who harmed me?"

Chen Ning wants to cry but has no tears. This is really a person sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

"No, I won't take the blame for this. I'm a fool. I've always let others take the blame. I want me to take the blame. Let alone the door, I've welded the windows to death!"

Chen Ning in white immediately stood up and solemnly declared that it wasn't him, he was still in Tiancheng!

"Everyone, I don't know what that idiot impersonating me means, but I can be sure that he must have evil intentions and want to provoke murder!"

"Everyone knows that I have admiration and admiration for Nanjiang. To me, Nanjiang is my father and mother, my food and clothing parents, that is heaven, that is earth, that is light, that is love..."

"I love Southern Xinjiang!"

This guy's voice was full of emotion, and what he said was touching, and he was indeed Chen Ning's appearance. For a while, he changed the direction of public opinion, but when one massacre subsided, another massacre came soon.

Good guy, as soon as Chen Ning in white showed his face, Fenghuaxueyue Pavilion, Wuliang Mountain, Wendaojianmen, a group of disciples directly killed him, and he was so scared that he hurriedly smashed the teleportation talisman and ran away.

The Beiyuan City incident seems to have subsided.

But one day passed, "Chen Ning" appeared in Beiyuan City again.

As soon as this guy came up, he stood on the top of Beiyuan City, condescending, standing with his hands behind his back, extremely arrogant.

"I don't know who that bastard is? Is it fun to pretend to be Lao Tzu? I, Chen Ningming, don't say dark words. I killed that kid. If you have the ability, you can beat me!"

"Hey you, that's about you, come here, damn it, you are a wicked person, you can't be a good person at first sight!"

"Chen Ning" turned over a Xiling cultivator in front of Beiyuan City. He operated on the spot with a speed as fast as lightning, and stripped him naked in a blink of an eye.

"I, Chen Ning, just can't get used to monk Xiling. I'm very happy with that bastard. If you have the ability, you can hack me to death. What about you, little idiot, yes, yes, it's you, you're not Xilingtian Is it the youngest son of the owner of the Huang Pavilion? Hehe, with all due respect, you don't look like your father at all."

At this moment, the huge Beiyuan City was silent for an instant, like a dead city, everyone was shocked, watching "Chen Ning" desperately trying to die.


The monks of Tianhuang Pavilion yelled loudly, Xiling Wilderness, cultivating the power of the body, this loud shout was like the sound of thunder, it was deafening, and even tiny cracks appeared in the surrounding void.

"Let you be paralyzed, little idiot!"

"Chen Ning" stood on the top of the wall, with black hair flying: "Life! Lonely like snow, invincible is really empty, hey, when will someone beat me and let me taste the taste of failure?"

"Kill him!" The youngest son of the owner of the Tianhuang Pavilion had a sullen face, and ordered directly. In an instant, fists surged like water from a great river, pouring down, blasting the void where "Chen Ning" was. Smash!
It's just that this fake person is really strong, and he was actually allowed to hide in such a situation, so that he could see life in the face of death.

"Grass! Did you eat or not, that's it? Why don't you go back and farm!"

"Fellow Daoists in Southern Border, how about we join forces? Let's take down this ignorant thief first, and then talk about how to deal with it!" Liu Xi's eyes were full of murderous intent, and his eyes were cold. Looking at "Chen Ning" was like looking at a dead person.

"Right on my mind!"


The West Ridge is vast, and the southern border is mysterious. At this moment, with the joint efforts, all the escape routes of "Chen Ning" were instantly sealed off.


"Chen Ning" stared, and said righteously: "You guys are not particular! Two against one, that's not particular!"

"Are you an idiot for being my uncle? Hehe, I won't fight with you. Are you angry? Are you angry? I'll go!"


The space was broken, and the moving talisman opened up a colorful passage. "Chen Ning" stepped in and disappeared instantly.


When Chen Ning thought to himself, when he finally got rid of this scapegoat, a piece of news struck him stunned like a thunderbolt.

"What...what the hell?"

"Did I fucking go to Beiyuan City again? I also overthrew a monk from Xiling? Ma Le Gobi, I have been in the Holy City all the time. I still can't find the way to Beiyuan City. How to get there!"

Chen Ning in white stood up again and urgently clarified.

"That idiot who pretended to be me, come out, let's fight for real, whoever loses, kneel down and call daddy three times!!"

"Everyone, I really don't know who he is! I have been studying the great cause of robbing the rich and helping the poor in Tiancheng. If you don't believe me, you can ask Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion and Tianlongzong. I robbed them a few days ago and helped a lot of people. Batch old grandma."

But this time, no matter what Chen Ning said, no one believed it. Liu Xi even shouted from the air, asking him to die, otherwise he would personally come to Tiancheng to take off his head.

Chen Ning in white originally wanted to explain, but when Liu Xi said this, he had no intention of explaining at all.

"Stupid, so what if I really did it?! Kill me? Can you?"

Chen Ning in white was holding the pig's ten rings, and said in Tiancheng: "One or two, where's the brain? They're being played around and don't know it. The pig's ten rings are here. Is there any need to explain it?"

"My pig god testifies that this kid has been thinking about the saint of Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion all this time, and has no time to go to Beiyuan City to cause harm."

When Chen Ning in white heard the words, he almost hung up without going up. He just slapped him when he went up, and his movements were very natural.

There are also many Eastern Region monks in Beiyuan City. They have seen Chen Ning and Zhu Shijie, and they are quite familiar with the way they get along with each other, especially this slap, which is extremely charming. After careful research by these people, they agreed that, The one in Amagi is the real one.

At the same time, Chen Ning in white made a high-profile announcement that he was going to Beiyuan City and let the fake person wash his neck and wait.

Chen Ning in the Holy City also gritted his teeth and set off secretly, embarking on the road to Beiyuan City.

"Damn, wait, I caught you and insisted on letting you know that the flowers are red and the sun is shining, there is a fucking reason for that!"

Everything seems to be calm.

But the next scene almost made everyone in the world vomit blood.

That fake Chen Ning appeared in Beiyuan City again. This time, he brought out a black pig out of nowhere, with an arrogant face, threatening that he also had the Ten Commandments of Pigs, and the one in Tiancheng was a fake.

When Chen Ning heard the news, his eyes turned green with anger.

"Nimma, are you following me after co-authoring?"

 Guys, guess who this guy is?
  Ask for a ticket.Ladies and gentlemen, let's vote as much as we can

(End of this chapter)

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