Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 60 Chen Ning Said, Su Shengnv Will Be My Wife

Chapter 60 Chen Ning Said, Su Shengnv Will Be My Wife
Huang Banya suddenly woke up.

What the hell!

exposed? !

His eyeballs were spinning wildly, and he still wanted to save it, planning to deny it to the death, but he didn't know that his magic trick had already been broken back to its original form by Zhu Shijie's fart.

"Where did you come from, little bastard, hmph, is this uncle the one you ask for advice whenever you want?!"

Huang Banya's nostrils were facing the sky, and he was extremely flamboyant, "I didn't even look at my own weight, did I see if I was the only one left standing upright in the huge field under the poison of the dead pig just now, what is this? This is fucking strength!" "

"What are you playing with me?!"

Liu Jin's expression sank, his whole body was like a wild dragon, his breath was oppressive, and precious light shone on his bronze-colored skin.

"court death!"

He didn't want to talk nonsense, he directly stretched out a big hand, like a cattail fan, and grabbed it forward, suddenly, a pulling force exploded from the palm, wanting to grab Huang Banya.

"Oh shit! Is there any respect for the old and the young? What about etiquette? Are you feeding the grass to the pigs?!" Huang Banya screamed strangely, but he didn't see how he moved, only a flash of his figure, and he jumped away Liu Jin grabbed it.


Ye Qingxi, the Saintess of Gu Sect, let out a light snort, she didn't participate just now, she kept staring, but she didn't see how the old man escaped from that catch.

"Is it really some kind of senior who can't be a master?" Ye Qingxi couldn't help but glanced twice, but saw Huang Banya's eyeballs flickering, obviously wanting to run away.

And at this moment, Liu Xi also ran over, and saw that his eyes were about to burst, his muscles were like horned dragons, and he was full of explosive power, obviously on the verge of explosion.

"Immortal! Finally let me catch you! Big Brother! It was him, he was the one who pushed us to clash with Gu Sect that day, causing heavy losses for both sides!"

"Huang Banya, how do you want to die!"

In the distance, the three of Chen Ning looked at this scene with strange eyes, and Chen Ning in white touched his chin and said, "Awesome! Ontology, this old man is more coquettish than you, Nima, he is quite old, and he still comes out." If you show off, you're not afraid to show off."

"Tsk tsk, you know what a fart, this old guy is not a good bird at first glance, I guess the stomach is full of bad water!" Chen Ning in black commented, but Chen Ning always felt a little weird when he saw it. , After thinking about it, I finally found out where the weirdness was.

Nima, isn't Mo Zunlou cold and arrogant?

How did he become a stinky hooligan when he got here?

"Come on, you two stay away from me, idiot, don't pass on your stupidity to me!"

"Ma Dan, if I knew it earlier, I would let the guy in the middle come out."

When Chen Ning in white heard this, he gritted his teeth and said: "Hey, the main body, then you are really wrong. I am on good terms with this guy. When the middle one is forced out, you will know what snake spirit disease is!"

"It's true, it's rare for me to agree with him and agree with him."

I wipe? !

Chen Ning was dumbfounded.

Mahler Gobi, one qi transforms the three cleans into three psychopaths?
"System, I think you should give me an explanation for this!" Chen Ning said with a dark face.

"Ding! Dear host, your system is out of service area, please contact me later. If there is something urgent, please leave a message after the beep."


"Beep, you're paralyzed!" Chen Ning almost exploded on the spot. Is this the fucking thing that was bought with a loan of 2000 million points? !

He couldn't help feeling that this was a trick of the system!

Just when Chen Ning was in a panic, Huang Banya had already fought against Liu Jin and Ye Qingxi.

I saw the three of them coming and going, and the field was full of light. Liu Jin is worthy of being a body trainer, and his every move is full of force. Often when he punches down, there are waves in the space, and it seems that he can't bear the power of his punch!
Ye Qingxi was a little lighter, like a fairy in the moon palace, with her sleeves dancing lightly, there were streaks of moonlight-like rays of light shooting out, filled with murderous intent.

"Oh yo, help! Kill someone! Is there any fucking law? Does anyone care!?" Huang Banya yelled while dodging, as if he was about to die in the next moment.

But every time when he is about to be hit, he can flash by, and people with discerning eyes can already see that this old clapper is definitely pretending.

Liu Jin and Ye Qingxi obviously also saw this, and after each made another move, they floated back.

"I'm going? This old guy is too shameless!" Chen Ning in white was dumbfounded.

"Well, indeed, it's even more shameless than the main body!" Chen Ning in black nodded approvingly.Looking at it, Chen Ning almost didn't get violent and went straight to clean up the door, forcing these two to fight back.

"Do you two feel that this guy is a bit familiar?" Chen Ning's face was dark, and his eyes were full of unfriendliness.



"Damn..." Chen Ning was speechless, "What the hell am I going to do with you two?! I think my life is too long, so I ask you two to reduce my life?"



"Didn't you realize that he bears the slightest resemblance to the person pretending to be me?"



"I'm going to Nimal Gobi!"

Chen Ning stepped up and knocked the two goods to the ground.

On the other side, Liu Jin asked with a gloomy face, "Since you are an expert, senior, why did you play with me in Tianhuang Pavilion? But do you think I am easy to bully in Tianhuang Pavilion?"

"There is also my lineage of the Gu Sect. Although it has not been born in Nanjiang for a long time, not everyone can play with it! Although the predecessor is powerful, my lineage of the Gu Sect is not invincible!"

Seeing that Huang Banya was indeed recognized, this guy changed his face again.

He hissed lightly and said, "How did you see through the old man's illusion?"

"Hmph, you were blown back to your original form by that pig fart!" Liu Xi was full of malice, and specifically reminded Huang Banya that he was blown away by a pig.

"Fuck Nima..."

The old man touched his face, unbelievable, shit, it turned out that everything was because of that dead pig!
"Mo Dan, you wait for me!"

Huang Banya rolled his eyes, and said, "Okay! If that's the case, then the old man will tell you why he is playing... Ah bah, why is he staring at you."

Liu Jin and Ye Qingxi's expressions changed, really?Is there an enemy instigating behind the scenes?
"Listen up! Everything is because of Chen Ning!"

"Chen Ning?!"

"Chen Ning?!"

"That's right! It's because of him, he promised the old man that if things come to fruition, he will give me the Holy Girl Su from Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion to be my wife!"

I rub?
At this moment, when everyone was concentrating on secretly, preparing to listen to what kind of secret he had to say, he was suddenly turned into such a big corner, and the steering wheel almost flew off.


"court death!"

The previous presumptuousness was said by someone from Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion. The secret realm of the Wild Dragon Region was opened. As the overlord of the Eastern Region, of course they also sent people to fight for fortune.

Then Feng Wunian uttered a low cry of courting death, at this moment, he really had murderous intentions towards Chen Ning.

"Hold the grass?..."

In the distance, Chen Ning and the three of them looked confused, this old clapper is shameless!

"Paralysis! Damn old man, you old bastard, don't f*cking back on the bed!"

Chen Ning's nose was so angry that he was [-]% sure that this old clapper was impersonating him!

"Go out and fuck him!"

(End of this chapter)

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