America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 121 The Happiest Road

Chapter 121 The Happiest Road

Meeting Tom Hanks, this is naturally a very happy thing; however, it is just a surprise that makes people feel a little bit unexpected, it can be regarded as an interesting event in this wonderful trip, nothing more .

In the final analysis, this trip is a world of two people; even Pooh and King Kong are just ignorant followers.And even Tom Hanks, who can't be hit with eight poles, even his fans, really took a group photo with scissorhands, but that's all.

Santa Barbara is just a small tour for a day, so move on; Denmark Village, this is another famous place where Chipping and Kate arrived.This small town is simply too beautiful, too quiet, and the people are very friendly; it is indeed a very suitable place for vacation and leisure.

"I hate burgers and I don't like fries!"

Qi Ping was driving the car while muttering, the two of them were traveling in the mountains and rivers two days ago, so some progress was delayed; even this trip must have enough time, but if Qi Ping and Kate’s current progress is followed , There is definitely no way to appreciate Highway [-] in a week.

There are also the famous Hearst Castle, Big Sur, etc., so Qi Ping also needs to start speeding up now, and those who work overtime start to drive well.

"Pooh loves burgers, and I actually think that's fine, it's the best kind of travel. We can't just stay in a hotel suite with an ocean view, and we can't just have romantic French dinners. I think that's fine, If you eat more fried chicken legs."

Well, since his girlfriend helped to bring the thighs to his mouth, Qi Ping naturally gnawed on the chicken thighs happily, although in China, Qi Ping always thought that the fried chicken legs and wings of KFC and McDonald's were real. It doesn't mean much, but now, being accompanied by a beautiful woman is the most delicious food.

"Joshua is very envious of me, and my classmates and friends are very envious of me. That's Tom Hanks!" Kate was full of enthusiasm. This trip was naturally extremely happy for Kate.

"They must have told you that if you dress up a little, it might make people think that Hanks is already preparing a new movie with a Hollywood beauty. You are beautiful, but I can guarantee that it is not necessarily the best state " Seeing Kate struggling with French fries with disheveled hair, Qi Ping said with a teasing smile.

"Actually, I don't care what they say anymore, I've been completely fooled by you! Honey, I don't care that much, because I know you don't mind." Kate proudly stuffed the gnawed burger into With this super big appetite in Pooh's mouth, there is really no need to worry about wasting it.

While chatting, the two are happily moving forward; for Qiping and Kate, this trip is just the beginning, and they still have more beautiful scenery to enjoy together.

Hearst Castle's main building, Casa Grande, and three guest rooms are Mediterranean Revival buildings.The main building has the shadow of a Spanish church. Its stucco walls, red tile roofs and colorful ceramic tiles have a strong style of ancient buildings in Spain, Mexico and California.The style of the building is mixed with Hearst's unique European and Mediterranean architectural styles, and the art collection makes Hearst Castle invincible in terms of artistic value.

In fact, Qi Ping really doesn't know much about these things, and he doesn't have much artistic talent; but I have to say that this castle, which took nearly 30 years to build, is indeed quite beautiful, and it is naturally worth seeing.

Every building in the castle reveals the wealth and status of the owner of the castle. Furniture, tapestries, paintings, sculptures, fireplaces, ceilings, stairs, and even the entire room are collected by the first owner of the castle.Most of his collections are arranged in the rooms of the castle for people to appreciate and use, and he has no utilitarian thought of using the collections as an investment in order to appreciate them.Because of these works of art, the whole castle has added a strong artistic atmosphere and elegant charm.

Fortunately, I booked tickets in advance before Qiping came. This is not something you can get in when you come. You can’t buy it now. You need to choose the time and itinerary when you book.

Although we can't complete the entire itinerary due to time constraints, we can indeed see more beautiful scenery, which also makes Qi Ping and Kate talk about it; we must pay attention to building houses in the future, and they must look elegant and tasteful. Some.

The two of them were laughing and laughing, and they felt very happy; it was also because the castle was actually on the mountain, so they could stand on the mountain and take pictures of some beautiful scenery.

Continue to set off, this time to Big Sur, which is even considered the essence of Highway [-].

