America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 144 The Most Relaxed State

Chapter 144 The Most Relaxed State

"Find a better hotel first, and then buy a car. This is a big deal. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for us to run around. I hope we can drive away if we have an existing car!" After leaving the station, Luo Yi and Qi Ping is decided; now I need a car, which is convenient.But filling your stomach is more important.

The taxi driver must feel a little strange, although foreigners are not rare in China; but in some small cities, there are not many of them. Seeing these two young men each with a beautiful foreign woman, the first reaction is that they are rich. , If you don't have money, you will definitely not find a foreign girlfriend.

"You really have a country bumpkin temperament. Swiping your credit card will kill you. I always see you carrying a lot of cash on you. It's too vulgar." Luo Yi despises Qi Ping and always carries a lot of money. Whether it is RMB or US dollars, as long as Qi Ping is not in the forest farm, he will definitely not lack cash.

"Convenience, it's a habit I developed before. Credit cards are fine, even for large items. Not all places can accept credit cards, money is really not important; I'm an upstart now, and I'm also an upstart with explosive combat power, of course not. I'm worried that someone will try to steal my money." Comparing his muscles, Qi Ping is still very confident.

Seeing that Qi Ping paid the bill, he wiped his mouth; this meal was quite satisfying, although there are delicacies from all over the country, but it is not true that everyone can like all Chinese delicacies; taste is very important, every Everyone has their own appetite, and of course they have their own washing.

This time I feel good, Shandong cuisine is indeed one of the eight major cuisines; although Kate and Nina are foreigners, they may not necessarily like particularly greasy food, but they have also found their favorite appetite.If you eat very happily, you are naturally very satisfied; the next step is shopping and shopping, and this time there is another very important task to play!

"When I met two foodies, I couldn't figure it out. Where did all these snacks go? If we continue at the current speed, when we go to buy a car, these two are probably going to be quite strong." Big belly." Qi Ping was a little funny, Kate and Nina ate snacks really fast; from skewers to sugar-fried chestnuts, they could eat them all, and they didn't seem to have a bad appetite just because they were foreigners.

"They just taste it, and they want to eat everything they see. Eat more of the delicious ones, and basically don't eat the bad ones. Fortunately, you are a big eater like your little brother Pooh, and you won't exist. It’s such a waste.” Luo Yi shook his head straight after eating a piece of stinky dried fruit; Nina and Kate were responsible for buying snacks, and the absolute main force behind eating them was still Qiping.

Fortunately, this is not shopping; although it is in the city center, there are many clothing stores and specialty stores nearby, but it is not attractive to Kate and the others.You can also buy clothes in the United States, but of course you can eat snacks in China. This can only be blamed on the concept instilled by Qi Ping. If you don’t eat local snacks, you don’t count as a place.

The pleasant shopping finally ended in the reluctance of Kate and Nina, and I went straight to the car dealer; I spent a little over 20 yuan to buy a car, a FAW-Volkswagen Maihui 1.8T premium model.Qi Ping and Luo Yi each paid half and half. After the matter was settled, the car was naturally available. Although it was a little more expensive, for these two bumpkins, convenience was the most important thing.

"It's you who came up with ideas here. Qin Biao has already booked a hotel, and his classmates are all in a hotel. It's good for you, in the name of fighting the local tyrants to divide the land, you insist on some presidential suite; the suite has not been booked. Not to mention, I’m not in the same hotel as them.”

Qi Ping complained to Luo Yi, not because of the money, but because of the inconvenience; most of the students who wanted to come would arrive a little earlier, and Qin Biao booked the hotel very thoughtfully.But well, Qi Ping and Luo Yi didn't get in touch before, and something went wrong; now, it is very likely that everyone is not staying in the same hotel.

"I know, but there's nothing I can do. The big deal is that those who play cards and mahjong will go back a little later at night. We'll go to our hotel. Anyway, we don't sleep in the same room. It doesn't matter if we go later tomorrow, just in time for the wedding banquet." it is good."

I wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, and I felt a little ashamed; in fact, I can check out directly, but after thinking about it, forget it.It's true that there are two small coins now, but it can't be wasted like this; it's better to forget it, and go back to each hotel in the middle of the night after playing, there is nothing to say about it, anyway, Luo Yi firmly believes so.

I don't know the way, but it doesn't matter; the small city is not too big, and the designated meeting place is in the city center, and it is easy to find.I saw three or five people, a few people I knew very well; Zhao Qiang and the others were standing by the side of the road, smoking and chatting.

"Ah, let me say that you guys are a little promising, okay? You have a little quality. Smoking in public, smoking on the curb, what's there to show off! You are 25 or six years old, and you are still pretending to be mature here, right? !"

