America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 184 A Little Nervous Mrs Qi

Chapter 184 A Little Nervous Mrs Qi (please subscribe!)
Qi Ping suddenly became a little nervous, and he felt that he was even a little overwhelmed.

"There are still two days left, if you regret it now, it's still too late!"

Kate stood in front of Qiping with a smile, and she was actually a little nervous; but Kate, like Qiping, was more looking forward to it, and what she hoped was that the time could be faster, so that they could arrive at the wedding they had been looking forward to Yes, that will be the happiest moment.

"I want to say that you have no chance to regret it, and I will always keep you by my side. You know, this is my castle, and I am the terrifying and hateful devil king; if someone pretending to be a warrior or a prince appears, I will He will regret it! Look at my little brothers, they are my best assistants!"

Qi Ping laughed triumphantly and hugged Kate in his arms, and Kate, the "princess in distress", lay in Qi Ping's arms with a smile, and even gave him a sweet kiss.Clearly, this is a princess with 'Stockholm Syndrome'.

This kind of "disease" often appears in novels and movies; it is also called Stockholm syndrome or hostage complex or hostage syndrome, which refers to a kind of crime victim who has feelings for the criminal and even helps the criminal in turn. complex.

Obviously, the princess may not necessarily like the prince or the warrior, or she may be a fun-loving bastard like Qi Ping.

"We are going to register soon, and in less than an hour, you will become my legal wife, although in fact you have become the mother of my son." Qi Ping smiled proudly at Kate , this is his wife, and now she is going to get married, a real marriage!

This is the last big thing before the wedding, although some people in the United States will go to the registry office to get the certificate on the wedding day; but that will be too rushed, because they will rush back to the wedding scene immediately after registration.This is too rushed, so it is better to get the certificate in advance, which is more suitable for Qi Ping and Kate's habits.

It can be said that a large group of people set off in a mighty manner. Except for Joshua who was left in the forest farm to take care of Pooh and them, it goes without saying that everyone else went to the marriage registry together.

"Little mother, you and Xiaobai are married, you will be my little mother, and I will have a younger brother!" Benben was clapping his hands happily. Although he didn't know what happened, he saw his grandparents and father Mom was applauding, and the little guy began to be happy; as for Benben, he felt that his younger brother would only have it after he got married.

"Yes, Ben Ben!"

Kate didn't shed tears at this time, she was only happy now; proudly holding a small marriage certificate, but this was only the legal recognition of Qi Ping and Kate's marriage.Kate actually puts more emphasis on the wedding, wearing a wedding ring under the witness and blessing of relatives and friends.

Same as Qi Ping's concept, although the marriage certificate is very important, the form of the wedding is more important. It is not a complete wedding without a wedding banquet!
After getting the marriage certificate, the whole family went home in a big way; but there are some things to pay attention to in terms of customs, that is, now Kate can't continue to live in the forest farm, she still has to go back to her 'natal home' Last two days.This is a formality. Although many people don't pay much attention to these things now, sometimes it is better to abide by those traditional customs a little bit.

It's only two days. Although Qi Ping and Kate wish they could stick together every day, they don't really care about these two days now.I am also very busy and sweet now, so time will pass quickly, which is naturally good news.

Kate couldn't sleep. Thinking that this night would be the wedding, Kate was a little excited and a little nervous.There is no such thing as premarital phobia, but it is inevitable that there will still be some tension.Although she is looking forward to the wedding, she knows that she and Qiping will be happy and happy together, but there will still be some nervousness in it.

Although they couldn't meet each other the day before the wedding, the phone calls between Qi Ping and Kate were almost never disconnected, and the two of them kept in touch by phone.They are the same, although they are a little nervous, but they are more looking forward to it; this wedding can be said to be their dream, because they know that they have found the most suitable person, and they are all looking forward to a beautiful and happy married life.


Seeing Caroline enter the room, Kate laughed; then hugged Caroline a little shyly, just now Kate was smirking at the wedding dress in the bedroom, this made her a little shy, because no matter how it looked A look of some can't wait.

"Mom brought you the veil. I think you can't wait to see the complete wedding dress. It seems that my decision is correct."

Caroline was a little teased, but more of a blessing.

The veil Caroline brought was an old veil from her wedding veil; it was part of a traditional American wedding and Caroline knew Kate would like it.

The bridal attire for an American wedding can be summed up as "new, old, borrowed, blue". "

'New' means that the bride's white wedding dress must be new. It is a symbol of purity and virginity, and it also marks that the bride will start a new life. "Old" means that the white gauze on the bride's head must be the old gauze used by the mother, which means not forgetting the kindness of parents' upbringing. "Borrow" means that the handkerchief held in the bride's hand must be borrowed from her girlfriend, which means that she does not forget her friend's friendship. 'Blue' means that the ribbon worn by the bride must be blue, expressing the bride's loyalty to love.

