Chapter 66 Dig for me!
In the land of Shimen, blood splattered everywhere, as if it disturbed the world, and there were endless wailing sounds. Countless people were either cut off by lazy waists, or died instantly!

Sword lights burst out from the huge stone gate, filled with blood, and the crimson blood flowed and soaked the stone gate.

"what happened!!"

"My God! It's a conspiracy! A conspiracy!"

"Rewind! Rewind!"

At this moment, countless people were terrified. The crowd that had previously been huge rushed over, but looking at it now, there are no more than half of them left!
Even the great arrogance and evildoers who are still in Beiyuan City also showed strange expressions. Although they knew that there would be death and bloodshed, they didn't expect it to be so violent.

"Why is it different from the legend? It seems to be more domineering..." Yang Demon King stopped and looked at, his eyes reflected the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and all living beings cried in horror, but his expression did not show any compassion, as if everything should be like this.

"The divination technique of Tianji Shenge is thorough, and it has never been said that so many people will die this time when the Wild Dragon Realm is opened..."

"Could it be that something has changed?" Feng Wunian stood with his hands behind his back, and the sound of howling in the distance gradually subsided.

The stone gate was blood-stained, and it looked a bit strange, it was no longer as sacred as it had just arrived, it seemed like a portal to a heavenly palace.

Wisps of blood lingered, and the door was full of blood, but no one dared to enter at this time.

"Has the fortune teller come? Ask him to do a fortune telling to see if he can get in!"

"That's right, the Holy Son of the Heavenly Mystery Pavilion must have the strength to pass on all the secrets of the heavens. If you do a fortune telling, it will solve my urgent needs."


Amidst the discussion among the crowd, a young Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe and holding a dust whisk came out. His whole body was very sacred, and seemed to be shrouded in infinite light, which was dazzling to others just by looking at it.

"Everyone, it's not that I don't want to do divination, it's because the secret realm of the Wild Dragon Territory is too miraculous, and my way of doing it is not enough for divination."

"If you are still afraid of an unknown crisis, why not wait a little longer."

The young Taoist priest swung his whisk, and the white silk danced. Hearing what he said, it was indeed reasonable, and no one could force him to do divination.As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about you.Make Tianji Shenge think about it, and calculate when you will die every now and then, and you will be counted as dead if you are not dead.

"It's okay, I'll advance and retreat at the same time, and it's okay to wait." Ming Jiuxiao said with a slight smile.

"That's right, advance and retreat at the same time, if you can advance, you will advance, if you can't, you will not enter!" Li Xuanyi, the son of the third emperor, nodded at Ming Jiuxiao, agreeing with him.

This is indeed a good way. Everyone waits a while, and the good fortune is there, so they can't escape.

It's just that they didn't expect that someone had already opened up another trail.

"Mist Grass! There is so much aura in here!"

"Practice here for a year, I'm afraid it's worth three years outside!"

Black and white Chen Ning's eyes sparkled, he took a deep breath, and his face showed a look of enjoyment.

"Crap! Don't fucking enjoy it, hurry up and find the baby!"

Chen Ning does not rely on spiritual energy to practice, so he has no feeling for the abundant spiritual energy.

"System! System! Is there any magic weapon like a robot? It's the kind that can automatically find and dig treasures!"

"Ding! A list has been made for the host."

When Chen Ning heard the notification tone, he was stunned for a moment, and then his body trembled. Damn it, did it really happen? !

Hahahaha, isn't this the rhythm of killing everything?

Ok?Ok?Ok? !


Chen Ning happily opened the mall page, looked at it from top to bottom, and immediately felt better.

After some consideration, he chose the most suitable magic weapon at present, which was also within the acceptable range.

"System, first give me a hundred medicine-picking robots!"

"Ding! A total of 1000000 points are required, and 900000 points after the discount, do you want to buy?"

"Fuck? So expensive?!" Chen Ning looked at the points display on the top of the mall, and there was only a little over 2000000 left.

"Hiss..." He gasped, "Let's have fifty first!"

"Ding! Purchase successful!"

"Another thirty drones!"

"Ding! Purchase successful!"

" alloy treasure hunters!"

"Ding! Purchase successful!"

Listening to the prompt in his mind, Chen Ning touched his chin, "Should it be enough?"

He looked at the vast land, and hissed, "Forget it, let's do this first, and buy it if it's not enough!"

Immediately waved his hand, and suddenly, there was a buzzing sound.

"Dig it for me! Remember! My uncle's purpose is, I would rather kill the wrong than let it go. The land where I pass will not grow any grass, and the grass and mud horse will scrape the ground three feet deep!!"

Immediately, this batch of machines and equipment from a world with a highly developed technological civilization rushed out like arrows flying off the string.

The black and white Chen Ning on the side didn't show the slightest surprise. Judging from these two products, Chen Ning still bought less!

"Ontology, let's go too!"

Chen Ning in white was carrying the demon-suppressing sword on his back, and his eyes were full of eagerness to try. The secret realm of the wild dragon domain is boundless. It is estimated that this machine alone will not be able to walk through it, and they still need to go to certain places.

"Walk around, listen to the old clapper saying that there is danger in the Shimen, I'm afraid they haven't come in yet, so let's scrape it first before talking about it!"

Chen Ning took the lead, stepping on the ground to make an inch, and went away in an instant. At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Black and White Chen Ning: "Let's separate, remember, Ning kills the wrong one, don't let it go!"

"Hey, don't worry, I promise that there will be no hairs left in those little bastards!"

"I'm looking forward to their reaction after they come in..."

Not long after the three of them left, Zhu Shijie came in with his white buttocks swinging. Looking at the vast land, he couldn't help making a few pig noises.

"huh huh huh huh!!"

"Damn it! That old guy can do it! What the hell is a path, it leads directly to Kangzhuang Avenue!"

Zhu Shijie's eyes were shining brightly, but when he looked at it, he felt a little dazed.

"Oh, let me go? Why does this pig god feel so familiar? It seems like when I have been here, Madan, why don't I have any impression?!"

He stretched out his trotters and slapped his head, making a bang.

"Crap! So fucking familiar, it's like going home."

This guy bared his teeth, his forehead was flushed red, but he just couldn't remember.

"Forget it, forget it, don't think about it, Ma Dan, it's more important to find the baby first!"

Zhu Shijie looked around with small eyes, chose a direction, and rushed out instantly.

And in his direction, Chen Ning just left...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Thunder Spirit Grass, exchange for 100000 points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Rootless Tree, exchange for 8000 points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Lightning Strike Wood, exchange for 50000 points."


Chen Ning was galloping and laughing wildly. In his mind, a series of reminders had already sounded!

(End of this chapter)

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