After honking the horn, even the unqualified Luo Yi stuck his head out of the car window and yelled, which attracted a lot of attention from passers-by; it seemed that he had met an acquaintance, otherwise it would be easy to get beaten up.

"What the hell, you two upstarts are still planning to give the car away. We all know that you are well-off, and I plan to find someone to marry in a hurry, and I should be able to receive a car by then."

I took out Dayuxi, and originally planned to throw it over; but seeing Nina stepping down from the co-pilot's seat, I forgot it.Although we all smoked cigarettes that cost a few yuan a pack together in college and were very energetic and pretending, but now that his girlfriend is here, it is better to keep a low profile.

"I'm smoking now, not much, and Luo Yi is the same. Kate doesn't object to this, so don't be polite." Qi Ping got out of the car and had a good time with his roommates, so he didn't need to care about these things so much; although he I basically don't smoke now, but occasionally I smoke a little.

Zhao Qiang opened his arms exaggeratedly, intending to walk towards Kate; but what he hugged was a flat bear hug, the kind of bear hug that wanted to kill people.

"Here is China, so hugging is not popular. This is too outrageous, let's forget it." Luo Yi and Qi Ping had a tacit understanding, and said to Zhao Qiang, who was a bitch; he was also explaining to Nina, anyway, these beasts are not good people "Nina, this is Zhao Qiang, my mortal enemy in college. We live in the same dormitory. Those are Chen Zhihao and Yang Jun, both our classmates. These guys are not good people. Qiping and I smoked and drank because we were punished." They brought it."

"I originally planned to buy a bag of Dazhonghua to show off, but after thinking about it, I'd better forget it; it's not necessary, I know the bottom line, and I can bring whatever I usually smoke. I guess some of Dazhonghua smokes. It must be good for that boy Qin Biao to get married. Cigarettes." Ruanyun is good, one pack is still in his early twenties; Chen Zhihao, who also smokes, smiled and threw a cigarette to Qiping, watching Qiping pat his pocket up and down, he knew that he had no lighter.

"These two guys are probably watched closely by their girlfriends, and they don't even have a lighter. The beggars don't even have a job. It's really not up to the grade." Tian Jian joked, although he hasn't seen him for a long time, but nothing is strange Yes, joking and being poor must be indispensable.

Kate and Nina didn't feel left out. Language communication is indeed a little difficult, but Qi Ping's classmates are also people who have obtained a fourth-level certificate. They still have some foundation in English. Although they don't speak fluently, they are simple It's okay to say hello and the like.

Looking at her fiancé who was puffing and showing off, Kate felt that although it was a little strange; but she liked it very much, my dear, it was still the same, the same as when he was at the forest farm.So friendly, so cheerful.

"Parking here is free. Let's wait for Ge Wei and Chen Yanan. They kidnapped the family group and went shopping. If you had arrived earlier, Kate and Nina would have gone too; Lao Yang and Lao Bao It should be arriving soon, I just asked and it will arrive soon, they will come together."

There are indeed quite a few people who come, and they are all people with good relationships.

"Why don't you take your partner for a stroll, and when we are all together, we will call. After all, they are also international friends, although they will be Chinese daughter-in-law soon." Zhao Qiang felt bad about letting Kate and Nina stand by the side of the road. , People who come and go will still cast curious eyes.

"It's okay, we arrived in the morning, and we've been shopping for a long time. It's interesting to chat, you're not welcome, you're not a guest. When we have a party, the atmosphere is the most important thing. If everyone takes care of us, it's not good " Qi Ping naturally knew that although Kate was not used to those curious eyes, he was by Kate's side, so there was nothing to worry about.

Seeing Qi Ping and Luo Yi squatting casually on the flower bed, Kate and Nina were chatting with each other with smiles; although their boyfriends haven't changed much, it can be guaranteed that they basically couldn't see it when they were in the United States. to their appearance.Being with friends is indeed the most relaxing time.

Luo Yi, many times he still looks like a very ambitious and successful person, and he is still very mature; but now, he is completely like a punk.Puffing out smoke rings aside, although I can't understand what I'm talking about, it's not a good thing anyway; these are not what you can usually see.

The same is true for Qi Ping, although he usually looks like a child who has not grown up when he was in the forest farm, and he looks a little idle; Kate has also met Qi Ping's friends, such as Amar and Steve.They are also good friends of Qi Ping, but they are definitely not in the way of getting along like they are now, not in a completely relaxed state like they are now.

It is definitely the most relaxed state and the most enjoyable state when you are with your friends.

(End of this chapter)

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