America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 125 The Problem of Face

Chapter 125 The Problem of Face
"Your Pooh and King Kong can actually consider taking some commercials. Don't you cry every day that you don't have enough money? You're just too used to them, and you're too lazy. You can take them out to shoot some commercials without getting tired , and you don’t have to worry about safety.” The lunch was still very rich, and Luo Yi reminded Qi Ping.

"I don't want to, I always feel that I can't talk about being rich now, but I can't wrong my little brother." Qi Ping shook his head, he still felt a little unacceptable.

"You just think too much, and you don't want them to become professional advertisers, stars, etc. You can choose and talk about it. And King Kong and Pooh are so playful, and they like to watch TV. It's kind of like that. You're just too wide-ranging and put your own thoughts on them." After taking a bite of the steak, it was still well-done to my appetite.

Qi Ping was a little silent, and what Luo Yi said did make sense.

"My dear, Luo has a point. We all love Pooh and King Kong. We don't think of them as tools to make money. They are members of the family. You need to think about them. I know they are playful and like it." Some very novel things. Take them to get in touch with more interesting games, I think they will be very happy." Kate persuaded Qiping, she knew that Qiping still had some financial pressure.

"But this is against my original intention. Pooh likes to play, and it will definitely be tiring to make them always filming and filming commercials. I just want them to grow up happily and make trouble in the forest farm. Making money is my responsibility." I can take good care of them." Qi Ping still couldn't let go, and felt a little pimple in his heart.

"I'm sure that if they know that they can help you, they will be happier. They may not know the meaning of money, they may not know how to make money, but they will be very happy to see you happy." Watching King Kong lift Juggling with a knife and fork, Kate laughed.

Qi Ping needs to seriously consider this matter. He naturally understands that everyone is doing it for his own good; but Qi Ping still has some face to spare. He was originally needed to take care of the family, but now he needs his family to take care of him. He worried that this was not good.

Machismo, this can be regarded as a characteristic of Qiping; Qiping thinks that his ability is very good, and he thinks he can do better.

"Okay, I can give it a try. I'll pick the applications and take them to a commercial shoot. If they really like this, I won't object. Help me make some money and find their interest too Hobbies." Qi Ping still chose to give in, this time he didn't deliberately list an unbelievably high threshold like before, he will seriously consider this matter.

"By the way, take your King Kong to practice kung fu. He has read Journey to the West many times, and he just gesticulates there all day long." Luo Yi joked, King Kong studied Journey to the West happily He saw it.

Qi Ping became amused. It was the same influence he received when his little nephew came over last time. King Kong fell in love with Monkey King. Of course King Kong has watched Journey to the West many times, and he just watched it on a whim, or maybe he only watched what he liked. part.

King Kong's favorite is Dragon Sea Treasure Hunting, because Sun Wukong is dazzled by dancing the golden cudgel; as for the least favorite, it is naturally the episode of Tang Seng's parents, there is no Sun Monkey at all.

This is a picky viewer who only sees what they like.It can also be said that he is a brain-dead fan who actually started to imitate some of Monkey King's actions.

Come on, you're just a chimpanzee!

I have finally opened up this knot in my heart, there is no need to be entangled here because of some so-called face problems of my own; the most important thing is to enjoy a good life happily, and this good life does not necessarily mean playing in the forest farm There are still many wonderful things in life worth trying.

"Enjoying life is the most important thing. Tomorrow I will study those invitations. I want to make more money, a lot of money!" Qi Ping is ambitious, making a lot of money, This can also make the development of the forest farm more rapid.

"Vulgar, vulgar!" Luo Yi looked very contemptuous, but he was also very envious; Qi Ping really made a lot of money, Pooh, they are so smart and cute, this is a standard super ATM!

He laughed proudly, buddy is just a layman, a super layman!
"By the way, fruit trees are being planted here at your forest farm, and a piece of blessed land has emerged on the mountain. That Bruce can't figure out what's going on at the level of a beast, but I think you're getting more and more developed. It seems like a blessed land. In no time, a piece popped up, and now it is growing up the mountain, and we have to contract this fruit." Luo Yi was also thinking about business matters, that is, those mango saplings that had just been planted.

"If the fruit is produced in the future, it must be handed over to the sales company, but it is still hard to say about the issue of this blessed land. Anyway, it is a good thing, and it is constantly increasing." Qi Ping laughed, he has enough funds and jade , then there must be more and more blessed lands with abundant aura.

"I don't have any research results on how this blessed land came about. I don't know where the blessed land will appear next time. I think you should go to the mountains and take a good look. The forest is so big. I guess it must be in the deep mountains. Blessed land." Luo Yi is a typical example of Delong Wangshu, he thinks that since there are blessed lands on the edge of mountains and forests, there is no problem in the deep mountains.

"I drove the helicopter around every now and then and didn't find anything. Look, the plants growing in the blessed land grow better, and there is no such movement in other places. The most important thing to be a human being is to be happy, and you also need to be happy." Satisfied, I am very satisfied now." Qi Ping is completely condescending, and it is because he knows how these blessed lands are produced; therefore, there is no need to worry about missing blessed lands.

The two big men were chatting about their topics, such as the NBA, such as business matters.

As for Kate and Nina, they are chatting about many topics now; such as clothes, cosmetics, jewelry and so on.

Now the one who is really eating with his heart is Pooh. This is a standard foodie, and eating is definitely a kind of enjoyment; when eating, it is better not to talk, and eating is the greatest enjoyment!

After eating, the two big men sat on the sofa and drank coffee very comfortably.Pooh, who was full of food and drink, also climbed onto the sofa and was about to take a nap. Although this kid is really not light now, it's just that the habits he developed when he was a child are still hard to change.

"I plan to practice showy kung fu in a while, at least to be able to dance guns and clubs. My King Kong likes kung fu so much, I have to consider teaching him some kung fu." Watching King Kong bared his teeth and ran to open the DVD, he didn't say anything. It's Journey to the West again; but Qi Ping's help is also needed, because King Kong doesn't know how to play the remote control or choose episodes yet.

"Then I want to congratulate you, your house will definitely be lively in the future." Luo Yi began to tease, King Kong is smart, but his mischievousness is also true, "Your house will soon make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, I dare you Guaranteed. Pooh and them are all grown up now, and you will have fewer and fewer little days to worry about in the future." Luo Yi is gloating, but it still makes sense after thinking about it.

Sometimes these little guys are really angels; but Qi Ping would agree to say that they are little devils.

This is the combination of angel and devil!

(End of this chapter)

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