America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 203 Good Nanny

Chapter 203 Good Nanny (please subscribe!!!)
"King Kong, this is yours!"

Qi Ping just came down the stairs, and this laughed; it was really funny and loving.

King Kong took the filled milk from Yu Lan's hand, and quickly ran to the living room with the bottle; King Kong and Pooh are now used to having two little rascals at home, and they like to take care of them.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo can sit up a little now, so there is a very interesting game for them every day.And they can eat while playing games with a full stomach. The two little naughty boys are in a very happy state now.

Pooh was lying on the carpet, not taking a nap, but taking the children; because on its belly, there were two lovely children.Yoyo and Xiaoyao are sitting next to Pooh, even if they are backwards, it doesn't matter, because they are leaning against Pooh's plump belly, which is very fluffy and comfortable.

King Kong happily ran over holding the bottle, carefully supported Yoyo's back, and was feeding milk to Yoyo while holding the bottle.When he was young, King Kong used to drink milk with his own bottle. Now that he has grown up, he can feed milk to his beloved Yoyo and Xiaoyao.

Now such things happen many times every day. At first, Pooh and King Kong were a little strange, and the family worried that they would not be able to take care of them.But obviously this is overthinking, they don't know how smart they are, and they love Yoyo and Xiaoyao very much, and there is no pressure at all to take care of these two little guys.

Kate is happily taking pictures. This is the children's growth photo album. With such an interesting and loving plot, I believe that the children will be extremely happy when they grow up, and they will like this beauty very much.

The little guy is still full and happy to be dishonest, the little guy tried hard to turn around; he took a nap on Pooh's soft belly, the little guy liked playing games with King Kong and Pooh.And Rudolph, although Rudolph, a half-grown fawn, sometimes hates the two children, but the children love him.

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry too!"

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai shouted at the top of their voices after flying around and returning home, Qi Ping and Kate both started to have a headache.

The children don't like to see the colorful Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, because these two nasty parrots are too noisy, and these two parrots basically needed to be taken care of by their families in the past.So they will be jealous, often making unreasonable demands to improve the status of the family.

Although she still can't express her emotions more clearly, Yoyo holds the feeding bottle with her chubby little hands, for fear of being snatched away by Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.Xiaoyao was even more clear, kicking his calves hard, he was almost going to hug the huge Uncle Xiong. He didn't want Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai to take care of Uncle Xiong.

"Look at these two children, they like to be coquettish, and they are also very aggressive. They quarrel or fight with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai all day long."

Yu Lan looked at the two children fondly. Although the children could not speak yet, the two little guys had already shown their aggressive nature.

Although Xiaoyao, who was lying on Pooh's body, was occupying Uncle Xiong, the kid still turned around from time to time.Even though Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have started to eat their fruit set meal now, Xiaoyao still doesn't give up harassing them.They bark twice in a childish voice, which is to maintain a 'fighting state' with them.

Yoyo is similar, although King Kong is breastfeeding her, but this little girl is very dishonest; the little girl stretched out her little hand, and now she is asking Uncle King Kong to help her fight.The little girl knows very well that Uncle King Kong and Pooh are the most powerful, and they will help her scare Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

"The two of them are scaring Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai now. They are two little guys who don't know what to do. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are just teasing them. They don't know what to do. They just know how to harass them all day long." They. Fortunately, they are still young, if they grow up or can talk, they will probably fight or scold each other all day long."

The fat boy pouted his little ass and tried hard to climb on Pooh's back. This restless kid was just looking for an interesting game now.He is a bit too playful, although he can just sit down a little bit and crawl a few times, but he is absolutely not satisfied, he still wants to be more playful.

Xiaoyao is not just playful, his younger sister Yoyo is also like this, she is not the type of honest child and good baby.

These are two little rascals, but they did bring so much joy to the family.In fact, not only Qiping and Kate like children very much, but also King Kong and Pooh.They have completely become nannies now, and they are never tired of taking care of children. Their favorite game is to play around the children.

Qi Ping is still very happy, because these naughty boys can mingle together and their relationship is very harmonious. This is the happiest thing for Qi Ping.Now the atmosphere at home is very good, this is the most typical happy family atmosphere, the whole family can happily enjoy the good life every day.

