America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 227 The Development Plan of Muse Lake

Chapter 227 The Development Plan of Muse Lake (for Subscription)

Although Qi Ping has always been somewhat resistant to the thorough development of Muse Lake, he is also very clear; Muse Lake is a real treasure, and if it is only based on the current scale, it is really a bit reckless.Although there are yachts and motorboats now, this is still far from enough. Muse Lake can be more beautiful.

Qiping may not necessarily create a real water park, too many water entertainment facilities and the like; at least some exciting and require some complicated equipment or entertainment facilities that need professional management, it is definitely not suitable for Muse Lake .Obviously, here is leisure, vacation, there is no need to play some exciting games.

"Now we have created an artificial beach. The sunshine in California is already abundant, and you can easily enjoy the golden 'coast' style. Put a beach umbrella on the shore, and you can sit leisurely on the beach chair, stealing half a day's leisure, It must be fun to have the lake breeze and the lake view.”

The development plan of Muse Lake is continuing, and the first thing to do now is actually to develop an artificial beach, which is actually very interesting to Qi Ping.

The environment of Muse Lake is really beautiful, and creating an artificial beach can make the scenery here better and add more games.Qi Ping thinks that his design is very promising, and it has actually been unanimously praised by his family. This is indeed a good game.

"We also need to think about the kids, their waterslides need to be thought about, and I'm sure the kids will love this game. And we're not just going to have these games for the kids, we also need to have a racing slide, which is It’s a game for grown-ups. Well, I think the children’s slide can be considered a spiral slide, which is suitable for everyone and does not require overlapping equipment.”

Kate is enthusiastically coming up with ideas, and she is very involved now; it is obvious that she has become a playful housewife now, as long as she thinks of being able to play games with her family, Kate feels very happy.Now Kate is very happy to start developing Muse Lake into a large leisure water park.

"We need to prepare both the spiral slide and the racing slide, but it doesn't matter for children's slides. Who makes children's slides not take up much land. For example, our family Xiaoyao and Yoyo, they are too small now, the spiral slide It is still difficult for them to operate, and children's slides are more suitable for them."

Qi Ping pointed to the folder with a smile and said to Kate that now the suitable facilities have basically entered Qi Ping's field of vision.But now, it is only necessary to determine some projects, and then there will be professionals to carry out the specific operation and implementation, which does not require Qiping to do everything by himself.

"And we can also make some water walking balls, water rollers, water icebergs, water bumper boats and so on. These are actually very interesting. Muse Lake is very big, which is an excellent carrier; We don’t need a yacht club, we don’t need hurricane walls, tornadoes and other thrill rides that don’t fit in our Muse Lake, we just need something more relaxed and casual, and it can be fun.”

Kate is happily planning. Although it may be too late in time now, she can experience a relatively simple but very interesting game a little bit.And wait until next year, it will become a real water park; and as the children grow up, then you can play more games with the children.

Chipping and Kate are still chatting enthusiastically about their water park plans, and the development of Muse Lake is a sure thing; there is no doubt that it will continue to be more and more interesting here.And Qi Ping is not petty, at least he has developed Muse Lake now, and it is the most suitable development for the current situation of Muse Lake.

"Dad, let's go see the ducks! I saw a lot of cute ducks and swans!"

Xiaoyao, who was shirtless and wearing small swimming trunks, ran over. After getting on the yacht, the little guy happily ran around; but now Xiaoyao and Yoyo are too small, and there is no need to worry about messing with them on the yacht. trouble.

"The swans are not here. They are in another place. Later, Dad will take you to find swans in a big boat. Those are ducks and big white geese, not swans. Dad told you many times, those are big white geese. They They're all going home."

Qi Ping hugged the fat son in a funny way, this boy still can't distinguish some animals, for example, he has corrected it many times; the fat son really can't tell the difference between swans and big white geese, as for mandarin ducks and the like, he has long been caught by this boy Automatically classified into the ranks of ducks.Although Xiaoyao can talk a lot now, he really can't expect this little guy to understand everything.