Although not every American likes these customs, Kate thinks these are very meaningful and she likes them.

"Your veil can be left for your children. I believe you and Qi will have many children. I have talked with Eric a lot, and we both know that you and Qi like children."

Caroline carefully looked at the wedding dress, and looked at Kate who was sitting on the bed with a sweet and happy smile on her face. She was also full of blessings.She knew that Qi Ping and Kate were the most suitable children, and there was no doubt that they would be happy and happy together.

"Mom, I'm suddenly a little nervous. I don't seem to know what to do. I don't know how to be a good wife, and I don't know how to be a good mother. I'm really worried. Qi is so good and I don't want to let him down."

Kate pulled Caroline, and she suddenly felt that she was really nervous and confused; so now she wanted to ask the closest people for some experience, and she knew that her mother would definitely help her.

"That's a good question!" Caroline smiled and touched Kate's head, full of love and blessings; her daughter is getting married, and even has a baby soon, all of which seem too fast ;Sweetheart has become a bride, she is no longer the little girl who will surround her for sweets, but will soon become someone else's wife and mother. "I believe you don't need to search for a good answer at all, because I believe you know how to do it. Follow that voice in your heart, that's what you should do. You and Qi are good boys, God will bless you."

Seeing that Kate still seemed a little confused and nervous, Caroline laughed; of course she could understand this. When she got married, Caroline was also nervous for a long time.This is why she came to Kate's room, hoping to have a good chat with her daughter at this time.

"We all know that Qi is an excellent boy, and we have known it for a long time. He is a young rich man, a very capable rich man; but he does not have the bad habits of those rich men, he is humble and friendly, and the most The important thing is that he is very loyal to his family and love, and that is enough. Eric and I certainly hope that you can live a more comfortable life, but we also hope that you will be happy."

Kate laughed, and it was true; although some of her classmates and friends were envious that she had found a multi-millionaire husband.But Kate knew that she didn't marry Qiping because of money, because she was more loyal to her marriage and love, which was what she pursued and cared about.It is of course a good thing to be rich at home, and everyone would like a rich life; but Kate knows that wealth cannot represent marriage and love.

"Thank you for everything now, and cherish every day you are together. I think this is enough. In fact, you and Qi have done it. You are far beyond our imagination, because you can handle life very well. Maybe you will encounter some troubles after you get married, but I think as long as you learn to be considerate and tolerant, it will be enough. Sweetheart, you really don’t need to deliberately prove anything, because you are just so good! "

Receiving the comfort and guidance of her mother, although Kate still felt a little nervous and apprehensive, she also found more confidence.She believed that she could do great things, that she would be the best wife, and the best mother.

This is Kate's dream, and now she is getting closer to fulfilling her dream!

Although it was late at night, Kate was full of thoughts; for a while, she was frowning, and for a while, she was thinking hard.But it was more sweet and happy. Kate suffered from insomnia. Although she repeatedly urged herself to go to bed earlier, she still couldn't fall asleep.

Kate doesn't like lying on the bed alone, without flush hugging, Kate always feels so uncomfortable.

The thief smiled and took out the phone, dialed it out and hung up quickly; the prank succeeded, seeing Qi Ping quickly called back, dialed again and hung up directly.

Although this game is childish, two people are harassed and the other is willing to accept harassment; it seems that they have found more and more tacit understanding, even the same is that they lost sleep the night before their wedding, and they don't know how to Fall asleep earlier.

I don't know when I was fooling around, let alone when I fell asleep; but when Kate woke up suddenly, the first thing she did was to jump out of bed and rush to the mirror.

"Damn Qi!"

Looking at the faint dark circles under her eyes, Kate started screaming loudly, and then she was blaming someone who was still sleeping soundly.Kate is adamant that she has dark circles because she couldn't sleep last night!

Eric and Caroline in the living room shook their heads with a smile. Sure enough, they were right. These two children would be extremely happy and joyful together.Such an early morning is the beginning of the "Call of Love". Although they know that Kate seems to be pissed off by Qiping again, they know that it is one of the ways Qiping and Kate get along, and the two young People like this way very much.

Although still a little nervous, even more nervous as time went by; the bridesmaids came, surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, Kate also started her dressing up.

For Kate, this is the most important day in her life; because she is going to be Zipping's bride, and Zipping's wife.

From now on, she will be Kate Qi, Mrs Qi! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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