America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 239 They Are All Assholes

Chapter 239 They Are All Assholes (Please Subscribe)

Qi Ping felt very painful, and Patrice brought five big and three rough security guards in less than a week under Qi Ping's request; this kind of security is very good, and it looks very imposing!These guys have all served in the army. After retiring, they all have some experience in security protection work, and they are veterans.

This is all right, the security department of the forest farm has been completely formed. There are six people including the supervisor, Patrice; except for Patrice, who is in his early 50s, the remaining five are all in their 30s and [-]s. The age of a person belongs to the "year of fighting".It is enough for an experienced old guy to sit in command, and the rest will definitely need to do it personally. Their work is actually youth food and physical work.

It is equipped with two golf carts and an emergency off-road vehicle; golf carts are naturally used for patrols and the like. After all, Qiping still hopes that the environment of the forest farm will be better. car belches exhaust.As for the off-road vehicle, it is for emergency use, because the speed of the golf course cannot be compared with the off-road vehicle.

As for uniforms or stun guns, Qi Ping will definitely be ready without Patrice taking the initiative to remind him.Even if these security guards are retired soldiers, they can't let them feel comfortable with bare hands.Qi Ping still knows that sometimes he really can't be stingy.

Don't be stingy, for a more comfortable and relaxed life; so not only cars and guns, but also helicopters.This is not a small matter, nor is it a small sum.

One is the Hummingbird 260L helicopter produced by Vertical Aviation Technology Company. The Hummingbird helicopter has perfect performance, first-class quality, and integrates safety and reliability.

The cockpit of Hummingbird can comfortably seat four adults. The cockpit width is 55 inches, the height from the cockpit floor to the cabin roof is 56 inches, and the cockpit length is 110 inches. In addition, there are two 15 inches long X20 inches wide X13 inches under the front seat inch high luggage space.It can easily carry four people, or two people plus 220 pounds of camping equipment to fly 600 kilometers.

This can be said to be a relatively large helicopter, and the price is naturally not cheap; it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it is necessary.Because such a big guy can ensure that the security guards can quickly appear in every corner of the forest farm, and can carry some equipment to deal with emergencies at any time.

It can't just be the Hummingbird 260L. This big guy is indeed a bit too big, which means that the fuel consumption will be relatively high.Although Qi Ping is a person who is not short of money, he can't spend money blindly.Hummingbird helicopters are more for dealing with emergencies, daily patrols and the like actually don’t need such a huge guy, it’s too extravagant.

This is a big guy weighing more than 1000 kilograms, with a maximum speed of [-] kilometers per hour, and a cruising speed of [-] kilometers per hour.Such a big guy consumes forty to sixty liters of fuel per hour; such a big guy is a complete gas tiger!

The other plane wasn't cheap either, the Schiller OH-23 Raven; it was a light observation helicopter, one that flew in the Korean War.Of course, a lot of changes have been made compared to the military version, which is civilian grade after all.Smaller than a hummingbird, but not much smaller.

Qi Ping is relieved now, Patrice and his colleagues are quite capable, and they quickly put into work after arriving at the forest farm.At the beginning, it was natural to study the terrain and environment of the forest farm carefully, and then began to arrange security work. For example, those "passages" that were considered to need more attention were strictly guarded.

"Jericho, we're going out, don't let those flies into the tree farm, I hate the media. How long has it been, and they still want to dig news here! Let them stay here and drink the wind, I Will not invite them and coffee!"

Driving a Cadillac, Qi Ping was about to go out to work; Qi Ping was very relieved of the 'guard' outside the gate of the forest farm; he was recommended by his father-in-law, a very nice old man.Jericho is very conscientious, he needs this job; so those media reporters, even if they are blocking the gate of the forest farm every day, they have no chance to go in and find out.

"Qi, they are honest now, and they don't dare to take any more actions. Those guys are out of luck, and they have to pay for their ignorance. Believe me, they can't be more honest now, unless they want to To receive a subpoena from the court, unless they want to smash their jobs!"

Jericho smiled triumphantly. This old guy was troubled by these reporters some time ago, but now those reporters are all good grandchildren.Now Jericho's life is easier again, and he is enjoying his work.

