America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 222 Follow the steps

Chapter 222 Follow the steps
The fat son looked a little unhappy, the little guy was lying on the lawn and rolling; he didn't know what kind of emotion he was having, anyway, he could be sure that it was a combination of acting like a baby and being a rascal.

"Xiaoyao, what's going on?"

Sitting on the lawn, Qi Ping is not worried that the grass juice will stain his pants; anyway, the cloakroom is full and there are a lot of clothes. For usual fun?As for the dirty clothes, in fact, it doesn't necessarily get dirty anywhere, and they can be washed clean.

"I want to pee, pee standing up!"

The little guy who was still rolling around suddenly got excited, got up with his little butt sticking out, and then got into his father's arms and acted like a baby.Xiaoyao is still very smart, sticking to his father and acting like a baby can fulfill his little wish.

Qi Ping glared fiercely at Luo Yi, who was giggling at the side, this is a bastard, and he has already taught the cute little Xiaoyao badly.Luo Yi, the bastard, was basically led into the ditch by the children, and it was nothing good anyway.

Originally, Xiaoyao, who was wearing crotch pants, was running around happily all day long, but the godfather always likes to tease Xiaoyao; in fact, children in the United States basically don’t wear crotch pants, so Xiaoyao showing his butt is still very cute.

It's just that in the past two days, Luo Yi has always teased the little guy, saying that boys want to pee standing up; this is all right, Xiaoyao now knows that he is a boy, and he has been thinking about how to play and play all day long. what.Since there are such interesting things, the little guy is of course very excited, even if it's just peeing!
To put it bluntly, I finally let my precious son settle down for the time being, and didn't think about peeing standing up. He is still young and needs to grow up to be able to pee standing up.

It's okay, anyway, the children can only think of Dad when they have something to do, but not when they have nothing to do.Xiaoyao doesn't roll around on the ground anymore, he wants to play games with the puppies now; the seven little fat dogs are no longer small, and they have basically grown up, but there is no way, who let these seven puppies I grew up with the children, and the relationship is solid.

The fat son doesn't need to worry about Qi Ping for the time being, the little guy is having fun playing now; plus his mother is taking care of him at the door, there is no problem at all.

As soon as he entered the house, Qi Ping was happy.

The baby girl in the pink princess dress stood at the corner wiping her tears, looking very aggrieved; Needless to say, she must have made a mistake, didn’t she see that Kate was squatting in front of the little girl and educating the little girl? .

"Dad, hug!"

Seeing her father coming, the little girl stretched out her small hands to hug her; the little girl is very wronged now, she can't go out to play, and she will be caught by her mother and punished to stand at home.The little girl is wiping tears now, and now she wants her father to comfort her.

"Then tell me what mistake you made just now? Don't be naughty in the future, or Dad will spank your little ass."

Qi Ping smiled and hugged the little girl in his arms. It's not that Qi Ping dotes on the child; the key is that Yoyo is only one and a half years old, and she is still a little too young.Although it is true that some education is needed, Kate has already been educated here. Qi Ping is just going downhill, and the little girl can't be punished to stand still.

Although the little girl was still very aggrieved, she choked up and 'self-reflected', the little girl more or less knew that she had made a mistake now.Although she still doesn't really understand it, she already knows that if she continues to bully the small animals at home and touch their eyes, her parents will punish her.

Qi Ping and Kate will not blindly spoil the children. Although the children are indeed very young now, there are some things that need to be taught to the children.For example, these small animals at home should be able to play with them, but if you want to hurt them, you must be punished. The two little guys will be punished every three to five times. The family members are not surprised up.

Patiently explaining some things to the little girl, it is true that the children are young, but this cannot be a reason or an excuse, and you cannot blindly spoil the children.What should be reasonable and educated, in fact, both Qi Ping and Kate are very serious, and they have absolutely no reluctance.

It's a very simple truth, because they all know it well; if they just spoil their children blindly, then they will really harm them.So even if it hurts, you should be strict when you should be strict. At least you need to let the children know what things should be done and what things should not be touched.

