Chapter 92 Dragon body!

This place is extraordinary.

Chen Ning believed in the records in the Yuantian Book that the terrain was spiritual, the dragon aura gushed out, and it was majestic, but it was also mixed with traces of death.

Now it seems that what Li Furen said was not all nonsense, at least there must be something amazing buried in the Dragon Burial Valley!
"Go in and see!"

Chen Ning took the lead, Yuan Tian's eyes were shining brightly, and he didn't look like he was in danger at a glance, which made him emboldened.

"Fuck! Kid, you are fucking dead!" Li Furen was rubbing the head of the bird's nest, and was startled when he saw Chen Ning rushing into the Dragon Burial Valley.

"Do you know where this is?! Dragon Burial Valley! Madan, don't kill us if you want to die!"

"Go in carelessly like this, do you have nine lives?"

Li Fu was cursing and cursing, obviously frightened, he even forgot about being bitten by the big black dog.

When Chen Ning heard this, his face turned black. Damn, this old man has a face that doesn't want to bite!
He yelled at the Black Emperor Nunu, telling him to go up and fuck the old bastard again, but the big black dog gave him a disdainful look, his eyes were slanted!

Immediately, Chen Ning was very angry.

Grass mud horse!
"Ten commandments! How about we eat black dog meat today?"

"Really?!" Zhu Shijie jumped up when he heard the words, and the pig's face was full of excitement: "Black dog meat is good! My pig god loves black dog meat the most! Tsk tsk, that taste..."

"Woof!" The big black dog bared its teeth, "This emperor bit you to death!"



"Grass, dead dog, I must eat black dog meat today! Damn, I can't do it even when the king of heaven is here!"

"Wang! Wang!"

"Fuck?! Black Emperor, Black Emperor, I was wrong! Wrong! Dead dog, let go!"


For a while, Chen Ning was bitten with tooth marks all over his body.

"Boy, the most important thing to show respect to me from now on!" Hei Huang proudly said, raising his dog's head.

Zhu Shijie was speechless, damn it, this dead dog, who only makes black mouths, is really not a good dog!
I don't know where this kid found such a wonderful thing.

Zhu Shijie thought about it carefully, but he had already seen Chen Ning's difference. Even if he could drive a monster like the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, his status might be boundless.

"It's just that the Extreme Joy Sect... this sect... has a vague impression..."

Before he could think clearly, Li Furen spoke again, and saw him reach out his hand, the light flickered, and suddenly several round beads appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Ma eggs, one for each person, grass, this thing was originally exclusive to me, but today it's fine, there are many people and there is a care!"

He flicked his sleeves, and several beads shot out, which were caught by Chen Ning and the others.

However, Chen Ning didn't believe Li Furen's words at all.

In fact, on the way here, he had already thought about it, this old man probably also had the idea of ​​letting them come together, but this idea was late, and it happened that after being tortured by them, he looked like an old man I can't bear it myself, it's the same as saying good luck.

"What is this?" Heihuang wanted to eat something when he saw it.

This thing is golden and shining, filled with a sense of grandeur, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure.

"A part of a real dragon's bone!"

"..." Heihuang was dumbfounded, he opened his mouth in a daze, and it was clearly that bead between his words.

After a while, the guy spit out the beads with a bah sound, and said with a constipated face: "Damn it! Corpse?! Stupid horse, old clapper, you actually let me eat the corpse!"


He pretended to go up and down, and Li Fu was so frightened that he was three feet tall, and said: "Dead dog, you obviously ate it yourself, moron, why blame me!"

When he said this, the Black Emperor had nothing to say, indeed, he ate it himself.

"Malle Gobi..."

"Hahahaha... silly dog, I said that your dog is stupid, hahahaha..." Zhu Shijie rolled over laughingly, with obvious sarcasm.

Chen Ning just slapped him when he went up, laughing, laughing that you are paralyzed, and you can't even get in.

He felt like he was going crazy, this shit is just three psychopaths!

"Grass! Kid, this pig god is fighting with you!" Zhu Shijie was ruthless.

"Pork is also good, why don't you eat pork today?"


Seeing that Zhu Shijie was honest, Chen Ning said to Li Furen, "What is the use of this bead?"

"There are real dragon bones here, the real dragon is sacred, but it has died for countless years, and I am afraid that some ghosts and monsters will also be born. With this bone orb, you can keep safe!"

When Chen Ning heard it, what are you waiting for?With such a baby, isn't it a good time for Quiet Mimi to touch the baby? !
Say what comes to mind.

He waved his hand and said, "That's a chicken! Go! Go and meet this legendary real dragon!"


The bone beads glowed, and the two of them, a dog and a pig, walked in the Dragon Burial Valley.

"It doesn't look like a burial ground." Chen Ning rubbed his chin and looked around. The outside of the Dragon Valley looks quite different from the inside.

The outside is majestic and majestic, decorated with countless green onions, it is a rare treasure, but the inside is completely different, although bones are everywhere, there is no gloomy look.


Zhu Shijie stepped on a bone and kicked down, the bone turned into fly ash.

"Fuck?! How fucking old is this?" Zhu Shijie was surprised.

"Damn pig, be careful, damn it, if you encounter something you shouldn't, I will swallow you alive!" Heihuang yelled again.

Zhu Shijie was about to refute, but he saw Chen Ning warning himself with his eyes, so he lowered his head and sulked secretly.

"Old Clapper, how do you know about Burial Dragon Valley so well?" Chen Ning asked, ignoring the dog and pig.

"What's the big deal?! Lao Tzu's light shines through the past and present! Kid, be more polite to me from now on!" Li Furen said proudly, with his head held high and his face full of embarrassment.

When Chen Ning heard this, his face turned dark immediately.

This old bastard is still pretending!

He was about to speak, but he heard the big black dog yelling: "Fuck! What is that!!"

"Real dragon?! Damn, is there really such a creature in the world?!"

The big black dog's voice was trembling, full of horror, which was different from what he understood. The real dragon is like a fairy, and it does not appear in the world. How could such a holy spirit appear in the world? !

Chen Ning looked in the direction Hei Huang pointed, and his eyes immediately popped up.

"Oh my God……"

He screamed in horror, with an unbelievable look on his face.

I saw not far away, a huge bone lying across, as big as a mountain, stretching for hundreds of meters, looking from a distance, it seemed to be a mountain of bones!

"True keel!"

Li Furen also had a slight look of surprise in his eyes, but it was not as good as Chen Ning and the others.

"Fuck! 6666..." This is the ten commandments of pigs.

"Get rich! Get rich! Hahahaha..." After Li Furen was briefly surprised, surprise appeared on his face.

"True keel! Haha... Really, damn it, it's a good trip! It's just a skeleton, so it's a treasure!"

 Ask for a ticket!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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