America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 182 Carnival and Zhang Family

Chapter 182 Carnival and Going Home (Subscribe)

"Guys, drinks and drinks are coming!"

It was getting dark, but Joshua was still wearing his sunglasses; these were Ray-Ban sunglasses given to him by Chipping.This is also part of American culture, and Ray-Ban is synonymous with sunglasses that block glare.Like Harley motorcycles and ZIPPO lighters, it is the industry leader!
The bonfire has already been lit, there are enough drinks and drinks, and there are some pastries and delicacies; Qi Ping still got the barbecue grill, and the barbecue facing the sea is actually very stylish!
Joshua and Amar did a great job. A total of more than 50 tourists participated in this bonfire party; some of them brought their partners, but there were very few.As for the others, although she is not a big beauty of Yishui, she is definitely not too scary, and is definitely above the average level.

Loud music and a DJ shouting hoarsely, these are the atmosphere guides for the party.

"Guys, hurry up! The beer competition is about to begin, we have already received encouragement from many beautiful ladies, and the final winner will receive great honor and rewards!"

Grabbing the mic, Steve got excited; this is the stag party, okay, it's the only party that's fun.

This is good, although this time the beer competition looks like a game for men, but the beauties will also watch the excitement. This will be the first game of the party, and it will definitely be attractive.

"Damn it, it's probably going to be a feast of the sea and the sky if this goes on. Steve is too much of a troublemaker. Let me tell you guys, Qi Ping is going to get married, and Luo Yi, you also have a girlfriend. A little bit It doesn't matter if you take a look, don't run around and mess with me!"

Qi Lei was sweating, although there were many beauties in bikinis, but that boy Steve was too rowdy, this battle was too big, it is estimated that if the row continues, it is really possible to go to the Haitian Shengyan.Or that boy Steve is looking forward to the real feast of the sea and the sky, if not for the limited financial resources and tight time, he will definitely make a real big commotion.

Qi Ping was pulled out, and Luo Yi, Amal, and Steve naturally also participated; together with several men who accompanied their female companions, they formed the contestants of the beer competition.

A rectangular table was surrounded by spectators, and the table was filled with beer; the referee and host was Qi Lei, who had a light drinker, and he needed to maintain order.

Qi Ping was under a lot of pressure suddenly, and this kind of wine fight might appear in some American movies.Young people's drinking, fraternity mode.

The contestants stand in front of the table with their hands behind their backs; they are not allowed to hold alcohol with their hands, they can only hold it in their mouths and pour it down directly with their heads raised.Even for the difficulty of the game, there is no pouring beer into the wine glass like some wine fighting games; it is the legendary bottle blowing mode, which is not an easy task.

As for the lively audience, they like this level of difficulty very much. Although it is difficult for the contestants, the audience will find it very lively and interesting.

"Be careful, I think it's a sure thing to get choked. This time we played too much, and he reminded us not to play too much, and the result is to try to harm us!" As for his brother, Qi Ping now I am speechless.

He was the one who did the bottle blowing, and he was the one who sent the wine glasses to the spectators, deliberately embarrassing the contestants.But this decision was unanimously approved, and even the cheers of Yingying and Yanyan sounded.

When Qi Lei gave the order, although his heart was still a little beating; but there was nothing to say, carnival, naturally there is no need to be so particular.

A few old men bit the wine bottle and picked it up. As soon as they raised their heads, the beer was poured into it; naturally a lot of wine would be spilled, but in principle, it doesn't matter as long as you don't use your hands.As for spilling the wine on purpose, as long as you have the nerve to embarrass yourself in front of the ladies, that's fine too.

"Dude, tell me your name and how you feel!"

The first loser appeared, and the first bottle of wine dropped before it was finished, choking heavily; Qi Lei gloated and ran over with the microphone to pretend to be the host.

"Mark Smith, all I want to say is thank you for the damn rules, I shouldn't have lost the game! Julia, trust me!"

Mark's failure aroused unanimous laughter from the audience. Everyone is here to have fun and excitement. It's okay to lose. Anyway, it's fun to play and interesting to watch.

"Mark lost the game, so let's continue to look forward to the birth of the next embarrassing player. Guys, what are you waiting for, hurry up and drink the second bottle!"

Qi Ping rolled his eyes, his brother has entered the state now, Qi Ping really did not expect his brother to be so playful or know how to play; maybe it was just because of pressure that he hid his playful heart before , and now it is completely released.

