America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 208 Picking Peaches

Chapter 208 Picking Peaches

"We went to pick peaches. Although there are not many peaches hanging on the peach trees this year, there are still a few. Next year will be fine, when there will be more fruits, and our little naughty boys will know how to eat " Qi Ping was quite proud, the fat son hugged his father's neck and didn't let go; but there was no way, Qi Ping wanted to drive.

"Then wait for me, Nina and I will also go. The fruits in the forest farm are really delicious. Now there are some strawberries and blueberries. I have been thinking about watermelon for a while, but I can't eat enough of them. Today we will eat together Go pick peaches, and bring back two watermelons when you come back."

Luo Yi became interested. This kid is just thinking about finding some delicious food.There are still a lot of delicious food here in the forest farm, and there must be a lot of fruit; there are also a lot of fish in the Muse Lake, and the most important thing is that there is a vegetable garden, so there is really no need for delicious food.Obviously, Luo Yi felt that he could enjoy life in the forest farm now.

Qi Ping really likes to make the family eat well and play happily. For him, the most important thing in the family is land.So it is obvious that he can enjoy the good life now. Now Qi Ping has opened up a large vegetable garden to satisfy his appetite, and also prepared a large orchard for his family.

"You can take Kate with you, and if you can't fit in your car, let Pooh come over. Bentley, take you to dress up and fly! Pooh, you better get in my car, your car can't fit, It probably doesn't like to run either."

Luo Yi didn't like the flat Cadillac golf course, so he bought a car himself; the Bentley golf course, obviously for the purpose of enjoying life in the forest farm.In such a picturesque location, an elegant golf course is undoubtedly the most suitable; now is to enjoy the leisurely and comfortable life, not the pursuit of speed.

King Kong, a fat man who doesn't live up to expectations, is really running towards the Bentley car; although it can also run along the golf course, but of course it will take the car if it has a car, and only fools will follow it. Tired!
Xiaoyao and Youyou are very happy, these two little guys are happily babbling now, they are very happy and ready to go out to play now.These two little guys are completely crazy characters, as long as they can go out and play, they will be very happy.Although the children don't know how to speak or express their emotions more, what these two innocent little guys know best is to make their family members feel happy with their innocent smiles.

Qi Ping had a great sense of accomplishment as the mighty army set off towards the orchard; Qi Ping was really happy looking at the orchard.Although the fruit grove has just started now, and there are only a small amount of fruit, it has already started, and it has begun to bear fruit. This is good news, because there will be more and more fruits here.

"Pooh and King Kong are happy, I can understand, they used to run here often. But look at Xiaoyao and Yoyo, these two little rascals still know that the fruit here is delicious. Snacks, I guess it will grow longer When I was older, I moved here with Uncle Bear and Uncle Orangutan every day, and I went home full of food with a chubby belly."

Luo Yi was a little amused, Xiaoyao and Youyou, two little naughty boys who were biting their pacifiers, clapped their hands happily; I don't know whether it was because they were happy because they came out to play or because they smelled the faint fruit aroma in the air.Maybe it's a combination of both, which is why they are so happy now.

King Kong and Pooh really come here often, and when they come here, they show a very enthusiastic "ownership" spirit.Although it is too big to climb trees now, because these fruit trees are still small; but if you want to eat the fruit, you need to have enough dedication.

Pooh lay obediently on the ground, and King Kong naturally stood on Pooh's back; now the tree is too small to climb, but this also means that these fruit trees are not tall.Standing tall will naturally be able to pick the fruit, and King Kong and Pooh will naturally be able to eat happily when they work together.And don't forget about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, they can bring down a peach with just a hook in their mouths. These little things are very good at picking fruit together.

The performance of these little things successfully amuses everyone, Pooh is now eating peaches with big mouthfuls; but King Kong is very caring, holding several peaches in the little black paws.It's just that there are not many peaches now, so the distribution is limited, and it is impossible for everyone to get peaches.

Qi Ping and Luo Yi looked at each other in blank dismay, especially Qi Ping; in the past, he had his own good things, but King Kong typically only took care of his own family.

But now it's all right, Luo Yi is not normal, not even him!Kate and Nina were both stuffed with a peach by King Kong, even Yoyo and Xiaoyao who didn't know how to eat peaches were stuffed with a peach by Uncle King Kong.

