America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 191 Pooh with No Style

Chapter 191 Pooh with No Style
Although pregnant women will have some mood swings during pregnancy, and sometimes they will want to get angry for no reason; but Kate is very good, not to say that she never got angry once, but the frequency is terrible.

Qi Ping was secretly delighted. If Kate was in a bad mood during this period, then he would definitely become a 'taken advantage', and he would be the type to push forward cheerfully.But Kate didn't, so Qi Ping would always show off and go to some websites; seeing some people talking about his wife's "temperament change" after pregnancy, Qi Ping just laughed very meanly.

"Let's go for a walk, you need some exercise right now."

Kate, with her big belly, went downstairs. She was talking on the phone with her best friend just now, and by the way, she was asking about baby-raising.Kate is still very busy now, busy taking better care of her unborn baby.

Kate naturally would not object, because babies need more nutrition, so Kate basically has no taboos during this time, even if it is not delicious or the taste is not liked, but she will eat it, because it is better for the children.So I don't care about body shape and the like, as long as it is better for the children.

Exercise, of course, will also be very concerned. The necessary amount of exercise must be maintained, which is better for the development of children.In fact, before there were no children, Qi Ping and Kate often went out for a walk; but at that time they might be riding a horse or driving a beach car; and now, Kate has long been out of touch with those sports that have ups and downs or bumps, so That's what a good mother-to-be should do.

"I'd love to see our new home, I know it will be a while before we can move in. It's a nice place, but I'm looking forward to our new home. Let the time go by, I believe in our When the baby is born, we will be able to move into our new home."

Playing with her flush arms, Kate is full of anticipation; the project of the new villa is still going on, although there are some overtime, but the construction period is really not necessarily something that can be built immediately with money, at most, the budget is sufficient , no delay at all.

"Our new home project is too big, so it seems to be slower now. Luo Yi and Steve's villas are built very fast, because their villas are smaller, so the speed will be faster!" Of course, Qi Ping is looking forward to moving into his new home earlier, but these things really cannot be rushed. After all, he still needs to pay attention to the quality of the villa, not just to meet the construction deadline.

"Your resort plan is about to start. The ground has been leveled out, and the lawn is being transplanted now. The golf course is about to be built, and the construction period for those small wooden villas will be faster. I think the forest farm may be lively next time." A little bit, because there will be a lot of people here who are looking forward to living in, even if it is just a few days.”

Kate is very proud. Although the Fairyland Forest Farm is not open to the public, many people want to come in and see it; although they are just now famous, people who do not hinder some news want to come to the Fairyland Forest Farm, because many people They all describe it as a real paradise.

"The construction of the forest farm is still relatively basic, especially our resort. First, the starting point is relatively low, and second, I don't have much money. It is impossible to build a top-level resort in one step, but it can be done slowly. Enrich some projects. Our selling point here is the good environment, but not necessarily entertainment facilities.”

Don't look at what Qi Ping said, but he knows very well in his heart; with the top-level environment, coupled with the top-level facilities, this is the real top-level resort.But now these are not realistic, no money is the actual situation, because it really takes too much money to develop a top-level resort; the money earned by the forestry farm now is not only the need to continue to develop the mountain forest, most of it is It was taken into the development of the resort.

"It doesn't matter, because I know that many people are very interested in this place. Although there are only some small wooden villas now, I believe that there will be more high-end holiday villas here soon. Now there is a golf course, but we will Slowly build a horse farm, a fishing center, and more beautiful and interesting games and leisure projects.”

Kate has no doubts about the attractiveness of the Fairyland Forest Farm, so it doesn't matter if it is only a preliminary construction, because the forest farm has a lot of stamina and will continue to develop slowly.Although some people seem to be interested in joining the forest farm development plan, Qi Ping and Kate don't give those people a chance at all.

In the final analysis, the charm of the forest farm, Qi Ping and Kate, know better that this forest farm can only be in their own hands; it is impossible for others to give them any chance to share any part of the benefits of the forest farm, let alone shares and the like.

