America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 225 Qi Ping's Life Attitude

Chapter 225 Qi Ping's Life Attitude
Lively parties have never been what Qiping likes, and as for elegant-looking receptions, this is not what Qiping likes either.Anyway, those feasts and feasts have never been attractive to Qi Ping, and the simplest reason is because he doesn't like such excitement.

Qi Ping doesn't want to play some exciting games at the party, and Qi Ping doesn't like hunting and picking up girls at the party even more.Although the reception seems to be high-end, something that the upper class and the rich have to do, in fact, these are not very attractive to Qi Ping. He does not need to rely on the reception to expand his network or hope to be accepted by those rich people. Category.

Although I don't like these things, it doesn't mean that Qi Ping won't participate; after all, it's because people need some community, so we can't make a Lone Ranger series.Normal interpersonal communication and the like still need attention; especially now, even if you don't like some gatherings, you can't just reject them, at least you need to do some face-saving work.

This is a reception of the Republican Party, and naturally some supporters and some members of the Republican Party participated in it; Steve also came, and this guy is a supporter of the Republican Party.In fact, Qi Ping chose to support the Republican Party, largely because of Steve's instigation, and continued to sell the benefits that the Republican Party can bring after it takes power.

Republicans emphasize the importance of private business and individual decision-making in promoting economic prosperity, and they support a business-friendly free market policy, economic liberalism, and limits on the size of government and government regulation.

This seems to be more beneficial to people like Qiping. This is classical liberalism; it is a political philosophy that supports the existence of individuals prior to the state, emphasizing individual rights, private property, and advocating laissez-faire economic policies. It believes that the government exists The purpose is only to protect the freedom of each individual.

Qi Ping listened to this guy who is said to be a state congressman talking about the benefits of the Republican Party. Naturally, Qi Ping only had a half-knowledge; although he had done some work before, but talking about politics with these political people Overreaching.All Qi Ping has to do is to listen. By the way, he can also put forward his own opinions on some things, which are mainly related to his own interests.

"You seem very popular, I think they may all know that you are the youngest billionaire in this meeting, and you have great potential. In fact, not only the Republicans, but some businessmen are talking to you Looking for some contact." Kate was very proud, because her husband was the most dazzling existence at this reception!

Rich people are welcome wherever they go, especially a super potential stock whose assets are constantly increasing rapidly, which has attracted more attention.

Whether Qiping has money, he must be rich; because of the USDA standard forest farm, coupled with the increasing reputation of the resort in the wealthy class in the United States, these can make some people at the reception chat with Qiping Staring at the sky, putting on beauties, and of course stuffing a business card and the like.The reason is very simple, I hope everyone can make money together.

The principle of multiple friends and multiple paths works everywhere, and for some rich people, they really need some contacts if they want to continue to develop.So the current Qi Ping, even if he may not have any relationship with some of the people here, but he can get in touch with the relationship in advance, maybe it will be useful at any time.

Although Qi Ping is usually lazy and unwilling to talk to anyone, but in such a social situation, he can still be personable and not lacking in etiquette.Even if you are strangers, you can talk and laugh happily when you are together; although the smiles are fake and the chat is empty, it doesn’t matter; everyone is like this, no one cares about what you talk about, after all, you just met, now you just need to 'get to know' That's fine, let's talk later!
"It's really boring to go to a reception with these people. I don't like such hypocrisy, and I don't like the style of these so-called successful people. It is true that the upper class may look sanctimonious, but secretly they are The virtues of male thieves and female prostitutes. I don't like this place, it's too fake and boring!"

The two whispered to Kate that Qi Ping really didn't like this kind of reception, not at all; if it wasn't because it was his first reception as a supporter of the Republican Party, he would even be the protagonist of the reception this time.Qi Ping really didn't want to come, and he didn't even want to have a happy conversation with some unknown people who seemed to be friends for many years.

"I don't like it here either, I don't like the fact that people here look personable, but we can all feel the fakeness, everyone is wearing a mask, it's a really bad feeling! I prefer real friends We can barbecue together, sing together, and drink together, and that kind of party is more joyful. Although the drinks here are high-end red wine and everyone wears high-end dresses, the feeling here makes people feel awkward and very uncomfortable!"

