America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 177 Happy Life

Chapter 177 Happy Life
"When we got engaged, the rings we bought were so-so. At that time, I didn't have too many ideas. I thought the engagement ring could be a bit more so. Kate didn't say much, but I felt sorry; time was a little tight, but I paid more A little money is worth it.”

Qi Ping is preparing to buy a wedding ring, and this time he will buy a better ring.

"That's because you have money to say that. An engagement ring costs 80 to [-] U.S. dollars, which is really a lot. But this is a drizzle for you. I think you are paying [-] million U.S. dollars to buy it now." A wedding ring is what it should be. Not short of money, okay, you are a big local tyrant!"

Luo Yi teased Qi Ping, Qi Ping is rich; Luo Yi is very aware of this, because he basically controls the vegetable sales, and Qi Ping has a general understanding of his income, if not very well.

"It's really not very rich. If it weren't for the large sum of money needed for the development of the forest farm, I would have bought a pigeon egg of more than ten carats this time. The money I paid out now is actually not small. But I can’t say too much. It’s fair to say, let Kate feel wronged first, and then continue to buy jewelry when I really have more money in the future.”

Qi Ping placed an order, which is a custom-made diamond ring; a ten-carat ruby ​​wedding ring, the price exceeds 200 million US dollars.Not a lot, but definitely a lot.Fortunately, Professor Bruce, the old vampire, knew that Qi Ping was about to get married and said that he would not ask for sponsorship fees during this period of time, which also allowed Qi Ping to prepare such a big wedding ring lavishly.

"Your marriage this time will probably cost about three million dollars. The ring is one thing, but there are a lot of other expenses. If this continues, your income in the first half of the year will basically be wiped out." Luo Yi thinks that Qi Ping really earns more and spends more. Although he knows that most of Qi Ping's money is spent on the development of forest farms, Qi Ping really doesn't have much money in his hands now.

"I don't really have much money, but the money I earn is for a good life. Fortunately, Pooh and the others are up to date, otherwise I wouldn't dare to spend money like this now. I'll just suffer for these two years, and wait until my The layout is complete, and the next step is to lie at home and collect money.”

Luo Yi suddenly felt a pain in his cheek, Qi Ping was not from the rich second generation, but look at what this kid said.Dare to complain on such a day, it's really a jerk!However, he also admits that if Qi Ping is short-sighted, then the current small life must be an incomparable luxury.

After finishing the matter of the wedding ring, Qi Ping hurried home immediately; there was no one driving around in a car for a long time, and he was still a little uncomfortable.As soon as I arrived at the forest farm, I saw Benben leading Pooh and King Kong to do evil. These little mischievous people together are a complete 'disaster', and they have become like the existence of the devil in the world.

Benben, who was carrying a small wooden stick, was originally prying the mouse hole with his little butt, but he was very happy when he saw Qiping go home, and he was showing off his achievements.The lovely Benben is playing games while adding bricks and tiles to the construction of the forest farm. He is a wonderful and lovely boy.

"Xiaobai, we caught a lot of mice just now, and Dongfeng is the most powerful, and I am also very powerful!"

Qi Ping smiled, the environment of the forest farm is very good, not only the vegetables grow well, but some small animals are also at ease here.There are many voles, and these small pests must be removed well, otherwise they will burrow everywhere and bite the roots of plants; a large part of their work in the south, east and west is to remove these voles.

"Benben is really good. When I go home, Xiaobai cooks a big braised beef for Benben. Tell me what you like to eat. Xiaobai and Xiaoma will definitely cook it for Benben."

Kate is full of anticipation. She believes that if she and Qiping's child is born, she will be as cute as Benben; she thinks of Benben wearing a pair of suspenders and beating those little voles with a stick all morning. Kate is full of expectations for her cute little appearance.

"Then can I have a big chicken drumstick? I like to eat grilled chicken drumsticks. I also like grilled corn. I want a corn." Benben was thinking with his little finger, he was busy all morning, and he was hungry up.

"Your task now is to accompany Benben to do a good job in the security of the forest farm. I will go home and prepare lunch. Give me the car keys, and I will drive home. Heitan should be playing nearby. When you want to go home, call Get on it. Benben doesn't like riding horses anymore, he's a little hunter, a little warrior now, trust me. He's way better than you, you have a bear mount in your world of warcraft, but benben has made it real Riding a bear instead of walking."

The pretty Kate took the car keys away. Kate thinks everything is so beautiful now; she likes her current life very much. After pregnancy, the sky is bluer, the air is fresher, and life is even more beautiful.Kate is very happy, and there are no mood swings after pregnancy.