The wronged Yoyo would still get angry, so she ignored her mother; but soon, the little girl forgot about being punished by her mother to stand just now.I happily chased my mother with my brother, and greeted the seven puppies together, because the little windmill is very fun, and the little girl wants to play with the windmill now!
Because of the children, this has indeed made Chip and Kate very happy and happy, and for them, every day is now filled with joy.Cherish the current life and enjoy every day of life now; in fact, these are what Qiping and Kate are doing now, and they are living every day to the fullest.

Although the children make small mistakes from time to time, although they occasionally cause some small troubles; but Chipping and Kate enjoy it because they both enjoy life now.The most important thing is that Xiaoyao and Yoyo are their children. Although the little ones sometimes cause some troubles; but it is undeniable that this is the life that children will bring, and this is part of life.

"Dad, you are not allowed to come over!"

Well, Qi Ping felt that he was squeezed out again; Xiaoyao and Youyou were huddled in his mother's arms comfortably, but the little ones now also know that father and mother are always together, so the little ones are jealous and jealous up.Dad is not allowed to go there, so that mother belongs to them.

Whether it's true or not, the children now know how to be jealous; in fact, it's not just about robbing father or mother, grandparents, including toys and so on.No way, this is the nature of children. Although Qi Ping and Kate are trying to teach children to learn to share, sometimes it is impossible to succeed at all, and it is unrealistic.

"Baby, Daddy wants to play games too."

Sit flush on the floor and hold your children's attention with your hands outstretched.But now it seems that the children are still a little more clingy to their mothers, and now is not the time to cling to their fathers, which makes Qi Ping a little dumbfounded.

"No, Daddy doesn't know how to play games. Boys, let's run after him, and we're going to drive this nasty villain away!"

Kate became proud, and she led the two cutest little angels to chase a nasty big villain, trying to drive away the annoying guy who always appeared to compete for the children's attention.

Qi Ping jogged happily in front, watching his precious son and cute daughter swinging their short legs and yelling over to chase after him, Qi Ping was really happy.This game is very good, as long as you can play the game with the children, then it is the best game for Qi Ping, it is his favorite game!
Qi Ping is very clear that he is the type with no ambitions. For him, what he likes is to manage his own family well. For him, the happiest thing now is to spend every day with his family.This is the most important thing, and it is also the most happy and joyful.

As for career matters, just pay a little attention, there is no need to delay enjoying a good life because of those things.

For this unambitious person, some things cannot be put before the horse; living a good life is actually the most important thing in Qiping's eyes.As for the others, they are just a foil and a foundation.

Just like his own career and so on, Qi Ping has no ambitions at all, he doesn't think that he will have a sense of accomplishment if he makes some careers.In his opinion, if his career can be better and he can earn more money, it is actually to enable himself and his family to live a leisurely and prosperous life, and now he has indeed done this.

"How are you thinking about it? I know you are a lazy person, but you can't continue to be lazy like this forever. The development plan of the resort is still going on, let's not talk about anything else, some things must be prepared, at least the planning needs Yes. Muse Lake really can’t just be the current specification, it’s too out of place.”

Luo Yi continued to encourage Qi Ping. He actually had high ambitions for the resort plan, and he hoped that it would become more interesting.So, some things must be prepared; for example, a motorboat club, and it would be even better if you add some yachts and so on.

These actually require Qi Ping to nod. These days, Luo Yi has been pestering Qi Ping when he has this time; in fact, not only Luo Yi, but also Steve, who has settled down in the forest farm, are constantly encouraging Qi Ping flat.In their view, Qi Ping is really abominable. All the good things are kept for their own use, which is too 'selfish'.

For such a person, we not only need to despise them, but also need to encourage them well, so as not to put some pressure on a bastard like Qi Ping. In fact, this guy can go on forever.So now, Luo Yi is in such a state, to constantly encourage Qi Ping, at least to make Qi Ping a resolution.

"This matter can be considered. Anyway, I am prepared. Muse Lake will definitely be developed, but it is more important to build my horse farm now. And I also plan to build a fitness room and entertainment room by the way. It will cost money. Don’t worry, it’s all going to come out anyway, so there’s no rush for it right now!”

Qi Ping thought about it, and there are some things that cannot be refused, so let's develop them honestly and step by step!

(End of this chapter)

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