America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 216 Private Jets Are More Practical

Chapter 216 Private Jets Are More Practical

"Damn it, these two little rascals used to be picky about me or dislike me in various ways, but now they seem to be excited. I am not only their father, but also their big toy!"

Qi Ping was a little crying and laughing, but Kate thought it was very cute and interesting, and the picture was full of joy.

Usually, the two children basically need to be held by Qi Ping and Kate, and the children will decide who to let their father hold according to their mood.But now, the two little ones fell in love with dad at the same time.

Suspenders, baby slings; the one on the chest is Yoyo, and the one on the back is Xiaoyao.

Youyou sat happily in the straps, the little girl's hands were a little short, and she still couldn't hug her father's neck; but it doesn't matter, just try to stretch out her hand to show that she is hugging her father now.The little girl discovered a new game now, her little head was pressed against her father's chest, listening to her father's heartbeat.

As for Xiaoyao, although he also wanted to be hugged by his father, his younger sister grabbed that position; but it doesn't matter, as long as his father carries it on his back.The little guy is very happy, and his little mouth is never idle for a moment; although the little guy has learned some words now, the adults may not understand what he said, but he just needs to be happy.

Although Qi Ping seems to be complaining, but this is more of pride; with such two cute little guys, it's hard to be unhappy.

"I think I have to consider buying a private jet, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for the children to return to China in the future. For more than ten hours, it can't play or make trouble. It's really too uncomfortable."

Qi Ping feels a little distressed. Although it is first class, first class may not be absolutely comfortable; for adults, first class is very good, but for children, first class is also uncomfortable.

"The first class is very good, but the economy class is even more uncomfortable. But if you really get a private jet to come back, I have no objection. My good grandson will be comfortable when he returns to China. Private jets can travel around, and there are small bedrooms. Yes, that's enough for them to play."

This is a typical doting, if Qi Ping wants to buy a private jet, his mother will definitely say that Qi Ping is a waste; but with the face of the children, this private jet seems to be the one that should be prepared.

"I really have this idea. You know that our resort is receiving more and more invitations, and the level and grade of customers are getting higher and higher. I was thinking, if we get a private jet It will definitely be necessary to pick up and drop off at that time, after all, not every customer has a private jet."

Qi Ping talked about some of his thoughts, and this matter was indeed something he had been thinking about before.

"That's fine. It's convenient for me to take my grandchildren back to China when the time comes. Then I can travel comfortably. You can figure it out. The quality and reputation of our resort is indeed coming out. It is convenient to have a private jet Don’t talk about being high-end, and earn the money that should be earned, don’t worry about private jets being decorations. Originally, I thought that if you have a private jet, it would be empty at best, but now it’s really useful.”

Yu Lan got excited, originally she thought that the private jet was just a joke; although the family is rich, there is really no need to buy a private jet now, it won't be of much use.But it is very necessary to have a private jet on the resort side; and it is even better to be able to bring the children back to the country.

"I'm going to go back and study this matter carefully. Although I have made a little money this year, there are still a lot of places to spend it. We will soon build a few holiday villas facing the lake, and we will also develop a few A tree house, which is quite expensive. And I have to buy some land, this is an equestrian club and a tennis court, it really costs a lot of money."

Qi Ping feels that there are quite a lot of places where he needs to spend money now; although the resort is getting better and better now, with the continuous upgrading and development, there are actually more places to spend money.This is enough to make Qi Ping a headache, the more money he earns, the more places to spend it.

"You are developing slowly. If I think it is suitable, you can get a private jet first. The farm you are talking about now doesn't cost much, and our family's income this year is really quite a lot. I believe a plane The plane is not a problem." Of course, Yu Lan knew that the continued development of the resort would cost a lot of money, but how should I put it, for the sake of the grandchildren returning to China more comfortably, she couldn't control it.

"I really don't think I can afford so much money now. You know a little about the two farms I'm talking about now. The land near our forest farm is quite valuable now, although they all know it now. The land is only in our forest farm. The price is slightly higher than the market price, and the two farms cost at least three to five million U.S. dollars."

