Chapter 69

The Côte d'Azur strikes across the sky.

Chen Ning looked cold, sitting in the cockpit, surrounded by white clouds, like smoke.

"Moving the monster, I'm Dongguai, please answer if you receive it! Over!"


"Damn, it's so annoying to pretend to be alone!"

Without three breaths, the fellow was discouraged and his face was cold.

Grass!If I didn't have enough points, I would have to buy a few more unmanned bombers!

"System, open the robot's first-person view screen, I want to see who is the idiot who dared to touch me!"

"Ding! Start playing."


After five breaths, Chen Ning had a strange look on his face, "So it's not human..."

"Ma Dan, if you're not a human, you can't do it, so I can treat my robot as a toy?"

Chen Ning was ferocious, and suddenly accelerated. In an instant, the Azure Coast was like a blue ray of light across the sky, leaving a trace under the sky.

At the same time, in a deep pool, Li Furen learned to be smart this time, and his spirit unfolded. He scanned the area for hundreds of meters, and after confirming that there was no one there, the fellow smiled and said: "Forget it, forget it, don't go to the old one, let's go to the new one." Don’t come, they’re worthless stuff anyway, if you take over that bastard’s lair down here, you’ll get your money back!”

This old guy is covered in leaves, and he looks like an exhibitionist. It is estimated that he will be pulled out and shot when he is put on the earth.

He licked his lips, plunged down, and disappeared into the deep pool in the blink of an eye.

And the other side.

There was no bloodshed in Shimen, and everyone came in safely.

It's just that everyone came in with excitement, but was blown away by reality.

"Fuck?! Who the hell is this?!"

"Damn, here too!"

"And here!!"

"No, no, not even a hair!!"

"Who is it!! Is there someone else who came in first? Impossible, how could anyone be able to resist the ten thousand murderous intentions bursting out from Shimen!"

Everyone went crazy, and for a while, there were endless roars, and they wanted to cry but had no tears.

This fucking looks like the bandit leader is here.

Not an inch of grass grows, but scrapes the ground three feet.

Demon King Yang's eyes were full of devilish energy, and his whole body was heavy, obviously he was not in a good mood.

Ming Jiuxiao also frowned, looking at the newly added pit on the ground, and some soil was turned over, as if he would rather kill the wrong than let it go.

Nie Xuanji, Li Xuanyi and the others also looked gloomy. After all the hard work, is it all in vain in the end?
"Why is it so familiar?"

"Hold the grass? Brother, do you also think this modus operandi is familiar?"

"And me! And me!"

"Me too! Me too! Damn, I feel familiar too, the more I look at it, the more familiar I feel, I feel like I've known each other before!"

I go? !
No way?
A group of people looked at each other, and they all saw the information they least wanted to see in each other's eyes.


"Grass! Do you think it's him too?"

"If it's not him, who else?! It must be him! I'll bet that dead pig is there too!!"

Chen Ning is here!

After a short discussion, everyone came to a conclusion.

"Chen Ning? Is that the madman who set off a storm in the Eastern Region?"

"Does he have the strength? Resist Shimen and enter the Wild Dragon Realm?"

"Heh, how courageous, is this playing with the Tianjiao of the Four Regions?"

For a moment, except for those who were close to Tiancheng, everyone else showed strange expressions.However, people near Tiancheng have seen Chen Ning's methods, so they are convinced of it.

Damn, who has ever seen that even the elixir that has just sprouted before it grows up is taken away?

Don't think too much, it was Chen Ning who did it!
"It's you?" Demon King Yang's eyes flickered, and then he rose into the sky, he was going to find Chen Ning!

Since he can enter the Wild Dragon Realm before everyone else, it means that Chen Ning has another channel!

None of the people present were fools. After a short period of anger, they all thought of this. Immediately, there was a burst of sound. Anyway, there is nothing left here. Why not take a deeper look, maybe you can intercept a piece or two of fortune.


At the same time, Chen Ning drove the bomber to the place where the first robot was scrapped.

This is a waterfall.

The waterfall was deafening, and the rolling sound was like thunder. He could see it clearly from the bomber. The huge waterfall was like the Milky Way flowing backwards, which was extremely spectacular.

"Little idiot! It's you who overthrew Lao Tzu's robot?"

Chen Ning saw in the screen that the first robot was scrapped because it was about to go into the water to pick a water spirit grass, but was bitten in two by a giant crocodile hiding in the water.

"Try this!"

He grinned grimly and roared, "Launch the Aurora missile!!"

"call out!"

I saw a missile fall off the bomber, and then quickly dived down into the pool under the waterfall.

"five four three two one!"



In an instant, the flames soared into the sky, causing huge waves, and a jet-black creature was blown into the sky, blood was spilled, and it seemed impossible to survive.

"Damn it, this bomber cost me nearly 8000000 points. If it doesn't kill you, idiot, I'll bomb jj with missiles on the spot!"

"Go! Next!"


The Côte d'Azur disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After Chen Ning left, the space in front of the waterfall fluctuated, and a pig's head stuck out.

"I'll go, which idiot farted just now? Almost knocked this pig god out of the space channel!"


Zhu Shijie was cursing, when he suddenly saw the corpse of the giant crocodile lying on the ground, he was startled.

"Amazing! 666666..."

"What is that kid driving? So awesome?!"

Although Zhu Shijie didn't see it with his own eyes, he could guess a thing or two. He was chasing after Chen Ning.

"Ma Dan, this pig god wants it too!"

As he said that, the fellow plunged into the space channel again, and then chased after Chen Ning.

But at this moment, Chen Ning, who was sitting on the bomber, showed a look of surprise.

"Someone came in? Damn, isn't the mother trying to grab the baby from me?!"

He immediately glared and yelled fiercely: "System! Damn, it's over, give me fifty more medicine-picking robots! Thirty aerial photography drones!"

He has enough points now. Before buying this bomber, he already had more than 2000 million points. In fact, he has no need to buy this bomber. The system gives two options, one is to buy, and the other is to lease.

Rent 200000 points a day.

But Chen Ning, in order to pretend to be a great cause in the future, resolutely bought it directly.

"Ding! Purchase successful!"

Chen Ning heard the notification sound in his mind, and proudly raised his head, "Heh, a bunch of rubbish, they still want to grab treasures from me, go eat shit!"

He was flying a bomber, and in front of him was the image sent back by the robot just now. It was a human being looking for opportunities for good fortune.

Chen Ning rubbed his chin. After a long time, he hissed and said: "Forget it, forget it, don't blow it up, damn it, it's just two robots, it's not expensive, I'm going to play tricks!"

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(End of this chapter)

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