If the fat son wants to see ducks and fake swans, it's no problem; taking his wife and children to swim in the lake is a kind of enjoyment.Anyway, for Qiping and Kate, children’s favorite games definitely need support, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that driving a yacht is the most interesting; sitting on the lower deck with the children and kicking water splashes is actually very interesting.The most fun games are with the wife and the kids, and the rest is not important.

Qi Ping smiled, and Yoyo, who was wearing a small swimsuit, lay lazily on the armchair; the warm sun made people drowsy, and the little girl had entered the state now, and she was going to sleep now.Although the little girl is only over one year old, she already knows how to enjoy life. She has already learned to sunbathe. She really has the taste and talent to enjoy life.

Seeing the baby girl's lazy appearance, Qi Ping laughed; but he didn't intend to let his daughter sleep, now it's time to play games.Don't look at the little girl lying lazily on her shoulders and unwilling to move, it's just a case of lazy king syndrome, and she can't cheer up temporarily; if it's a while, the little girl will start yelling when she plays games.

In fact, it was like this, the little girl sat happily on the deck, happily kicking the water with her chubby legs like tender lotus root.What makes Qi Ping even more helpless is that the little girl looks a bit 'naturally dumb', and Xiaoyao still recognizes ducks and swans, although they can't tell them clearly.But the cute Yoyo, as long as it swims in the water, it is basically a swan!

Children are actually playful, they have always been carefree guys, and their lives seem to be about playing games.Qi Ping feels very happy, growing up with carefree children, Qi Ping feels that his life is getting more and more interesting, and being with innocent children, Qi Ping feels that he is getting happier now.

"Father, let's go home. The swans have all run away, and my little belly is hungry." After playing in the water for a while, Yoyo began to act like a baby; The family rested.

"Okay, let's go home together, let's go home to eat delicious food, let's go home to play games." Qi Ping felt that he would be subdued immediately if he was coaxed by the little guys, and the kids were really not very good Love playing on the lake all day, while it's fun for a while, it gets boring after a while.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are happy, they have played in the water for a long time, and the children are a little hungry now, so now they are well, that is, they are going home.The children are waiting happily, waiting to go home to play games with King Kong and Pooh, and now they can go and eat some good food.

"Grandma, we're back!"

As soon as they got off the boat, the children shouted happily; the two little guys ran towards the house happily in their little slippers. The children are very happy and proud now, because they played a lot of games today, because today Not only did they play in the water, they even almost caught a 'swan', these are the children's happy things.

"Hurry up and wash your hands, grandma made you delicious cakes, chocolate cakes." Yu Lan smiled, picked up the two little guys, and kissed their chubby little faces, "Later you have to give Grandma will help, and I will help grandma choose vegetables in a while."

The little ones clapped their hands happily, they're all smug now; kids want to be considered big kids now, so they'd love to help.This is how it is now. The children are very happy when they hear that they can help grandma with things, because they have grown up now.

Seeing the children bouncing to wash their hands, and then happily filling their mouths with small cakes, Qi Ping laughed; the children are really snacks, if they can, they really It can be eating 24 hours a day.

"I'll wait to order the game props we need, and our water park is going to be built. Let's start with some simple games, such as water walking balls, which can be played now. But the water slides And so on, it’s really not easy to build now, at least now we still need some arrangements and preparations.”

Qi Ping is still busy now, he is going to finish some work in the study; Muse Lake is about to be developed, and now some things about the water park have been confirmed.So now, Qi Ping needs to start serious preparations; before the end of summer and before the weather cools down, at least some game facilities need to be prepared.

"You hurry up and get your work done, and then we're going to enjoy lunch. I'm going to make some seaweed egg soup, I know you and the children like seaweed egg soup. By the way, I saw my mother prepared the steak, and I I believe the children will be happy, their favorite beef is here again!"

Kate laughed, and the big and small foodies in the family are going to feast again!

(End of this chapter)

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