My stomach was full, and I lost after drinking five bottles of wine; I was ridiculed by the unscrupulous old man, but I have to say that I had a lot of fun. Although I didn’t win the final victory, this time the bonfire party by the sea was really good. It's very interesting and interesting.

The wine fight was over, and Qi Ping and Steve looked at each other; the final winner was a bastard who came with his girlfriend, and he stole the scene.But there is no way, who made that guy so drinkable.

The men's game is over, and then it's the game that the girls are looking forward to; Qi Ping and the men sit on the 'judge's table' and start the beauty contest.

Although this kind of competition is not formal, it is really interesting; anyway, everyone is just for fun, and no one will care about it.As for the judges, they looked quite unprofessional, and even got a lot of boos; but it doesn't matter, feasting your eyes is the most important thing.

"I admire you and Big Brother very much. Luo also did a great job. I believe that as long as you are willing, there will definitely be girls in front of you. They all know that we are the host of this party, and they may have seen it Our cars."

Looking at Qi Ping, who was sitting behind the barbecue grill and busy roasting chicken wings, Joshua said seriously; he knew something about these two days, don’t look at Qi Ping and they went to the nightclub, but they are definitely not fooling around Types of.And this time at the bonfire party by the sea, as the first 'judge', Joshua knew that there were a few pretty girls who were very hot and enthusiastic.

"Once again, the reality tells you that you may be talented and have a good body, but it's not as good as driving a fancy car, so a lot of girls will come. But Joshua, you have to believe me , there will be some very good people among these girls, but some of them may not be the kind who can grow old with you. You know the relationship between me and Kate, and the same goes for Boss and Luo Yi; It doesn't matter if you push it, but you have to be moderate." Qi Ping doesn't care if Joshua understands this now, but he still has to say it, hoping that Joshua can understand it when he grows up.

"Crazy men outside, no matter how crazy and drunk they are outside, home is their eternal destination. Men can be crazy sometimes, but after they are crazy, they still have to go home, and you don't have restraint when you are crazy. That It is irresponsible to oneself and irresponsible to the family; men, learn to take responsibility."

Took a bite of the grilled chicken wing and threw it away; it was overcooked and not tasty.

Although I think what Qi Ping said seems to be a little esoteric, it is indeed a bit difficult for Joshua to understand; but think about Qi Ping who has been very restrained these two days, and Qi Lei who seems to be just bluffing, Including Luo Yi, who only participates in the game but never overdos it, Joshua seems to understand a little bit.

Even Amar is the same, he is married, although he likes to look at beautiful women, but he just looks at them.

Except for the planter-like Steve, his nightlife at this bachelor party is the most colorful, and Joshua can be sure that when Steve wakes up every day, he will find that the person lying next to his pillow is not the same person.I don't worry about excessive kidney use at all, this is a typical example of fooling around!

This time the bachelor party will be very interesting, and the bonfire party by the seaside at the end of the party will naturally live up to the expectations this time.It's really interesting, besides drinking and beauty pageants, there are many other activities; dancing is one of the conservative games, and there are more interesting water games, bubble competitions and so on.

There are so many interesting things, a few people played from the evening until late at night; although a little tired, they had a lot of fun.In fact, except for Steve, leaving the beach means the bonfire party is over, and their nightlife will not be so exciting.

There is no need for a good 'night life', it is more important to have a good rest.Because after waking up in the morning, I need to go back, back to Ramona, because this time the bachelor party has been declared over.

They had a lot of fun, that's for sure; during these three days, the three of them were really crazy enough, and they had a good time without any pressure.It's just like what Qi Ping said, no matter how crazy you are outside, you still have to go home in the end.

And now, I am preparing to go home; I have played enough, so now I have to start preparing to go home.It is true that we had fun, but in the final analysis we still have to go home.

In fact, Qi Ping really can't wait to go home now. The bachelor party in the past two days was very happy, and it can be said that he went crazy.Now that he has had enough fun, of course he wants to go home; it is good to have fun, but Qi Ping knows that he prefers the peaceful and comfortable life in the forest farm, which is the state of life he yearns for the most.

And this is about to get married, so of course Qi Ping wants to go home even more; although the preparations for the wedding are over, now he, the groom, is the real protagonist.

Go home and get married!
Qi Ping really can't wait, he wants to get married, he is going home! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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