America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 206 Unreliable flushing

Chapter 206 Unreliable flushing
"Little young people are just a little impetuous. It's really not good for you to let them sit here and fish honestly. It's too difficult. Lao Luo, I think the two of us are going to fish here. Kate gave birth, It has been more than six months now, not to mention her, even our family has no appetite when they see crucian carp and pig feet. Just wait, it will be you after a while."

Qi Weihui leisurely half leaned on the fishing chair, very leisurely and comfortable, with the parasol right above his head, no need to worry about the summer sunshine in California.The fishing rod is placed on the support frame, and there is no need to hold it by hand; there are fruits and drinks on the small chair next to it. This kind of fishing is really easy and leisurely, and of course it requires a lot of patience.

"I don't care. If it weren't for Nina's pregnancy, I really don't want to come to the United States. I know that Luo Yi is doing well now. I have been to the United States a few times. I am not familiar with the place, I can't speak well, and I don't know the way. I can’t drive a car, and I just stay at home and watch TV every day, and I don’t even have two channels. It’s really driving people crazy. Fortunately, we’ve moved to the forest farm, so we can still talk.”

Luo Yi's parents are here, they come to the forest farm to enjoy the retirement life, and help Luo Yi take care of Nina by the way.

"I didn't hear Luo Yi say that. He said that you and my sister-in-law were asking for leave as soon as they heard that Nina was pregnant. My sister-in-law must have quit her job. They are all sweethearts." I am someone who has been there; knowing that my daughter-in-law is pregnant, I am ecstatic for sure, and then I am thinking about whether I can help.

Parents always try their best to take care of their children; when they were young, they hoped that they would grow up healthy and happy, even if the children got married and started a business, they were also thinking about their children's life.For parents, their children will never grow up, and they are always thinking about helping their children, even if it is some small things.

"That's right. As soon as my family heard that Nina was pregnant, they immediately asked about this and that. As soon as Luo Yi said that he wanted her to come over and take care of her, he immediately went to retire. Some time ago Luo Yi said that he would let his mother retire after earning some money, but my family refused. He said that he was about to retire soon, and he would receive less pension and less pension. Now when he heard that Nina was pregnant, he immediately became furious of."

Luo Pingan said with a smile that he doesn't care about those pensions now; because now that his son is promising, the pension is not important at all, as long as the grandson is born.

"Your Nina needs to take care of her. She doesn't have any relatives here. Our family Kate was fine when she was pregnant, and her natal family was nearby. At that time, my family and I flew here every now and then. There is still a big grandson in China who can't let go. Tired is very tiring, but very happy. Now when I see those two little naughty boys in my family, no matter how tired I am, it's worth it."

What Qi Weihui said is the truth, as long as the children are healthy and happy, then there is really no need to worry about being tired, because they are very happy.

"Your two little guys are very funny. We were talking at home last night when we were having dinner. It would be great if Nina was pregnant with twins. Fortunately, there is no family planning in the United States." Luo Ping'an was a little envious, the twins Grandson, really enviable.

"It's fun, but it has the same temper as that bastard in my family! He's almost 30 years old, and he has no shape at all. It's better than your Luo Yi, who is career-minded and sensible. Look at that bastard in my family. , I just want to play all day long. I can't hit him, or I will really beat him with a fishing rod!"

Qi Weihui is telling the truth, he often feels speechless for his young son who does not live up to expectations; just look at what Qi Ping is doing now, he is almost 30 years old, and he found a big floating board tied to Pooh's body, and now let Pooh drag him on a 'lake tour', a bear-powered super cruiser.

Luo Pingan laughed. Although he has only been here for two days, he also knows that Qi Ping is really unreliable sometimes.It's really a bit playful, like a child who can't grow up.

But it's okay, because he knows that Qi Ping is very capable; his son is now selling vegetables in the forest farm, and he is cooperating with Qi Ping.It's true that Qi Ping is playful, but he has the ability and ability, and he has a good temper, so that's fine.You can't expect everyone to be conscientious. Of course, you can live the lifestyle you like if you have the conditions. This is understandable.

"Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, airdrop!"

Lie flat on the floating board, continuing to play the game with great interest; he is very proud now, because Pooh, a bear who can swim, is very good, dragging the floating board to 'ride the wind and waves' in Muse Lake.How exciting this is, just look at the smiling faces on the shore, it is really too much face, it is worth Qi Ping to be proud of it all the time.

