America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 135 Home and House

Chapter 135 Home and House
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Congratulations, King Kong is finally no longer a free endorsement for Big Mouth Monkey; it's just that the current clothing expenditure is a bit high, and this kid is actually interested in leopard and tiger prints!
Damn Monkey King, what kind of tiger skin skirt is he wearing!
There is no way, King Kong is a fan of brains, so I can't argue with him; Qi Ping can only "support" his younger brother to "chasing stars". Tiger skin skirts are not affordable or easy to buy, and they are still very hot.Leopard print, just put King Kong on it and let it run wild.

It's Pooh, Liang Shanbo, and Zhu Yingtai who don't have so many idols, and they don't like to wear clothes.King Kong, there is some money spent on eating fruit and clothing. Thinking about it, I feel psychologically unbalanced; Pooh is a big eater and eats a lot, so there is no special care.In the evening, give them extra meals in Liang Shanbo, some more rose petals and nuts, who let these two silly birds eat so little, they can only take the high-quality route.

Seeing King Kong lazily dragging his 'golden cudgel' to harm the flowers and plants, all I can do is shake my head; let him go, anyway, this kid is a stinky fart for a few days, catch him in two days Shooting commercials, paying for those leopard print outfits, you can’t just spend money and not make money!

"You're going to get busy. I'm glad to see this happening." Seeing Qiping sitting at the door basking in the sun and drinking a drink, Kate, who came back from get off work, began to tease Qiping.

"Let's not let people live. I just took a break from my busy schedule because my feet are not touching the ground. You are ruining my good mood by being so shameless!"

Kate screamed, but she was pulled and sat in Qi Ping's arms very smoothly, and the two of them were naturally intimacy like no one else; Pooh, a fat man, didn't care about these things, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai had already flown to the woods next to their home to play.As for King Kong, who used to be the most mischievous, he is now busy playing with his stick skills.

"Haven't you taught it to play with a stick?"

Seeing King Kong dancing and smashing wildly with a 'golden cudgel' in one hand, Kate laughed; Qi Ping's task at home these days is to teach the Vajra Rod method, but now it seems that the effect is very mediocre .King Kong is still playing according to its instinct, without any rules at all.

"I overestimated its IQ, and also overestimated my patience. Let it go, it is impossible to expect it to be patient. I doubt whether it is an orangutan or a monkey. It has a very frizzy personality."

Looking at King Kong, this kid really can't calm down; it is difficult to expect it to study honestly, and it has no patience to study steadily there.

"We have plenty of time, and I believe it will definitely learn this. If it doesn't give up this hobby, it will definitely learn!"

What Kate said is correct, there is plenty of time; as for whether King Kong likes to dance with guns and clubs in 3 minutes, it is really hard to say.

Let it be, no one can tell what will happen in the future.

“My plan is that we can start thinking about building our house, next to Mews Lake. The views are better there and the setting is amazing. I think we’d have a lot more fun if we moved there. "It's too late to be busy cooking, and I'm talking about my plan with my arms around Kate.

"But there is a huge investment gap in the forest farm. I know that it needs a lot of money. My dear, I think this place is very good, the environment here is very good, our house is also very good, and everything here is so beautiful. And we There is also a vegetable garden, which belongs to our flower garden, I don't think we need to move." Pouted and acted like a baby, Kate also had the attitude of a little girl.

"Don't forget the big star, whose salary has reached 60 US dollars for one commercial. This is just the beginning. We can continue to shoot several commercials or movies. My full-time agent is helping them choose the right one. Subject matter. We can continue to invest the income from the forest farm, but our life should also be more interesting. I have planned a long time ago, that is, a certain percentage of our income will be used to enjoy life.”

Qi Ping naturally knows what Kate is worried about. In the final analysis, the forest farm needs too much additional investment; but it really doesn't matter, Qi Ping will not give up the development of the forest farm just to please his fiancée.Although the current benefits of the forest farm are already very good, Qi Ping knows that the forest farm has more potential.

Qi Ping will not do things like killing chickens and picking eggs. He believes that he can find a balance between enjoying life and developing.

"I know what you're worried about, and you can rest assured that I'm not slowing down the tree farm. I'm not slowing down the tree farm, Kate; but I also need to assure you that we're going to enjoy life every day. We're now Being young may not be the time to enjoy life all day; but the time with you is the best time for me, and I hope to bring you a better life."

Although a bit nasty, Qi Ping is also very serious; it is true that the forest farm needs a lot of funds to continue to develop, but Qi Ping makes money not only for investment, but also for enjoying life.

"Well, I'm very moved by your proposal! We must make some specific plans and arrangements on the computer, and we must not affect the development of the forest farm or pursue luxury. We will do what we can and build our new home together!"

Looking at Qi Ping seriously, he found that Qi Ping was also very serious; Kate smiled, holding Qi Ping's face in both hands, and sent a loud popping as a reward.

In fact, the current life is quite good, that’s for sure; the house I live in is not so high-end or villa type, but this wooden cottage is well-equipped and relatively spacious.But this is far from enough, because Qi Ping is still a very greedy person, he knows that his life can be better.

"I don't believe in your aesthetics. Believe me, I want to be the chief designer, design the style and layout of our new home, and I want to take over all the important positions. Your task is only to pay the money, supervise the construction and become the chief designer. My assistant." Kate smiled, but she had successfully snatched away all important powers.

Qi Ping's eyes widened, with an incredulous look; he didn't expect that Kate just agreed to build a new house, which immediately took away a series of important rights.And now, Qi Ping seems to be just a "wealth boy" who is responsible for paying the money and also acts as a helper.

"Our new home is calculated according to the size of the villa. We built the house ourselves, plus the land belongs to us. I believe this will reduce the cost a lot. But I have always envied the luxurious villas of the rich. I'm sure you want this to be a great villa as much as I do."

Applaud Kate's icy intelligence and understanding, and it's clear that Chipping thinks the same way; not just for living by Lake Muse, but also for the luxury and comfort of the big villa.

"This house will be where we will live in the future, and this time we don't need to think about saving money, because we won't continue to pay more for housing. Kate, be more atmospheric; for our children, they need to be spacious and bright big room, they need a game room, an entertainment hall.”

Qi Ping's ambition is not small, and this is to be achieved in one step; although this villa will not be the top villa, it will not be bad.It doesn't matter if other people's luxury villas are worth hundreds of millions, they are other people's villas; but for Qiping and Kate, all they need is a home that meets their needs and allows them to live happily.

A good house is important, but having a house is not a home; what Chipping and Kate are doing now is to work hard for their new home.Although a lot of money will be spent, the money is spent willingly; the most important thing is that money is not everything in life, it is to enjoy life better.

Now it is just an intention, just some plans; and in the future, more implementation will start, which of course requires more preparations and sufficient budget.All of this is just the beginning. Building a house is a big deal, and it cannot be completed in a short time.

Only better planning and arrangements can ensure that the new home will be more perfect. (The novel "The King of the Mountains and Forests of America" ​​will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right to "add friends", Search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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