America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 243 All of Happiness

Chapter 243 All of Happiness

Seeing Qi Ping rolling on the bed depressed, Qi Ping smiled proudly; after dinner, a family meeting was held.The result is naturally that Kate won a big victory, there is no suspense at all.

Don't look at Qi Ping, who is complaining with snot and tears that this trip is not as good as he imagined, but no one cares.Even Qi Ping has become a typical negative teaching material; instead of receiving some solidarity and support as imagined, he has encountered more accusations and opposition.

For example, Qi Ping's parents are a little unhappy that Qi Ping, who is almost 30 years old, is still there. family members.And Kate's opinion is very good, as a man, you must learn to be considerate.

It's easier for the children, they just saw their mother acting like a baby, and the children swarmed up; by the way, under the instigation of Kate, the children began to denounce the 'bad dad', and Yoyo even threw a 'blockbuster', not allowing dad to Kiss her, Yoyo doesn't want to play games with bad dad now.

Well, Qi Ping has now become a big villain who has been unanimously denounced; the depressed Qi Ping can only hold King Kong and Pooh and complain, but unfortunately his younger brothers are really not up to date, and they don't care about the big brother at this time. Bitter water, but thought it was playing a game.

So well, Yu Lan, who sees how his son is not pleasing to the eye now, feels that the bastard Qi Ping really needs to be educated; The partners are fooling around.Look at this kid, he takes Pooh and King Kong to dominate the forest farm every day, thinking about eating, drinking and having fun all day long.

Depressed, Qi Ping returned to the bedroom, and he was so shocked that he could only roll on the bed now; now he has completely seen that what he really doesn't see at home is any right to speak.The most important thing is that he doesn't have much right now at all, he is completely in the position of being disliked and attacked by all kinds of people, he is an 'outsider'.

"Remember what you said to me earlier? You should be clear that you took the initiative to hand over the decision-making power of going out to me. So I can be sure that as long as you go out with me, then nightclubs, bars, all kinds of I will ruthlessly kick away all the clubs; you can go to the spa with me, go to the hot springs, and I can announce that I have reached an agreement with my mother, and you will go shopping with us!"

Kate proudly started to show off, and Qi Ping suddenly discovered the shady scene; but thinking about it, it's better to be honest and silent.The person with the most say in the family has never been Qi Ping or Qi Ping's father; the elders can only take care of some big things most of the time, as for travel and the like, these are trivial matters, and they are dismissed at all!
This is a tradition in the family, and it is something that cannot be explained further; in fact, it can also be regarded as something that the men of the Qi family need to learn, such as the current Xiaoyao.Although the little guy is protesting again and again, he will always be suppressed by his mother and grandma, and then he will be obedient and determined to be an obedient and good boy.It's even more than that, including Yoyo, sometimes nagging and giving instructions to Xiaoyao.

Qi Ping suddenly felt that the pressure seemed to be a little bit high, because the environment at home was a bit 'bad', and it was basically impossible to gain the initiative and the right to speak.It's better to roll around on the bed honestly, so that you can vent your emotions without being severely suppressed.

Like him for his cleverness, Qi Ping thinks he is too witty; there is no way, this is a smart child who grows up in constant struggles and lessons, and can ensure that he can enjoy a good life at home with peace of mind .

"Dad, can my sister and I sleep with you?"

The bedroom door was pushed open, and Xiaoyao and Yoyo, who were wearing little pajamas, held hands, and the children ran directly to the bedside, looking at Qiping and Kate eagerly.

"Well, today is fine!"

Although Qiping and Kate let their children develop the ability to sleep independently when they were young, it doesn't mean that they don't like to take their children to sleep.The children must miss their parents very much. They have been out for several days, and the children must want to sleep with their parents now.

The children cheered, and Xiaoyao and Yoyo began to crawl on the bed; the little ones were very happy to be able to sleep with their parents, and even Yoyo didn't care about the big doll he usually hugged to sleep.There is no need for it now, because the little girl is very happy now, and being with her parents is the happiest and most secure.As for those plush dolls, the little girl didn't care at all.

"Dad, I want to sleep in the middle!"

Xiaoyao pouted his little buttocks and was studying seriously. After thinking for a while, the little guy lay on the bed directly; he had found the most suitable position, that is whoever is between the parents, he became the center, and with the parents All rely on the nearest.