Kate feels very proud. She and Qiping's children will definitely be healthier and more lively, because the mother maintains the happiest and happiest appearance every day, and there is no need to adjust her emotions at all, because she has always been the happiest mother-to-be .

Kate drove away, and Qi Ping got on it; Benben had a new discovery, and Dongfeng was digging hard on the ground, which was a new discovery.When Dongfeng was holding a chubby little field mouse, Benben went up to him; Benben was a good boy, he didn't like mice, he knew that mice were bad guys.

"Hit, hit, hit! Rats are bad guys, they like to eat vegetables, and they eat our strawberries and grapes."

Seeing Benben sitting on the ground beating the little vole with a stick, Qi Ping was very happy; after Benben beat the vole a lesson, Qi Ping picked up the vole and threw it into a bag, to be disposed of later .

The forest farm actually hired a pest control company to clean up the pests on a regular basis; but the forest farm is really too big, so occasionally Benben and his assistants are needed to help.

Benben was running around happily. Although his grandpa and grandma went back to their hometown, Benben was a little bit reluctant and cried several times, but both grandpa and grandma said they would be back soon, so Benben could stay at home. The forest farm continues to play games, grandpa and grandma are very busy now, the obedient Benben will not be mischievous.

"Benben, how about the two of us competing?" Seeing Benben sitting lazily on the bear's back, Qi Ping felt a little helpless; before Benben was still full of energy, but now he was listless and slumped On the back of the bear, swaying slowly like this, it is estimated that it will take more than half an hour to get home.

"No, Pooh ate a lot just now, and my mother told me not to run after eating." He barely raised his head and replied, Benben continued to lie on Pooh's back weakly; After Benben, he walked very slowly and steadily. This time, Benben has successfully trained Pooh to be an excellent riding bear.

Seeing Pooh walking slowly, Qi Ping had nothing to say; the world of the little ones is very simple, and Benben, an obedient boy, likes to listen to adults the most.I can't run now, so I just walk slowly. There is nothing wrong with this, except that the speed is indeed a little slower.

"Our children will definitely be very happy in the future. You can tell by looking at his little playmates. King Kong and Pooh can still take care of them, and they can grow up carefree and happy in the forest farm. I believe in one thing, that is our Your child will have the most innocent and happiest childhood!"

Seeing King Kong stuffing half-rare beef into his mouth with a small fork, Qi Ping laughed; thinking about it, it is true, Qi Ping and Kate treat them as interesting little pets, but for children, this is The funniest and best playmate ever.Qi Ping became proud, he really hoped that time would pass faster, he really wanted to meet the cute little angel!
"I think you may have a headache at that time. Pooh and King Kong have grown up and are no longer as obedient and sensible as they were when they were young. Other children are just naughty when they are young, but they will be very sensible when they grow up; but our little one Not so the little guys, the more they know now, the more mischievous they become. They are very smart, they know those things are not allowed, and they know that those things are allowed by us."

Glancing at Pooh who was approaching, Kate was left speechless; Pooh's big food bowl contained a lot of delicious food, but it wasn't satisfied, so it sat up now, holding Kate's leg with its two little paws.Undoubtedly, wanting more deliciousness, it wants a piece of pizza, which is Pooh's new favorite food now, not just undercooked vegetables and beef, Pooh, a super big eater, can digest everything.

A quarter of the pizza was stuffed into Pooh's big mouth. Watching the guy swallow it with two grunts, Kate was annoyed and funny.Pooh hasn't left yet, and continues to wait with his mouth wide open; waiting for the delicious food to fall from the sky, this guy has such a lazy look, he likes to wait for the delicious food to fall into his mouth, and he doesn't like to do it himself.

"Put two pears in, it needs a little vegetarian, and it won't do to feed it meat every day, it's time to change the taste." Qi Ping was a little funny, and threw a pear; the strength was not strong and the speed was not fast, so Pooh was able to stabilize it. Bite the pear firmly; when you squeeze hard, the pear juice splashes.

"Look at your good deeds. Pooh is a black bear, but its ability to bite Frisbees is better than Dongfeng's now! Dad has said many times that Pooh has been raised and abandoned by you, so he can only become a mascot."

Don't think Kate is complaining, but she is also smiling; pick up the fruit plate, and take a little bit of fruit.Pooh, who opened his mouth wide, was waiting, and poured it directly into Pooh's mouth.Pooh likes this game very much; if you sell it cute, you can eat a lot of delicious food, Pooh likes it, this is his life!

(End of this chapter)

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