Chapter 57
Outside Beiyuan City, there is a small ravine.

Chen Ning meets Chen Ning in white.

"Main body, let go of those two guys, take advantage of the moment, and let the four of us add that dead pig, it should be enough!"

"You can't release all of them, just put one in, and keep the other one."

"Pig Ten Rings has entered the city?"

"Well, I said that I want to explore the road first, I guess I want to step on it. This dead pig, monkey, and monkey is fine, and he will not put himself in a dangerous place."

Chen Ning nodded, he knew the personality of that dead pig best, and he was the most cowardly one.

He looked at Chen Ning in white, and said, "Change your face. If you enter the city with this face, you will probably be killed before you even enter."

As he spoke, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, and suddenly, the black air gushed out from his fingertips, and gradually condensed into a figure, which changed into Chen Ning's appearance again.

"Damn it? You actually let him out?! I thought you put the guy in the middle!" Chen Ning's face in white was illusory for a while, and when he solidified again, his appearance had already changed.

"Yo~" Chen Ning raised his eyebrows, "Hu Ge? You will choose, not bad, come on, come on, I will give you another sword and carry it behind your back."

As he said that, Chen Ning asked in his mind: "System, is there a sword used by Sedum?"

"Ding! The magic sword comes from the world of fairy swords. The magic weapon used by Sedum is amazingly magical. It contains a sword spirit and a fifth-grade magic weapon. You need 200000 points to buy it."

"Ding! The Demon-Suppressing Sword comes from the world of immortals. It is a magic weapon used by Fei Peng in Sedum's previous life. It contains divinity. It is a seventh-rank magic weapon. You need 350000 points to purchase it."

"Ding! The nameless magic weapon, forged from the fusion of the Demon Sword and the Suppressing Demon Sword, is the ultimate achievement. You need 760000 points to buy it."

Chen Ning looked at the 3D images of the three swords that emerged in his mind. After some comparison, he still chose to buy the Suppressing Demon Sword. Although the Demon Sword is good, he also likes it more, but it does not match the temperament of Chen Ning in white. The eyes realize that Chen Ning in black is more suitable.

"Buy the Demon Suppressing Sword... Forget it, buy the Demon Sword as well!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the magic sword."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Demon Suppressing Sword."

Chen Ning listened to the notification sound in his mind, and then stretched out his left and right hands to grasp falsely. Suddenly, the left hand was surrounded by black light, the magic energy surged, and the magic sword emerged.

Holding two swords in his hand, he took a closer look. The magic swords were ancient and clumsy, with strange patterns carved on them, and the sharpness was very extraordinary.

But the Demon Suppressing Sword is more orthodox, majestic and magnificent.

"Give you!"

Chen Ning threw the Demon-Suppressing Sword to Chen Ning in white clothes, and said with a smile: "Now you are Sedum! Damn, it's the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, and you are also Sedum!"

Chen Ning in white took over the Zhenyao Sword, stroked it, with love in his eyes, and said: "Don't say that the king of heaven is here, even if Hu Ge passes through, I am also Sedum!"

At this moment, Chen Ning in black also woke up.


"Oh? You're awake?" Chen Ning was pleasantly surprised. He looked at Chen Ning in black, looked him up and down, and said, "Hey, you're so fucking handsome!"

"Tsk tsk, I thought you would never get out in this life!" Chen Ning in white put the Demon Suppressing Sword behind him, and also stepped forward to say hello.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you're thinking about farts, I'll come out if I want to!" Chen Ning in black sneered.

Chen Ning transforms into three cleans with one qi, one rises, the other sinks, and the other resides in the middle. Chen Ning in white is the rising qi, and Chen Ning in black is the sinking qi. The two can be said to be the same A natural enemy, the kind who will fight when they meet.

"Hehe, I've blown you away, come on, come on, let's have a fight, dare you?"

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

"Body, give me the magic sword, and see if I don't stab this idiot to death."

"Crap, who the hell are you calling a fool? Believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

Chen Ning had a black line in his head, "System, I suspect that you are cheating on me."

"Ding! What does the host mean by this?"

"Look, these two fuckers, aren't they all fucking me? Is this mother scolding herself?!"

"Ding... ding... ding..."

"Bite you to paralyze!"

"Hello, dear host, your system is under maintenance..."

"Grass mud horse..."

With a dark face, Chen Ning threw the magic sword to Chen Ning in black, and said, "Why don't you change my face, although I know that face is very handsome, but you can't always occupy it!"

Chen Ning stretched out his finger, and the image of Mo Zunlou suddenly appeared, "You turn me into him!"

"Hurry up, that bitch in Beiyuan City is still waiting for me to chop it up. If you dare to pretend to be me, let him know what social beatings are!"

Chen Ning in black took over the magic sword, and his face was also illusory, changing into the appearance of the magic respect building.


At the same time, Pig Ten Rings appeared in Beiyuan City. As soon as this guy showed up, he raised his head and yelled: "Who is that? Come out! Hit your mother, I don't know where to bring out a wild black pig. How dare you say it's a pig god?" It’s fine if you pretend to be Chen Ning, what’s the matter with finding a wild black pig to pretend to be the god of this pig?!”

Pig Ten Commandments roared, shaking Beiyuan City and attracting the attention of countless people.

"Damn, come out quickly, this pig god will punish you a little bit, and it will be over, otherwise, you will be petted by others, and you will take shit and piss!"

While walking on the bluestone streets of Beiyuan City, he stared around with wide eyes.

"is that you!"

"Boy, this pig god saw your dodging eyes, flinched and said, is it you!"

"Grass, the ugly woman in front of you with two balls, don't run away, you are talking about you, are you guilty!"

Zhu Shijie's eyeballs are red, and no one looks like a good person.

When he heard that someone pretended to be Chen Ning and gave him a scapegoat, he gloated, but he didn't expect that damn guy to bring out a wild black pig in the blink of an eye, and he almost turned his mouth off.

"Huh? Why did this pig come here? So, Chen Ning should have come to Beiyuan City."

"It's just right, let me see how much weight you have, and you can actually stir up the situation in the Eastern Region."

"Tsk tsk, it's just a pig monster, how dare it be so arrogant and presumptuous!"

Secretly, there were quite a few Heavenly Talents from the Four Regions who were observing Zhu Shijie. Of course, they were mostly looking behind him, wanting to see if Chen Ning was coming.

Drunken House.

Feng Wunian stood by the window, his eyes were deep and far away, like a deep starry sky, only the endless darkness.

"Since the pig monster is here, Chen Ning must be here too. Hehe, brother Yang, whether he is as you said, can compete with you and me, and we will soon see the result."

Demon King Yang was cold in black, standing with his hands behind his back, also squinting his eyes slightly to look at Zhu Shijie. He also wanted to fight Chen Ning again, but he lost the last time. All enemies.

"Wait for the good news of Brother Feng!"

Demon King Yang said indifferently, he had reminded that if Feng Wu had a young enemy, he would definitely suffer a big loss at that time!
(End of this chapter)

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