Qi Ping naturally nodded straight, the children's opinion is the most important thing; since it is taking the children to sleep, of course it is how the children arrange and come.Let this little fat child who is in the middle, Qi Ping and Kate will feel very happy and happy.

Yoyo doesn't like to sleep in the middle, although she didn't bring a big doll, but the little girl doesn't like to sleep without something to hug; Dad can act as a big doll now, Qi Ping lay down obediently, the little girl is happy Lie flat on your chest.This is the favorite way of the baby girl, she likes to lie on daddy's chest; not only can hear daddy's heartbeat, but also follow daddy's breathing, this is the bed that will shake!

Gently patted the little butt of the baby girl, the little girl started to doze off now; but the baby son was very energetic, rolling around on the bed, until he was slapped twice by Kate. He was holding Kate and was going to try to sleep, but after a while, he turned around and wanted to squeeze into Dad's arms.

"I'm going to be jealous, these two little villains are all in love with you now. I'm their best friend, and I'm their favorite mother. But they have already betrayed me, and they are all willing to sleep with you!"

Kate pursed her mouth and felt a little wronged. Now her son and daughter are squeezed into Qiping's arms, and she didn't catch any of them; this made Kate express all kinds of envy and hatred. She knew that Yoyo would definitely prefer to lie on her father's lap. Sleeping on the body, this is the habit of the little girl.But the baby boy's 'betrayal' made Kate jealous.

"No way, although they always dislike me very much, and often betray me and exclude me, they are willing to get close to me in their bones. We just may encounter some small frictions when we get along. But we all know that we are the ones we trust and love the most!"

Qi Ping is proud now, his son and daughter want to hug him to sleep, he thinks this is the most proud place; quietly stretched out his hand for Kate to sleep on, Qi Ping feels that this bed is all he has, that is His greatest happiness and joy.

It's wet, it's my baby girl drooling; the little girl sleeps on her stomach all night, and the little girl sleeps very ladylike and gentle, basically she won't move around.Although the drooling doesn't look like a ladylike enough, but there is no way, sleeping on the stomach sometimes really can't control these things.

The fat son was pulled by Kate to sit up, and Xiaoyao, who was rubbing his eyes, fell down again in a daze; the little guy is still not awake, but it doesn't matter, he just needs to turn over, and he just hugs the pillow and plans to be lazy on the bed Li: Xiaoyao don't get up, it's still a good time to sleep!
Coaxing two little ones to wake up is really not an easy task, but it is really not a problem for Qiping; because he and Kate need a little patience, the children are a bit sleepy now, and it is relatively easy I got up early, and I haven't slept until I wake up naturally, so of course I can't get up and play happily.

"I'm sure Dad and Mum played a lot of games with them yesterday. It's always like that, and they don't want to get out of bed once they get tired and crazy."

Kate is a little funny, she knows the virtues of the little ones very well; seeing the fat boy kicking his little chubby legs in a crying voice to express dissatisfaction, Kate knew that the children must have had a crazy day under the leadership of their grandparents yesterday, They didn't even take a nap, that's why the children are so sleepy now.

"I'm more sure of this, you look at our baby girl, I suspect if I tease her again, she'll bite me and fight me when she wakes up. She's very irritable now, and a damn bad dad It has been disturbing her slumber!"

Qi Ping gently puts his baby girl away, watching Xiaoyao and Youyou pursing their mouths, they are soon attracted by the familiarity of each other, the children are hugging each other now, and plan to continue to sleep soundly.Staying in bed, staying in bed resolutely; I can’t get up early now, and I haven’t slept well, so I don’t have the energy to get up earlier to play games.

Since the children are unwilling to get up now, Qi Ping and Kate will not say much; it is okay to let them stay out of bed a little bit, who makes the children still young now, and they may not have had enough sleep.So for now, let them continue to lie in bed and sleep in.

Qi Ping and Kate went to wash up, so that they could buy more time for the children to sleep in; but it was only for a moment. Amid the crying protests of the children, Qi Ping and Kate proudly hugged each other. The little ones are going downstairs, because a good morning is not just about sleeping in, it needs breakfast too!
(End of this chapter)

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