Seeing Qi Ping drive away arrogantly, those reporters were very angry, but they could do nothing about it; although the reporter is the "uncrowned king", a pen in his hand is always making waves and fueling the flames.But this time, he is facing Qi Ping, who doesn't care about anything. The most important thing is that Qi Ping is not a public figure in the true sense.

So it's okay now, Qi Ping doesn't care about them, and these reporters have nothing to do; if they want to sneak into the forest farm, in fact, some reporters did it at the beginning.But it can't work now, the hateful Qi Ping has now hired some security guards; and the journalists who caught a few trespassing in the forest farm were naturally brought to court by Qi Ping's personal lawyer without a doubt.It's a felony because these guys violated Qiping's rights and property!
The reporters seem to be eager to make things big, because it will sell more for their newspapers and the like; but Qi Ping is not a star or something, he is a 'businessman' and a rich man, he doesn't need to care about the so-called gossip at all, In fact, no one cares about the gossip news about Qi Ping; so those reporters, if they don't die, they will peel off their skins!

"I think those reporters have lost their patience. They can't wait for any opportunities and news here. What's more, the most important thing about news is timeliness. Now they have nothing to do except to promote our forest farm. News can be reported."

Kate, who was sitting in the back seat with the children, laughed. There were more than a dozen reporters outside the forest farm a few days ago; but now there are only two or three kittens left. These reporters quit because they knew It is now unprofitable.Kate knew that life was going to return to calm, and the news of the two wild whooping cranes had lost focus.

"It's just the beginning. This time we are going to Los Angeles to create air for people. This will definitely attract more attention. Although more people are in the wealthy class now, I believe more and more people will care about it." My skill and ability. Believe me, this is the big deal!"

Looking back at Kate, Qi Ping raised his eyebrows proudly; looking at the two little guys sitting on the child seat, Qi Ping became happy.Xiaoyao and Yoyo received the invitation, and they were actually very happy to go out as guests; the children liked being guests very much, because it was their game.

"By the way, I have noticed some news reports. Professor Bruce seems to be helping you contact the honorary doctor of biology at Princeton University. You should be enthusiastic and proactive. This is an Ivy League school, the most prestigious school! It is It has been ranked among the top ten in the world, and even surpassed Harvard to become the first in the latest comprehensive university rankings!"

Kate is a bit jealous, Princeton University is the top school, and this honorary doctorate may not be as valuable as a real doctorate degree.But this kind of degree can be obtained more because of some remarkable achievements, which is a rare affirmation.

“They just want to tie me, a rich guy, to their chariot, and I know Princeton is good. But they all already have so many donations from alumni and investment experts, and they’re staring at the money in my pocket.” Money. Once I become their honorary doctorate, our children will only be able to go to Princeton University, and we will be constantly harassed.”

Qi Ping was a little depressed, and it was all because of the bastard Professor Bruce's self-assertion; now it's all right, Qi Ping is in a dilemma.Of course he knew that Princeton University was very good, but those guys had impure motives, and Qi Ping felt a little awkward; my buddy used to study law, and he didn't get along with biology at all, okay?

Qi Ping really couldn't accept this sudden change from an ordinary undergraduate student at an unknown university to an honorary doctorate at the world's top-ranked top university. This span is really too big.

Kate gave Qiping a blank look, and was completely speechless at this bastard who didn't seek to make progress; although Kate knew very well that it would not be a problem for the children to go to college in the future, at most it was just stuffing a sum of money.But this is Princeton University, and many people there are very interested in the forest farm; once the cooperation is reached, as long as the forest farm does not fail, almost all children and grandchildren can easily enter the top Princeton University!
"By the way, that bastard Joshua is planning to come to the tree farm again. This time he is going to have a Thanksgiving party! He is a complete bastard, and he seems to be planning to eat me! The one thing I regret the most The thing is to take him to a bachelor party. It’s obviously nothing wrong, but he created a weird atmosphere and deliberately said some messy words to confuse the public! As for the trust between people, what did you say to kill them at the beginning? Don't say it; now it has become something out of nothing, you bastard!"

Driving past Kate's natal house, he saw the ATV outside the house; Qi Ping felt speechless, that car belonged to Joshua, and he never thought about returning it.The most important thing is that that bastard is really the type who pushes forward, he actually said some nonsense and started threatening!

(End of this chapter)

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