Although the current development is slower, it doesn't matter; even if the development is slower, this fantastic forest farm will always be under the name of Qiping, and this forest farm will only belong to Qiping's family.This is even an inexhaustible treasure left to the children. Even if the children are idle in the future, as long as the forest farm does not collapse, the children will have no worries about food and clothing.

Both of them are planning for their children, because they want their children to live a better life; parents are always like this, they want their children to be happy and happy, and they want them to be carefree all the time.Although money may not necessarily represent absolute happiness and joy, one thing is certain, children from rich families may encounter a lot of setbacks, and both Qi Ping and Kate understand this truth.

In the future, the children will take over the forest farm if they have the ability; it doesn't matter if they don't have the ability, anyway, the profession of professional managers is very prosperous now.At that time, the children will only be responsible for the dividends, and they will be able to become a little rich one by one, without worrying about having no money to spend.It is certain that the little guys are the standard rich second generation.

Qi Ping and Kate have planned it long ago. What they have to do now is to lay a more solid foundation; now the forest farm is completely built, so that the children can stand on a higher starting point in the future.

In fact, not all rich second generations are scourges. Many rich second generations are still very capable; Qi Ping believes that he and Kate can educate children well, even if they may not achieve much in the future. Yes, anyway, it is absolutely impossible to become a scourge of arrogance or lawlessness.

As for letting the children live a life of rich clothes and fine food, Qi Ping thinks it is normal; he does not intend to let the children suffer. make a person grow rapidly.Maybe more of the money earned now will be left to the children.

"Don't you guys just run around for me, especially you Pooh! The lawn here is so beautiful with hundreds of flowers blooming, you have to give it to a flower picker, it's fine if you like to drill into the flowers now, you still have to make a big fuss Isn't it too immoral to destroy it!"

Qi Ping was a little furious, and Pooh is a typical guy who destroys the atmosphere. When this guy exists a lot, he is a typical example of burning pianos and cooking cranes.

The flower beds of Qiping and Kate are basically all kinds of roses; roses have thorns, so Pooh will not drill roses randomly.But these flowers at the door of the house, although there will be a small amount of roses, but more of them are other flowers, which are delicate, beautiful, and most importantly, they have no thorns.

This time, Pooh was very happy. He spent all day in the flowers, and even this guy went to learn how to be beautiful, and he actually learned how to dress up with Kate.For example, there is a flower on the head, and the big blue enchantress is in Pooh's ear; you are a big bear, okay, why did you go to learn how to be a sissy, do you have morals!

Pooh didn't care about these things, he seemed to be intoxicated and sniffed at the flowers, and then roared; he ran away happily, and found another beautiful flower, which should be in his ear, Only in this way can it be more beautiful and cute, which is in line with Pooh's current aesthetics.

I went to find King Kong, and the unreliable elder brother actually attached great importance to these beautiful flowers, and he didn't allow it to pick the flowers again and again.Although Pooh can choose the flowers he likes, he has to change flowers several times a day.Since the elder brother doesn't allow it, and it's not convenient for the more reliable elder sister to help, so I hurried to find the most reliable little playmate.

King Kong is the best kid, he can pick flowers, and he can also help him put flowers on; so hurry to find King Kong, King Kong is playing next to him now.

Qi Ping is in the mode of gnashing teeth, King Kong appears, and it looks for grasshoppers in the flowers to beat its teeth; but when a good brother asks it for help, King Kong will naturally not refuse.He happily followed Pooh and ran over. It was a large clump of flowers; King Kong has always been bold and generous, and he is like this for his family.

They grabbed a handful of them, regardless of whether Pooh actually liked only the most colorful and largest peony among them.Anyway, you can pick them. Anyway, King Kong and Pooh think these flowers belong to them, so naturally they can pick them whenever they want.The forest farm belongs to Big Brother, and it also belongs to Pooh and King Kong. Everyone can be the master of the forest farm.

Just a bunch of flowers, though it was only one of a bunch they destroyed; but Chipping and Kate didn't say much, and more likely they didn't.

Look at the happy appearance of Pooh with a big red flower pinned to his head. It really looks like some clichéd TV outfits.Like a scoundrel snatching a marriage, this look is really tacky to the extreme.But Pooh, is a guy with no taste.

(End of this chapter)

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