Kate doesn't seem to like the reception here, too much hypocrisy; after all, it's because the two of them don't want to be here, and some people like the reception very much.Because those people can get more contacts here, can expand their business in such a place, and maybe they can also become the focus of everyone's attention and become a topic of conversation.

But for Qi Ping and Kate, they just don't like this kind of reception; in the final analysis, it is because everyone has different hobbies. The reception here is obviously not the style of Qi Ping and Kate. Class, and even a little out of place, because they do not belong to such a reception.

"I miss the kids, let's go and say hello to them and go back. Anyway, we have received their business cards and said hello to them. They just need a reason to hold a reception, not because of us Leave the spoils; obviously, we're just a reason to have a reception, that doesn't mean we're the protagonists."

He drank the red wine in one gulp, and wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand without grace; this is what he learned from his fat son, the first thing the little guy thinks of every time he finishes eating is to wipe with his hands.Qi Ping doesn't care about demeanor and the like, my buddy just has the attitude of a country bumpkin; but buddy is rich, no one will say anything, what they will say is that Qi Ping, a rich man, is really temperamental, chic, and can even be unrestrained, It will not be a local turtle who cannot get on the stage.

This world is very real and cruel. It is not only a society that looks at faces, but also a society that looks at wallets.Obviously, Qi Ping is not a top-notch handsome guy who looks better than Pan An, but he is not shabby; the most important thing is that Qi Ping has big pockets and deep pockets, which is enough to make those people look at him with admiration up.

Say hello to the organizer of the reception with Kate, who is actually Steve's father, and then say hello to some other important people; then just run away, and no one will say anything , because they all know that it is enough for Qi Ping to come, not to mention that Qi Ping is talking and laughing with many people here, which is enough.

"I don't like this kind of reception, I don't like it at all. If I have the opportunity and conditions, I will never attend such a reception in the future. It's too hypocritical and uncomfortable; I still prefer to be at home with my children Play games with them and tell them stories. And I don’t like this outfit, it’s too serious and formal, I still like T-shirts, casual clothes, comfortable!”

As soon as he got in the car, Qi Ping immediately began to unbutton his shirt; the collar, cuffs, these buttons all needed to be unbuttoned.Even the dress on his body had been thrown into the back seat. Although it was hand-made, he didn't see how good it felt when he wore it. On the contrary, it made people feel awkward and uncomfortable. It was not a flush style.

He let out a long sigh of relief, and finally felt a lot more comfortable; he seemed to be dressed in style, but it was really uncomfortable.Qi Ping feels that he still does not belong to the class of successful people, and he still looks like a bit of a dog who can't get a seat.

No way, this is Qi Ping; a person who is easily satisfied, a little man who has no ambitions and only thinks about his wife and children.

It is true that the family has some money, but Qi Ping at this time is not thinking about doing a big business or becoming a real upper class.Power and power are really not attractive to Qi Ping, that's not what he wants.

For Qi Ping, what he prefers is to chat with Kate about homely things, and to play wildly with the children, which is his greatest enjoyment.

He made a lot of money, of course he is very happy; the reason he makes money is to live a more comfortable life, and by the way, save more property for the children.That's it, Qi Ping is not a person with great ambitions, he doesn't have lofty ambitions that make people look stressed.

I am busy making money, and I have been making money continuously; to make the company bigger, to make the company bigger and bigger.

This kind of life is not the life that Qi Ping likes; it is too tiring, and then he will have no time to enjoy life with his family, and then he will not have much time to do what he likes.

Qi Ping doesn't think there is anything wrong with his current life, and he doesn't think he needs to change.Everyone has his own ambitions, this is his Qiping life.

Enriched, Qi Ping feels that his current life is very fulfilling; playing games with the children and enjoying the good life every day with the family, this is the life of Qi Ping.

Not only fulfilled, but also very leisurely and comfortable; this is what Qi Ping pursues, and he feels that this kind of life is the real life.Tiring yourself like a dog, you need to count every minute, that's really tiring!

(End of this chapter)

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