Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 84 What the hell? !

Chapter 84 What the hell? !
Everyone followed the hooves of the Ten Rings of Pigs, and saw that in the southeast of the valley below, spiritual energy was gushing out, and nine-colored rays of light were dazzling. A strange sapling was swaying in the wind, shining with crystal brilliance, and right in front of the sapling, a figure burst out. The cultivation base in the late stage of Condensation Yuan is madly attacking unknown restrictions.

"Open! Open it for me!!"

"Madan, hurry up, a elixir that is about to become holy! This is my creation!"

The pretend doll's eyeballs were red, and there was hysterical madness. It really seemed to be blinded by the holy medicine and fell into greed.

"Is about to become holy?!"

"Holy medicine!"

"What a great fortune!!"

At this moment, everyone showed a look of shock, followed by countless greeds.


Li Furen was no exception. This fellow took a deep breath, and suddenly two flashes of light erupted in his eyes, "This fortune is destined to be with the old man!"

Almost instantly, there was a storm in his heart.

Be sure to get this holy medicine!


Li Furen coughed lightly, then gained all his strength, and shouted suddenly: "Chen Ning, my son! Hurry up and take your life!"

This roar seemed to completely ignite the passion of everyone, so countless shouts rang out quickly.

"Chen Ning! I'll come and kill you!"

"Chen Ning! Take your life! Surrender your fortune!"

"Kill! The biggest treasure in the Wild Dragon Domain is here. Kill Chen Ning and share all the good fortune in him!"



There were bursts of piercing sounds, almost causing the space to collapse!


The disguise doll is full of acting skills, and it seems that they just discovered everyone.

I saw him turn around and look, with endless fear and shock in his eyes.

"You... what do you want to do? Do you want to grab this holy medicine?"

The camouflage doll is like an old hen protecting its cubs. It spreads its hands to block everyone's eyes. Even if there is fear in the eyes, it still firmly blocks in front of the nine-colored sapling.

"What are you doing?! Hehehehe..."

Li Furen took the lead, showing two yellow teeth, and said with a sneer, "Boy, aren't you crazy? Didn't you shoot me with a brick? Try again!?"

"Damn it, I've always been the only one who hunts geese, but this is the first time I've been blinded by geese."

"Little bastard, I will hang you up today and flick you to death!"

Li Furen gritted his teeth, apparently complaining endlessly towards Chen Ning.

When the disguise doll heard the words, she just showed a hint of doubt: "Did senior admit the wrong person? I am not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!"

He directly came to deny Sanlian, and Li Furen was completely dumbfounded.

Fuck?This kid is so thick-skinned?Still not admitting to this level?But it doesn't matter anymore, damn it, today's little jj, I'm sure!

"Senior, what are you talking about, take him down and kill him directly, good luck is right in front of you, so don't delay!"

Luo Tianming came out, looking at the pretend doll with a look of resentment.

"Yes, let's do it, it's useless to talk!"


The disciples of Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion also stood up, and the other sect disciples who wanted Chen Ning also came out.

They not only want the holy medicine, but also want a reward!

"You..." The pretend doll looked frightened, its eyes were full of fear, and its lips were trembling.

"Damn it, this kid's acting skills are so proficient, it's easy to see that he's doing this job." Zhu Shijie looked shocked, his small eyes were full of admiration, and he would shout 666 if the occasion was wrong. up.

A group of people pressed forward, but they didn't notice that there were two people missing from the team, not to mention them, even Zhu Shijie didn't notice.

Everyone's attention was on the nine-colored sapling, but Chen Ning, black and white, took this opportunity to go to the other two mountains.

"The two of you will cooperate with me to launch a large formation later. The dead pig is guarding Taniguchi. Don't worry, there will be no mistakes!"

Chen Ning directly transmitted the voice to the two of them.

He has prepared everything properly, not only laying down the Golden Crow Tunyan Formation, but also another large formation!
Cover the entire valley!
It's just that although this formation is strong, it also has a shortcoming, that is, it needs many people to operate, and as long as one person makes a mistake, then this formation is equivalent to a decoration.

Black and white Chen Ning nodded. For the main body, they put a thousand and 1 hearts. Damn, after all, they come from the same source. How dark is the main body's heart? .

"Pig Ten Commandments, retreat quickly, I'm going to show my power, don't stand here in the eyes, be careful to clean up with you!"

"Damn it!? Kid, you fucking cross the river and tear down the bridge, tear down the mill and kill the pig!"

"Grass mud horse, have you ever seen a pig grinder?!" Chen Ning stared, thinking of shooting this idiot with the Nirvana Monarch, but thinking that this dead pig is only in the middle stage of Condensation Yuan, he probably can't hold it. Simply forget it.

So he said: "Don't be silly, hurry up to Dangukou and maintain the formation. This time, we will get [-]-[-]% of the gains!"

When Pig Ten Commandments heard this, he immediately showed excitement: "Boy, keep your word! This pig god doesn't take advantage of you, so how about it, I will give you seven, how about it?"

When Chen Ning heard this, his brows raised slightly. Has this dead pig changed his mind?He didn't even yell at me, but soon he knew that he was thinking too much.

"Thirty to seven cents, it's fair, boy, I have one more condition. For ice cream like that, I want fifty refrigerators!"

Chen Ning was amused, this guy still couldn't forget the ice cream, he saw the complacent look on Zhu Shijie's face through the Nirvana Monarch, as if he had taken a lot of advantage.

"Tsk tsk, pig brains... still can't turn around." Chen Ning shook his head, but still pretended to hiss in pain and said, "You are crazy! Fifty refrigerators! No! Damn, dead pig, you are too Greedy!"

When he said this, Zhu Shijie suddenly felt that he had made a lot of money, so he proudly said: "Fifty refrigerators, even if one is missing!"

Chen Ning suppressed his laughter, remained silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "Okay! You fucking hurry up and control the formation!"

There was a lot of unwillingness and regret in the voice, which made Zhu Shijie even more proud.

"Heh, Xiao Mian, still fighting with this pig god? Wishful thinking!"


"Chen Ning, you can't think of it. Once you leave Luofeng Mountain, today is your death day!"

Luo Tianming grinned grimly. Ever since Luofengshan came back, he had given birth to nightmares. His elder brother was dead, but he was being teased by his enemies.

After this, my heart almost broke.


There are many people now, and they all want to kill Chen Ning, so he has no fear.

"Damn it, it's still installed, just right, I don't know who to start with, it's you!"

Chen Ning adjusted the Nirvana Monarch, aimed at Luo Tianming, and roared: "Brother will give you a ride!"

He pulled the trigger, and there was no sound from the Nirvana Monarch, only a ray of light that was almost at its peak crossed the sky, and then took away Luo Tianming before everyone could react.

Into the soul!
 Daily essential activities begin.Ask for collection!Ask for a ticket!Thank you guys for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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