America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 210 A Little Patience Would Be Better

Chapter 210 It's better to be patient
"Although we have done a lot of publicity in advance, there are still many people who are hesitant. If the price is just average, maybe those people can accept it. But the price of [-] US dollars a week, they may need to hesitate, after all, this It’s not too little.” Yu Lan is still a little worried, although she is very confident about her own forest farm; but it costs more than [-] RMB a week, and even rich people have to weigh it.

"No problem, I'm not worried at all. Twenty thousand dollars looks like a lot, but it's really nothing to some rich people. It's just the beginning, I'm cultivating the market and cultivating members. Otherwise I would have bid more, and there is really no shortage of people right now."

Qi Ping is more knowledgeable. In fact, the [-] US dollars may not be completely in his pocket, and Steve and the others who are responsible for attracting customers; but it is true that Qi Ping earns a lot of money, he can't eat alone, right? Who let Steve and his family's company do tourism service industry, which has a very good platform.

Pleasant cooperation is the most important thing. Qi Ping is a lazy person, he does not want to do everything by himself; the most important thing is that Qi Ping is very clear that some things are not what he is good at.If he is allowed to do sales and preside over the development of tourism affairs, it will really kill him.

It is more practical to be a handsome man quietly, and it is obviously more suitable for Qi Ping to play games with his son and daughter at home.As for the work, Qi Ping only needs to take care of the overall situation; he does not need to do the specific execution. This is a smart boss who knows how to be lazy and improve efficiency.

"pa pa!"

Qi Pingle went crazy, the fat son and good daughter who were sitting on the carpet rolling toys saw their father coming out of the study, the two little guys clapped their hands and started talking.Although the pronunciation of the little ones is still not standard enough, it is enough to make Qiping ecstatic that the children can now call 'Daddy'.

"The first thing the children will call is mother, you have nothing to be proud of. I can guarantee that the children love their mother more." Seeing Qi Ping lying on the carpet with a smile and rolling with the children, Kate smacked triumphantly Qi Ping; the children know how to call mother first, which is worth showing off for Kate, who makes Qi Ping not live up to expectations!

"They just know how to call mom first. It doesn't mean that I am not as important as you in their minds. If you think about it, as long as they go out to play, they will definitely think of me, which proves my status. Our Don’t you know the character of children, they are playful, thinking about going out to play games all the time. Then you know what this means, that is, they are thinking about Dad all the time.”

Qi Ping felt that his children must love their father the most, so he was interpreting some of the children's thoughts; the more he thought about it, the more he felt proud, because he came to a conclusion: the children love their father the most, which is enough Qi Ping is proud!The children can call people and talk; so Qi Ping is proud, and he thinks this is even happier.

Kate rolled her eyes and said, "It's true that the children like to go out to play, but it doesn't mean that the children like to go out with their father; in the morning and in the evening, Kate takes the children at the door." Playing games on the lawn, there are seven cute little chubby dogs like Angry and Snotty.

"Two teams of swans and two pairs of mandarin ducks will be sent in two days. I also specially asked the pet store to prepare a group of ducklings, which may grow into white swans! Although some wild birds are attracted here, I think it is not enough. , we need this place to become more beautiful. I have a lot of ideas now, and the forest farm will be even more beautiful.”

The fat son and the good daughter went to play games with the puppies again, and Qi Ping had to chat with Kate; the transformation of Muse Lake was just the beginning, and Qi Ping hoped that Muse Lake would be more beautiful.Although there are yachts and the like, this does not mean that Muse Lake is already beautiful. Qi Ping knows that it can be better.

"I think this is very interesting and interesting. I even think we can prepare some more interesting animals, which are suitable for our forest farm. You may also see that children actually like these small animals. I think if we If the children can get along with these animals, I believe they will get more happiness, and our children will be more kind and innocent."

Kate is very happy now, and she also has a lot of ideas; life is really beautiful now, but Kate feels that life can be more interesting and happier.

