Chapter 137
It's on the shelves, a little excited, more nervous.

Thanks to my editor-in-charge of Huya Girl Paper, which gave me various opportunities to recommend this book; I am also grateful to all book friends for their great collection clicks, thanks to the scholar God, Qin Junjun, book friends 121220111046743, Snake Girl 1989, behind-the-scenes manipulators, gray mist , Brother Daodao's nostalgia, ☆Blue★Dragon○'s tip.

Dear book lovers, thank you for your support, this book is on the shelves; subscription is naturally the key, and the author relies on subscription for a living.I don't want to say too much hypocrisy. I know that my ability and writing skills are limited. Some book lovers will think that this book has a lot of holes.I will try my best to correct it and hope to write a better story.

I hope that book friends will subscribe more, and hope that the results of this book will be better.

Of course, I would be even happier if I could get a monthly pass.

Today is the third update, and the first update will be released first; I am still on a business trip, the lovely Northwest, I am sorry that I work on the eastern coast!
(End of this chapter)

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