"Our babies grow up fast. They are very smart and naughty. It is better to stay in the forest farm. The environment here is good, and it is good for the growth of the children. I think these two naughty little ones are probably less than ten months old. They will be able to talk, and they will probably be able to walk by then. Look at the two of them, their small arms and legs are very strong, and look at these small eyes, they are very energetic!"

When mentioning her grandson and granddaughter, Yu Lan was beaming with joy; although every grandma would think that her precious grandson is the best, Yu Lan can be sure that this little grandson and granddaughter are absolutely clever.

"I told my boss that Benben can consider studying here. I plan to hand over the domestic tourism market to the boss. Now our vegetables are doing well in some domestic markets. The boss has a successful career. At that time, let him be the trapeze person and the general manager of the domestic market. Benben and his sister-in-law will immigrate here, and we will be a real family reunion by then."

Qi Ping is very clear, don't look at his parents who are very happy and happy now; but the eldest family stays in the country, in fact, the time that the family spends together is relatively limited now.So Qi Ping had been discussing with the boss a long time ago, and he can emigrate when the time is right, and that would be a real family reunion.Moreover, the environment of the forest farm is so good that the family is truly happy when they are together.

"That's good, but our forestry farm doesn't have much market in China right now. Some wealthy people in China are willing to spend money, but they really don't necessarily want to come to us. In big cities, I went to Los Angeles and New York. I like the countryside. You can also go to Pana Valley Winery or a ranch in Texas. Our forest farm is good, but people who are not famous are really reluctant to come.”

Yu Lan was overjoyed, of course she knew that the children would have their own lives when they grew up; but speaking of it, she certainly hoped to see her children love each other, and hoped that the whole family would be together.

"Some local tyrants in China sometimes make people speechless. In fact, some local tyrants here in Laomei are also very vulgar. But our forest farm really doesn't care about these, and we don't have to worry about the source of customers. Besides, it's just the beginning now. I will definitely receive a lot of applications. The boss also encountered a lot of troubles when he first started importing domestic organic vegetables, but now people are begging him. It is no exaggeration to say that our vegetables are the best in the world. Let’s take a look at the vegetable production base of the Fairyland Forest Farm, and those local tyrants will come here in a hurry.”

Qi Ping is full of confidence. Others use the spirit gathering array to grow fairy grass and fairy fruits; my buddy grows vegetables. Although they are easier to ripen, the quality is not bad, and the taste is also top-notch.It is not a problem to sell to the whole world, but considering the limited production scale and the need for some market conditions, it is better to choose a large market and facilitate transportation management.

Fairyland Forest Farm, the initial development of the resort has basically been completed; Qi Ping really doesn’t worry about market issues, the simplest truth is that the gimmick of producing the best vegetables in the world is enough for a lot of people to come and pay I have increased my knowledge, and the environment here is very beautiful, and some interested people have heard about it for a long time.

There is no need to worry too much, it is just that word of mouth has not been fermented; when the first wave of guests check in, Qi Ping believes that they will fall in love with this place.Then things are simple, that is, there are so many guests, and the resort of Fairyland Forest Farm will be among the most popular top-level resorts.

Although it is indeed relatively basic and elementary now, the resorts here are honestly based on the most important attraction of the environment.Regarding the environment of the forest farm, don’t say that Qi Ping is full of confidence; everyone who has been here will fall in love with it, and there is no doubt about it, because the fairyland forest farm is so beautiful.

Seeing that the children are not in the mood to take care of them for the time being, Qi Ping plans to go out for a couple of laps; Heitan doesn't need to lose weight, he is very happy at his new home.Qi Ping, who runs around with the deer herd all day long, never restricts its freedom; therefore, Heitan, Qi Ping really doubts that he has regarded himself as a horse now.

"Qi Ping, come here and help me tomorrow! I'm moving, so please clean it up for me. By the way, don't bring your two naughty kids here, or Nina and I won't be able to clean it up all day!"

Well, obviously he just went out to go for a walk, but he has already been arrested; Luo Yi's villa has already been built, which is next door to Qi Ping's house.It seems that this time I can't run away and I have to do coolies. Moving is never an easy task, even with a moving company.

"You just wait, my two naughty boys will definitely go tomorrow! My Xiaoyao is wearing crotch pants now, just wait for me!"

Qi Ping is angry, Xiaoyao is such a good child, now he will grunt and haw when he wants to pee!
(End of this chapter)

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