Chapter 8 One Shot, One Child
Inside the Nine Dragons Sect, the suzerain Li Haitang looked gloomy, and shouted with a flick of his sleeves: "Come here! Take that guy who eats and doesn't do anything, and I must kill him alive!"

"Sovereign master, spare your life, suzerain master!"

I saw a young disciple in a loose robe being lifted up. His body was already covered with whip marks. It seemed that he had been whipped a lot last night.

"Hmph! Spare me? Tell me, how will you spare your life? Let you see a medicine garden, you can actually fall asleep, let that pig demon harm all the elixir, if you don't kill you, it's not enough to warn the disciples in the sect! "

"Sovereign, suzerain! Give me one more chance, just one more time. This disciple will definitely catch the pig demon and pay for his merits."

The disciple was sweating profusely, and he was showing a flattering smile at this moment, which was actually a bit funny.

It seems that the desire to survive is strong!

Li Haitang heard the words, but his expression turned cold, "Come here! Drag it down, kill me!"

What the hell?See what you mean to say that the suzerain is a waste?Even I can't catch the pig demon, if you want you to bring back your meritorious deeds, wouldn't that mean that Lao Tzu will abdicate to the virtuous?
snort!If you don't kill you, who will you kill!
"Tsk tsk, how cruel, hey, a good life is lost like this, what a crime!"

Right in this hall, next to Li Hai Tang, a white pig stood up, hugging its front hooves, shaking its head, with a regretful expression on its face.

It's just that no one in the hall noticed him, as if he was an "invisible pig".

However, the white pig is obviously a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be merciful, "Hey, young man, life is a long way, and it is inevitable to stumble. With your mentality, it can't be done!"

"Uncle Pig has already found your family's treasure house. No, for your sake, for your mentality, and for the sake of your future immortality, Uncle Pig reluctantly accepts it."

The White Pig's "Three in a Row" came back again, if Li Haitang heard the "Three in a row for you", he would probably die of anger on the spot.

At this moment, Chen Ning had already carried Thor up the mountain.

I wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but I didn't even see a chicken feather along the way, let alone people.

"Sorrowful Sang!"

"It's such an unhappy feeling to have no one to share!"

Chen Ning shook his head. Seeing that it was about to arrive, he took a few deep breaths, "Hey, I'm not happy, so build my happiness on your pain, so I'm happy?"

funny face haunts...

Chen Ning looked left and right, and chose the best position to be the old Yinbi. He put Lei Shen on the ground, and said with a serious face: "This chicken, it's ready!"

He looked through the scope, good guy, it was almost like a person standing in front of his eyes.

"Damn, back then, if I had this gun, I would kill 100 of 81 people, and call 666 for the rest!"

"Who is that guy?" Chen Ning stared wide-eyed, "What the hell is barking like a dead dog, why is the dog spirit reincarnated?"

What he was talking about was Li Haitang, the suzerain of Nine Dragons. At this moment, Li Haitang was furious, and he didn't feel relieved after killing that disciple, especially when he thought of the white butt of that pig demon, it was as uncomfortable as eating Xiang.

"Screaming so loudly, it scares me! Don't worry about it, I'll start with you!"

Chen Ning's expression became ruthless: "Troublesome hands destroy flowers! Ah bah, hot hands destroy dogs!"


With a loud noise, Thunder God burst into dazzling light, and the purple radiance was like thunder and lightning, enveloping Chen Ning with a thin layer of electric current.

At this moment, the wind is surging.

Chen Ning is like a thunder god!

A bullet shot out from the gun barrel, surrounded by thunder, the naked eye couldn't catch it at all, and the bullet arrived before the sound!

Li Haitang didn't even have time to react, it was directly pierced by a shot, and then exploded!

Dead without a corpse!

What the hell! ?
Chen Ning was shocked by this terrifying power, his face full of disbelief.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading a monk in the late stage of enlightenment and gaining 20000 experience points."


Listening to the system prompt in his mind, Chen Ning laughed out loud.

After he was shocked, he was excited.

Then he targeted several others.


"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Zhou Yimin, one of the three elders, yelled sharply, and at the same time his cultivation exploded, and he put all his strength on defense.

The same goes for the other two elders.

Their faces and clothes still had the flesh and blood from Li Haitang blasted just now.

For a moment, it was extremely disgusting and bloody.

In the treasure house of the Nine Dragons Sect, the white pig was so frightened by the loud noise that he sat down on the ground.

He was just undoing the formation on the treasure house door when there was a sudden thunderous sound that almost sent him away.

"Knock your mother! Who's so immoral! Farting is louder than your uncle pig!"

"You damned bastard!"


He spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

The white pig cursed, got up and concentrated on cracking the formation.

Chen Ning didn't know that he was scolded by a pig for no reason.

He is now excited, and Thor aims, "The more you resist, the more excited I will be!!"


Another bang.

Thor returns.

This time, it changed its color, the thunder turned red, very evil.

"Oh, can it change color?" Chen Ning touched the body of the gun, "What a treasure! From now on, I will be called the gun god!"

Another person was blown to pieces.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading a monk in the middle stage of enlightenment and gaining 8000 experience points."

Chen Ning didn't care about the prompt in his head, because the other two old guys wanted to run away!

He hastily adjusted his position and direction, and fired a single shot. This time, the black thunder surged, and in an instant, one person was blown to pieces.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading a monk in the middle stage of enlightenment and gaining 8000 experience points."


Last shot.

Not surprisingly, the last elder was also blasted to pieces.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading a monk in the middle stage of enlightenment and gaining 8000 experience points."

Chen Ning laughed out loud, cool!It's so cool!

This thing is better than the gentian silver gun. It is really the first choice for home travel, killing people, and killing black people!
He looked through the scope and saw that the Nine Dragon School was already in chaos. Several big bosses had been stolen by him to death, and the rest were some small shrimps.

"However, you deserve to die!"

Chen Ning had seen the scene in front of Baie Town, there were only six people, and more than a thousand people were kneeling on the ground, killing them as they wanted. It can be said that there is no humanity at all.

"I'll send you on your way, and when you arrive in the underworld, before Lord Yan, don't say you're a wronged ghost!"

He raised Thor, and with a snipe shot, it forced him to shoot like Gatling.

In a short while, the Nine Dragon Sect had been destroyed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading a monk in the mid-stage Qi Gathering Realm and gaining 800 experience points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the monks at the early stage of Qi Gathering Realm and gaining 500 experience points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading a monk in the late Qi Gathering stage and gaining 1000 experience points."


In Chen Ning's mind, the system prompts sounded non-stop.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the mid-stage Consecration Realm."

"Ding! According to the system detection, there is a special magic weapon here, which can be exchanged for points."

Chen Ning was taken aback, good guy, is this the legendary "killing people and seizing treasures?"

In front of the Nine Dragons Treasure House, the white pig was paralyzed to the ground.

The whole body was twitching, and the white pig's body was covered with sweat.

"Knock your mother, you fart with intervals."

"Uncle Pig broke a small nine-day locked gate formation and almost didn't confess that he was in this corner."

 Ask for collection!Ask for a ticket!Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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