Pooh is dragging the kickboard honestly, he likes this game very much; he can play the game with his big brother, and it is still a very interesting game.Besides, not only can you play games with your big brother, but you can also swim and get a lot of fruits. For Pooh, this is the greatest joy.

It can never be full, especially fruit; eat as much as you want, although Qi Ping and Kate basically open up the supply, but Pooh often looks like he hasn't eaten for three days and wants to feast on it.

"Airdrop! Airdrop!"

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are excited and urging; they are going to participate in this game, so the two of them are not running around, just waiting for the next airdrop game.

Kate funnyly tied the fruit bag in the small bag to Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's legs, one pear and two peaches, that's about it.Don't expect Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai to bring much cargo, who makes them not real heavy transport aircraft.

"Here I come! Airdrop! Airdrop!"

Just after Kate washed the rope, Liang Shanbo immediately flew up; flying at a low altitude, it is not flying high now.Although Liangshan Po is about one meter long and weighs more than three catties, there is plenty of water in it because the feathers are relatively long.Their flying ability is actually very good, but it is impossible to soar nine days like eagles.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Zhu Yingtai was in a hurry, it hadn't set off yet; she was urging Kate, and Zhu Yingtai, who was fond of playing, also liked this game very much.So English and Chinese play together, fluent sentences are difficult for them, but simple vocabulary and dialogue are no problem.These small animals in the forest farm are so smart that they are about to become fine!
Qi Ping looked like a landlord, and sat down on the big floating board; Liang Shanbo landed, and Qi Ping untied the rope.Gently tossing the big pear into the mouth of Pooh who had stopped and opened his mouth a long time ago, he started eating the peach himself.

Neighboring Zhu Yingtai arrived late, bringing a pear and an apple; this was food for Pooh, who needed a good tonic now.Although dragging the floating board on the water is not very tiring, at least not for the strong Pooh, but as long as there is a reason and work, Pooh will open his mouth and ask for more food.

Qi Ping is still very happy to play, but he can't always count on the power of the bear; swimming is a very comfortable thing, and Qi Ping still likes swimming.Especially in Muse Lake, swimming here is more enjoyable; although there is a swimming pool at home, Qi Ping doesn't like splashing in the swimming pool, and Muse Lake is refreshing.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai also like swimming very much. Macaws like swimming and playing in the water in summer. Although their water quality is very average, they only dare to splash a few times in the swimming pool.But now Pooh is here, and the most reliable elder brother is also next to him. Naturally, he is swimming happily. Who makes Muse Lake actually very calm? Swimming in such a clear and clean natural lake, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Ying Taiwan will be very happy.

"Honey, you did a good job and invented a new game. But now you still need to improve, so that children will love this game when they grow up. You just fell down several times, and you and Pooh have a tacit understanding The level needs to be improved. I am looking forward to this game, but I think it is not the best for me yet."

Kate, who was holding her daughter, was all smiles. She felt that her husband was a genius who understood the joys of life too well.It is really exciting to think of playing these interesting games with Pooh.

"It's only the beginner mode now, I have no way to get this kickboard. It's not flexible enough, I plan to get a more suitable kickboard, which is more suitable for us to play games. Next time I will definitely not always fall down , and Pooh is slowly getting used to it now, I plan to build a water bear yacht."

Originally, Qi Ping was looking forward to getting a sweet kiss from his precious daughter, but it was all right; the little girl ignored him at all, and the little girl murmured Martian language without knowing what she was talking about.The most important thing is that the little girl doesn't want to talk to her father at all now. She is very busy now, busy playing her games, so she doesn't need to talk to her father.

Although the baby girl ignores her, and the fat son is playing her own game now; but Qi Ping really doesn't care, the children are very busy, but Qi Ping knows that they all like Dad, and they will enjoy being with Dad very much Play game together.What Qi Ping has to do now is to strive for more attention from the children, which is the most important thing.

"See, my Qiping is really the kind of person who only knows how to eat, drink, and have fun. Fortunately, he still knows a little bit about things and hasn't messed around. He made a little money, which is enough for him to spend. He can't do business, and he can't work in the company I'm impatient. Fortunately, he can raise animals and grow fruits and vegetables. The most important thing is that he is lucky to have such a good forest farm!"

Qi Weihui complained to his new friend angrily, that his youngest son is really not a very reliable type.

(End of this chapter)

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