"This is for sure. Our forest area is very large, and we can choose some interesting and kind animals. But we also need to be serious and careful. I don't deny that children will like small animals very much, but it must not be every small animal. Animals are attracted to forest farms. For example, pythons, lions, etc., these aggressive and not intelligent animals, I don’t want them to live in forest farms. So we need to be careful, we need to carefully identify and monitor these small animals. Research."

Kate nodded straight. She felt that these opinions were really important. There will be more and more small animals in the forest farm, and the animals here will be very interesting.But these animals, even if you build a zoo at home, these animals need careful research and selection; after all, these small animals will make the forest farm more interesting and beautiful, so these animals must be interesting and kind.

Ugly, aggressive and stupid animals, so sorry; if you want to live in the forest farm, you really need to be more careful, those unqualified animals must not stay in the forest farm.

Chatting and playing games with the children, these are things Qiping and Kate find very interesting; but while enjoying their leisurely and comfortable life, Qiping is also busy with his own business.For him, money is an exaggeration, because he knows very well that he does not have enough financial resources to support him. If he wants to live such a comfortable and comfortable life, he really needs a lot of money.

"Steve, you have arranged the first batch of tourists now? I think this is good news, and the market response is still enthusiastic, which really makes me a little disappointed. I thought this might detonate the market, But obviously there is no such market recognition yet. So for this group of customers, you really need to ensure that they have taste.”

Qi Ping is the type who reports good news but not bad news. He feels that he needs to let his family live a happy life, and he doesn't need to worry about other things at all.Of course he knows that the forest farm is very good, but this price will make many people hesitate; now, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is too much recognition.

"Qi, many people have heard of Fairyland Forest Farm, but everyone is still a little unfamiliar with Forest Farm. It is very mysterious, but everyone still lacks a sense of identity. We need to slowly cultivate a sense of market identity. I believe they will be attracted by it. Attract. Qi, believe me; this group of guests will have great taste and aesthetics, we need more word of mouth and recognition now."

Steve didn't care much, including the weekly price of [-] US dollars, which was actually discussed by Steve and some professionals in his company.

The price is high, but not high; because for rich people, $[-] a week is nothing more than a squander.For these rich people, many people like to spend money and money; but there are also many people who like to improve the quality of life, and they hope to live more happily in a better environment.

Fairyland Forest Farm is good because Steve, being a playboy from a rich family, has really been to too many tourist spots.Perhaps Wonderland Forest Farm is not as lively and prosperous as Las Vegas, or it may not be as suitable for vacation as Hawaii.

But in the Fairyland Forest Farm, once you see the beautiful environment here, it will make people linger and forget to return.

It is very laid-back, even leisurely; and the environment is also good, very suitable for enjoying every day life leisurely and comfortably.The most important thing is to see the environment here, and you will feel that the air you breathe is the freshest and most nutritious.This place is suitable for long-term living, and it will definitely make people feel that they live a long life here.

To enjoy life and improve the quality of life, Fairyland Forest Farm is undoubtedly suitable for people to live; so there is no need to worry at all. Now Fairyland Forest Farm just doesn't have more word-of-mouth marketing.When more and more people see the beauty of this place, it will be the real guests that will make people yearn for this place.

The smell of wine is afraid that the alley is deep. Now people only hear that the environment here is very good, and the top vegetables are grown here.And there are only a handful of people who have been here; so it doesn't matter, all you need is a little patience now, and there is no need to worry about being left out.

Qi Ping is confident, and Steve has even more confidence in the forest farm; in the final analysis, the customer groups targeted this time are very researched and particular. The price for a week is totally worth it.

That's enough, it just takes a little patience.

Qi Ping and Steve are also discussing, although the first batch of guests who will come to the forest farm have been confirmed, and they will move in soon.So some small details still need to be communicated and arranged.

In the final analysis, this resort is not completely open, and there are still many restrictions and particularities here.So now, Qi Ping and Steve are doing serious research and don't want to lose the chain at a critical moment.

Qi Ping likes money, but he doesn't like trouble; his mission is to enjoy life, so these things must be arranged in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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