After entering the mountain, it changed into only bicycles.But no matter how wide or narrow it is, the road surface is absolutely smooth and clean, and there are many lane lines, road signs, and alarm calls.Fortunately, driving here in the United States is still very particular. As for parking to take pictures, you don’t have to worry about where the parking point is. Anyway, Qiping has to pull over when the lights are turned on several times, and the cars in front and behind will immediately slow down. Parking is not a problem at all.

Flush driving skills are no problem, even on rough mountain roads.

The narrow two-way highway No. 1 itself has a strong atmosphere of a country road, hidden between blue and green, sometimes straight, sometimes winding, sometimes flat, sometimes steep, and in steep places, it seems to rush into the sea , and then turned around again.

No problem at all, even if it is a strange RV, it is no longer a problem for Qi Ping; he really learned a lot during this time in the United States, such as driving, flying a helicopter, and even I am now signing up to learn how to drive a yacht.As for the big RV, it has also gone through some learning, it's just a trivial matter!

Qi Ping stopped the car because the road was slightly blocked.

Although it is a rented RV, it can be regarded as a temporary car; this is a relatively high-end RV, even if there are more RVs in the United States, but such a car is also very popular, especially for those who like People who travel with the whole family will love such a well-equipped RV very much.

"Kate, I have an idea."

Smiling and honking the horn with the passers-by, Qi Ping also spoke, which is also one of Qi Ping's "purposes" for this trip.

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

Kate was sitting cross-legged on the large co-pilot carelessly. Pooh and Jin had just taken a shower. They played wildly all day, and now their bodies are a little dirty. Of course, they need to clean up properly.

"I thought we could buy a motorhome, and I suddenly liked it. Life at the tree farm is quiet and cozy, but every once in a while we go out as a family and it's more fun. I think it's great, I love it got that feeling."

"I also like this feeling very much, it will make our life more happy and joyful. But now there is no need for RVs, they are not cheap."

"It is true that they are not cheap. But I think it is necessary, not only for us, but also for our future, our children. When the whole family travels together, we need to ensure the most comfortable travel environment."

Kate seemed to realize something, she was just chatting casually while drying Pooh's mane; but now her movements have slowed down, and she felt that Qi Ping seemed to have something to say.

"Qi, what do you want to say?" Kate was a little nervous, but also a little expectant.

"I think we are very suitable. Although we have only been together for half a year, I can guarantee that you are my other half. I can also guarantee that you will not meet someone who is more suitable for you than me. Kate, I think we can break the current relationship, and maybe we can consider moving forward, which will definitely make us feel more happiness and joy."

"Are you proposing to me?"

Kate's voice trembled a little, she didn't expect to hear this sentence at this time.

"I think so, Kate. I mean it. I believe that together, we will definitely make each other the happiest people. We will have the happiest and happiest family!"

Qi Ping is also a little nervous, he is waiting for Kate's answer; now it seems that it is a bit abrupt, and some development is too fast.

"But you don't have a wedding ring, so I can't promise you like this!" Kate suddenly said, although her voice was still a little trembling, it was obvious that she was still very happy.

"This is not in my plan. My original plan was to talk about it after I finished this trip. I will come to discuss with you more during this process. But now, this atmosphere, this environment, let I feel compelled to speak out. Sorry, I'll be getting my wedding ring ready soon."

Although he was excited and wanted to roar, Qi Ping still suppressed his excitement.

"I can't wait, I don't want you to regret it after thinking about something again. I brought a credit card, and I believe you have a credit card!" Kate jumped up, she looked more excited than flush and happiness.

"Zi, you are mine now! I know California Highway [-] is not only the most beautiful road, but also the happiest road for me. Turn around immediately, let's go buy an engagement ring, and then go back to Ramona, and I will let all Everyone knows that I am engaged, and the lovely Qi is my fiancé!"

Without saying anything, I immediately turned around; just like the last time I came here, although it seems that I failed to appreciate all the beauty of California Highway [-], I got more.

"Qi, I suddenly discovered one thing, that is, we need to continue to come here next time, we seem to get more feelings here! Honey, I love you, and now I'm going to be Kate Qi !"

Qi Ping laughed arrogantly, California Highway [-], so what if you don’t finish the tour, even if this is the most beautiful road; but for Qi Ping, that is secondary, because he is about to get engaged It is one of the best things in the long journey of life!

(End of this chapter)

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