"Haha, ladies first, our King Kong is very personable! And what King Kong loves most now is Alex and Emily, the stinky man should go away!"

Kate proudly held up the peach to show off, she is very proud now; don't underestimate this peach, what she values ​​more is the meaning that this time the peach represents.The stinky men were abandoned, and King Kong loved the children the most.So this is enough, and you don't need to care about others for the time being, such as the depressed Qi Ping and Luo Yi.

Nina is also very happy. For her, the life in the forest farm is the happiest part of her life.

The environment here is very good, making people feel very happy and comfortable every minute; and the life here is leisurely and comfortable. The most important thing is that after having a child, Nina feels that her life is infinitely close to perfection.

Qi Ping and Luo Yi got angry, they were the only ones who didn't have peaches to eat, and they were seriously despised; since they didn't get any peaches, they did it themselves.Do it yourself to have enough food and clothing, isn’t it just picking a peach, it’s hard to beat buddies!
It's okay to pick peaches, but it's a pity that the peach trees are still a little smaller now, and the fruit is not too much; even if the brothers Qi Ping and Luo Yi intend to earn a little face back, they can't really have a real feast.In the final analysis, there are not many peaches, so I can only enjoy the tooth-making festival first. As for trying to eat with peaches, it is really unreliable.

"Let's go, let's pick watermelons. Although there are not many peaches, there are a lot of watermelons. We now have to eat two watermelons a day, and we can't count Pooh and King Kong. Otherwise, two more watermelons would not be enough."

After picking the peaches happily, Qi Ping is in high spirits; let's go pick the watermelon, in such a sunny California, in such a summer, it is really a good thing to taste delicious watermelon.There are almost two acres of watermelon planted, which is enough for the whole family; there is no need to worry about not being able to eat it. The simplest reason is that Pooh and King Kong eat several watermelons a day.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are happy, they don't know how to pick watermelon yet, but they can happily lie on the big watermelon; the two little naughty boys are pushing the big round watermelon hard, and the two little naughty boys are even in the watermelon. He gnawed hard at the watermelon rind.They are already big children with teeth, so eating watermelon naturally needs to look like a big child.

King Kong and Pooh are bold and extravagant, and they are feasting now, eating delicious watermelon.There is no doubt that they don't need to think about eating watermelon after returning home; in fact, they often come to the watermelon field, eat full and happy, and then go home, because they can easily eat a lot of habits.

Sitting on the ground, with just a light hammer down, the watermelon will naturally fall apart; what King Kong has to do is to pick out the flesh of the watermelon and eat happily.Pooh is more simple and rude, just grow the bear's mouth and eat it. It doesn't matter how much watermelon it has, because it can eat happily, which is the most important thing.

Naturally, no one said anything about these two guys eating happily; they just wanted to eat happily. In fact, it was because of their existence that the watermelon would not be too much to eat and rot in the ground.It is not a problem to know that some watermelons can produce [-] to [-] catties per mu. Naturally, the fairyland forest farm is rushing for high yields. Once these watermelons are ripe, they will be a very large number. Naturally, we can’t just rely on two families to eat here. up.

The most important thing is to eat happily, so when Qi Ping hugged two big watermelons, one on the left and one on the right, it was a very happy thing.King Kong is much smarter than Qiping, and it has a reliable partner, Pooh; although there are no straps, baskets, etc. on Pooh’s back, King Kong can put a big watermelon on Pooh’s back, it just needs to hold just fine.

This trip to pick fruit is very happy and interesting; this is something to be happy and proud of, anyway, the most important thing is that the family is happy.Qi Ping is enjoying his own life now, seeing his wife's sweet smile and children's cute naps, Qi Ping is extremely happy.

To continue to enjoy his own good life, and continue to live such a good and happy life, these are the things that Qi Ping cares most about now.Qi Ping doesn't plan to do anything more, his career is developing smoothly; money is actually endless, and enjoying life with his family is the most important thing, Qi Ping is also willing to spend more of his time It is used to accompany family members.

I drove home happily on the golf course, went out to pick peaches once, and took a few big watermelons home by the way.That's about it, my life is beautiful and comfortable, and that's the most important thing.

It's just that while enjoying a good life, Qi Ping did not give up his career; but he is luckier than Luo Yi, because his career is in the forest farm, he doesn't need to run around, and he can handle his own problems just by staying in the forest farm. These things, this is the luckiest.

(End of this chapter)

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