America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 116 Attitude Issues

Chapter 116 Attitude Issues
"Honey, hurry up. Don't be lazy!" Kate smiled and grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it at Qiping who was lying on the side. For this dear bastard, Kate is a little dumbfounded now.

"Kate, give me a chance, I can't leave now!" He tightly held King Kong's little black paw, but the state he wanted to show was actually being held by King Kong, not that he was holding King Kong and didn't want to leave.

In fact, for Qi Ping and Kate, it is already the time of spring, and now is indeed quite important to them.The two had decided a long time ago that they would build their own flower garden by themselves, and now is indeed the time.

Although Qi Ping had such an idea not long after the two of them confirmed their relationship, it was true that they started some preparations a long time ago.For example, although Qi Ping was stumbling, he was still slowly plowing the land with his tiller and tractor.

As for sprinkler irrigation and the like, although it is not necessary for flush and Kate to lay it by themselves, it is also necessary for them to design and plan well, the position of each pipe and the spraying range of the canopy, etc. Ping and Kate did a lot of understanding, and they asked as much as possible to participate in as many sessions as possible.

Kate is laughing and sowing flower seeds, and Qi Ping looks like a loafing rogue now; he is sitting on the side, holding Pooh's big fat body, playing with the southeast and northwest, and eating With King Kong feeding fruit.

In general, this is a man who seems very unreliable, eating, drinking and having fun here, a man who has no sense of responsibility at all.Even now, when the man Qi Ping is busy playing, it is Kate who has been busy doing things, and she is very happy and satisfied.

"We have been busy working on this flower garden all weekend, but honey, we really need to hurry up, you can't be lazy like this all the time." Kate smiled and took the strawberry juice handed over by Qi Ping, which is Juicing those delicious strawberries from our own tree farm.

"I don't think it's a problem. I believe we can get it done today. But I'm sure that if Eric saw our work efficiency, he would be angry." Qi Ping smiled and put his arms around Kate's waist. Just kidding, although I'm really busy growing flowers now, it's just a fun game.

"Haha! If it's our work efficiency, I think the flower market in California may not have enough goods. I'm more sure. Fortunately, we don't need to grow flowers to earn living expenses, or we might already be carrying They are picking wild fruits in the mountains." Kate also laughed, she has indeed been planting flowers with Qiping these two days; but they have been busy playing and playing, they seem quite unreliable.

For Qi Ping and Kate, the flower garden planting this time is indeed an interesting thing, a love and romance that belongs to them; so according to Qi Ping and Kate's "construction progress" for this flower garden, it is indeed slow enough.It took a lot of time from the preliminary survey planning to the preliminary plowing and laying of pipelines.

And this is actually just the initial preparation, and there are intensive cultivation, etc. Planting flowers is not a simple matter.So for sure, it is fortunate that Qi Ping and Kate don't need to make money by planting flowers, otherwise it is really unreliable.Qi Ping also knows that Kate's parents have said it many times. Although they are used as technical guidance, Qi Ping and Kate have not seen much improvement in the progress of planting.

"Let's pick strawberries in the afternoon. There are a lot of strawberries that haven't been picked yet. We need to hurry up." This time, it's not that Qi Ping is going to play, it's that Kate has no patience, "Let's make more strawberry juice, strawberry Sauce. You need to eat more fresh strawberries, or they will fall to the ground."

"OK, no problem. Let's pick a little more strawberries, not only to make more juice, but also to give away. There are actually quite a few of these strawberries, but I think it's enough. We can eat some by ourselves, and we can drink some Juice can also be given to our relatives and friends, don’t worry about them being overripe.” Qi Ping is not worried, although it seems that he has a large number of strawberries, but they can definitely be self-produced and sold.

Kate is also very proud. She knows that Qi Ping actually planted a lot of strawberries; the most important thing is that the products of Fairyland Forest Farm are getting more and more affirmation. Although the number of these strawberries is not particularly large, they are absolutely It can also bring in a good income.

It's just that Qi Ping didn't do that. He kept these strawberries to eat by himself, eating strawberries and drinking strawberry juice all day long; In fact, they all like these delicious strawberries very much. Except for those who are not particularly fond of vegetarians, they will like these delicious strawberries.

Naturally, it is impossible to rely on the consumption of their own forest farms for a bumper harvest of strawberries. Even the vegetable farmers in the forest farms have indeed received a lot of strawberries, but this is only a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, Qi Ping also gave strawberries to the residents of the entire Ramona, and every household has them; especially the key schools, strawberries are almost open to supply.

It's not that Qi Ping deliberately pleases the residents of Ramona, but because Qi Ping really likes the atmosphere here.Americans like to enjoy life, and there are actually some misunderstandings about this point; for example, in some big cities, the pace of life of ordinary people is indeed very fast, and they may not have too much time to enjoy life.

In some rural areas, the pace of life may actually be relatively slow; although many people may need to work hard for their livelihood, a small town like Ramona is not bad.The abundant sunshine in California, coupled with the fact that everyone’s economic conditions are still in the past, so it is natural to enjoy life very well.

Ramona, it's really good; everyone is friendly and kind, and Qi Ping likes this feeling very much, which makes him feel like he is in his hometown in the rural areas of China.People in the whole village are very familiar with each other. They often drop by everywhere, often sitting together playing cards, playing mahjong, or chatting and bragging together.

So Qi Ping, he is now also a member of the small town of Ramona, although he does live a little far from the town.But Qi Ping, he is indeed a member of the town; not only to send some strawberries to connect with the relationship, but also because he has good things, of course he shares them with everyone; money, Qi Ping is really not bad for this little money , happiness is the most important thing!
This is also very good, at least now Qiping has more contacts with the residents of Ramona Town, and has gained more recognition.This is definitely good news. After all, Qi Ping still wants to live here, and he wants to take root here.

Not only because of the strawberries given to the residents, but the most important thing is the support for 'education'; the delicious strawberries sent to the school are the most recognized, because Qi Ping's attitude seems very Great, that's support for education.

In any case, these delicious strawberries really made Qi Ping and his relatives and friends a feast; as for some unexpected harvests, it can be regarded as double happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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