Qi Ping is actually quite a headache. Although the forest farm is not small, a large part of it is the forest part; it really needs a lot of land to be higher than a large resort, especially Qi Ping circled it a long time ago. The large piece of land is my own living area, and there are vegetable bases and the like, so the land is really lacking now.

Buying land and continuing to enclose land, this is what Qiping is going to do now, and it is the next step of the plan.It's just that for Qi Ping, this is not necessarily a simple matter. It really takes more time to buy land.

The land price in California itself is not cheap. Although Ramona is only a small place, the land price may not be sky-high.However, in the surrounding farms, the farmers may not be so short of money and want to sell the land for cash; moreover, these people may still have some expectations, that is, they are waiting for the "blessed land" to slowly develop to them.

Although it seems that the wishes of those farmers are about to come to nothing, Qi Ping is very clear that he needs to do it all at once.He needs to buy as much land as possible at one time, because he will definitely continue to arrange the gathering array, as long as the land is in his own name.

And once he bought the land himself, and the scope of the blessed land was spreading, it would make the farmers who had already sold it regret it; it didn't matter, because Qi Ping would definitely not have problems with these procedures.The key is that this will make other farmers excited, and they will continue to wait and wait for good luck to come.

So the easiest thing for Qiping to do is to buy enough land at one time without worrying about continued expansion.So now, he has chosen a farm of more than 300 acres and a farm of more than 200 acres; it is right next to his forest farm, and the environment is not bad.

It may be unlikely to be used to grow vegetables and the like, but if it is used to develop a resort, then it is not a problem at all.What Qiping has to do now is to create a luxurious resort, a top-notch mountain resort.

"I thought I was really a rich man now, earning a lot and being worth a lot. But looking at it now, I was really short of money. When I first started, I thought that having a few million dollars meant being rich After earning tens of millions of dollars, I was shocked, not short of money. As a result, the forest farm continued to develop, and the money was not enough. Well, when the forest farm developed well, it also earned more money. It’s still not enough, at most, life is good now, and it’s too far from the fully developed forest farm I thought before!”

Qi Ping shook his head straight, he is really a type who is short of money now; but looking at the peaceful and cute faces of the sleeping children, Qi Ping felt that he should work harder. It's a problem.

"It's all the same. I used to think that someone with a few million yuan was a real rich person. Who knew that our family's assets now have hundreds of millions of dollars, and this forest farm alone is an endless amount of money. Qian Sheng It’s a good thing if you don’t bring anything to die or take away; but I think it’s the most important thing for our family to be happy together.”

Qi Weihui, who hadn't talked much all this time, interjected, he is really content now; he never thought about his current life before, he has planted fields for most of his life, and has cultivated two college students.Originally, he thought that it was enough for his two sons to find a good job and live a good life.

But obviously, now he has got more; even when he wakes up in the middle of the night many times, he will feel a little unreal, because now he has got too much, because the life now is something he never dared to imagine before.

The sons are all promising now, and they can earn a lot of money if they have a successful career; moreover, the family lives peacefully and beautifully, which is really content for him.Now he doesn't have so many thoughts. Of course it's a good thing that the children's careers are flourishing, but what he values ​​more now is the two little grandchildren who are sleeping peacefully.

"The more money I earn, the more money I spend. I still expect to buy sea view villas and private yachts. It seems that there is no hope for a while. Speaking of which, it is really true for me to buy a sea view villa at the current price." It's not difficult."

Qi Ping joked that sea view villas and the like were not too tempting for him.

"Villa, that's what you live in now. If it's a yacht, we have one parked in the lake. People need to be content. I don't think it's better than the villa we live in now if you want a sea view villa. You want to buy a sea view villa. I have no objection to such things, when you are not short of money; the most important thing is that if you don’t buy a private jet, don’t even think about sea view villas and the like, the most important thing is for my little grandson to return to China in the future!”

Yu Lan made up her mind, it doesn't matter if she can't afford a private jet now, it must be on the agenda anyway; compared to those unreliable sea view villas, private jets are more practical.

Qi Ping feels that it is more important for him to listen to his mother now, which is also true, private jets are more practical!

(End of this chapter)

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