America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 245 Chinese Stomach

Chapter 245 Chinese Stomach

"Zi, can you take Alex and Emily? It's my party, it's my outdoor play. Dude, dude, please help me, these two little guys are going to wreck havoc my plan!"

Joshua called for help, and now he brought a few good friends to the forest farm to hold a small outdoor event; the Fairyland Forest Farm is famous, and the residents of Ramona town know this.It's just that how many people can see it now is really pitiful, because everyone knows that the environment here is very good, and the resort is only open to the rich.

So at this time, the Fairyland Forest Farm is even more mysterious, attracting the rich and well-informed, which will make the residents of the small town of Ramona want to come and see, but they But there are not so many opportunities, especially after hearing that some of the security here are getting better and better.

Joshua naturally came here whenever he wanted, who told his brother-in-law to be the owner of the fairyland forest farm; the 14-year-old Joshua is sometimes very proud, of course he knows that everyone is curious about the fairyland forest farm.But he will not be generous, fake generosity, etc. He knows that the forest farm belongs to his brother-in-law, although his brother-in-law is very talkative, he can't just take people to the forest farm to hold a party or something like that.

This time Joshua came here under the banner of Thanksgiving, and brought some of his good friends; but to be honest, the girls are a little more skilled, there are ten people in total, but especially a girl, and I heard that They are still in the situation of not having a boyfriend, and they are all of the more beautiful type.

There's nothing to say, the little bastard Joshua is now a complete bastard, and the middle-aged guy is actually starting to develop in the direction of a playboy.

Joshua happily brought his friends to the forest farm. Since he came to the forest farm, he must say hello to his nephew and niece who usually like him very much.And now, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are going to the party with their playmates. In fact, King Kong and Pooh will definitely have unimaginable popularity.

"I see, I'll be over in a minute. Just hang in there, the kids love you and your party is pretty fun."

Qi Ping was a little gloating, Xiaoyao and Yoyo had passed away, and they were more troublemakers and troubles for Joshua; with these two mischievous ghosts, Joshua would not be the most popular person.So for my own party, now I need to move rescuers, take away these two mischievous ghosts, and also need to take away their "weird" playmates, King Kong they are too popular.

Although it's a bit funny, I hope the children will "teach" Joshua, that unbelievable kid; but Qi Ping is almost 30 years old anyway, so it's impossible to be really unreliable at all.It's schadenfreude to be gloating, but Qi Ping will not let go of this matter when he brings the children back. Generally speaking, Qi Ping is still very reliable.

From a distance, I heard some cheers, as well as the small appearances of Pooh and King Kong; with Xiaoyao and Youyou, there will naturally be some interesting games.For example, Pooh now, this American black bear has already learned how to play with a ball. Under the command of Xiaoyao and Yoyo, it is estimated that he will soon learn new movements, instead of just chasing and chasing the ball like he is now. run.

King Kong is actually very powerful. This half-grown chimpanzee is actually very flexible in playing with the ball. It is really trivial to shoot a few balls. With Xiaoyao and Yoyo, two good playmates together, King Kong does somersaults, plays football, basketball, etc. Yes, basically know it, and even these games are much better than children's.

No wonder Joshua needs to recruit soldiers now, the children are so cute, King Kong and Pooh are naturally more popular.So Joshua must call for help, or this party will be completely out of his control; hateful Alex and Emily must take their playmates to leave this party!

Xiaoyao and Yoyo had a lot of fun. These two villains were already sweating profusely when they came to madness. They cheered and ran back and forth, proudly directing King Kong or Pooh to play games.If it weren't for Joshua staring at the side, and 'fierce' from time to time, these two little guys might have hoarse voices, which is really too much trouble.

King Kong and Pooh don't necessarily like to play games with strangers, they actually prefer to play games with their family members.So at this time, they are only sticking to Xiaoyao and Yoyo, barely Joshua can be counted; the result of this is that Xiaoyao and Yoyo are very busy and having a good time.

"Dad, I don't want to go home, I still want to play games."

Xiaoyao pouted and began to protest, the little guy was very upset that the bad father came to arrest him and his sister to go home, he just played some games happily, and now he can't go home early.

Qi Ping is naturally a little funny, the children can be very enthusiastic and devoted to playing games; he has already carried the children on the horseback now, but these two little rascals still seem to have a lot of love Complaining, they haven't had fun yet, and they feel that it is not a good decision to go home now.

"But uncle and his friends still need to play games. If you are there, uncle needs to take care of you, so there is no time to play games. And now we are going home, grandma has made a lot of delicious food for you, We're going to take a break for lunch."

Qi Ping walked ahead, and King Kong and Pooh naturally ran back and forth. They were already very tired, and now they should go home and have a good rest.Children on horseback don’t need to worry at all; Heitan is a bit playful, but he walks very steadily. Qi Ping doesn’t need to lead the horse at all, he just needs to pay attention Naughty children don't fall down because of disturbance.

Chatting with the children about some irrelevant topics, the little ones have too many thoughts; a moment ago, they were muttering and complaining that their father took them home so early, but now the children are actually concerned about It's the mother and godmother who went out to play games again, they are both badass mothers, they don't even know that they have cute Xiaoyao and Yoyo when they go out to play games.

Heitan was in a good mood, it had already automatically filtered out the children's yelling; just now, he went around the forest farm with his reliable elder brother and had a great time running.As for the two little rascals on his back, Heitan doesn't care at all, anyway, these two brats don't toss about it every day, in fact, if the children aren't a little too small, Heitan might like them more.

"Grandma, I'm back!"

Xiaoyao and Yoyo got excited, shouting and started 'riding', imitating their father to pat the horse's back and imitating their father to urge them loudly.It's a pity that the childish voices of the children are too childish to fool the smart Heitan.In addition, their small slaps and calves are really limited, so even if the children are pushing hard, Heitan still walks slowly, so that it will not be fooled. The smart Heitan knows how to take children Then we can only walk!
Yu Lan hugged the children down with a smile. These two sweet babies seemed to be having a good time. They took the children to wash their faces and hands first, and then they were about to start eating. It's lunch.The fun of these two little rascals is actually the most important thing. As for the dirty things they have to do every day, I have accepted it a long time ago. It's just a second bath; whoever makes the house a forest farm, the lawn is so bad, I have to change a set of clothes after rolling around.

The one who dotes on the children the most in the family is grandma. She never thinks that the children will make mistakes. Even if they make mistakes, she can find enough reasons to excuse the lovely children.For example, the children are dirty now. This is because which child doesn't like to roll on the ground. In addition, our forest farm has a lot of lawn, and the grass juice and the like can't be controlled.

So seeing the children being led by grandma, bouncing and chatting with grandma, Qi Ping has long been used to it; grandma, to a certain extent, is the favorite person of the children, because there are 'bad dads', 'Bad Mom', 'Bad Grandpa', and even 'Bad Pooh', but there is absolutely no 'Bad Granny'. The children's favorite is grandma, because grandma also likes Xiaoyao and Yoyo the most.

Qi Ping naturally washed his hands, and then he was ready to eat lunch; Kate and Nina went shopping, and now they also had a sumptuous Chinese meal at home.Kate can eat a lot of Chinese food now, but sometimes her appetite may not be able to accept greasy braised pork.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are still great. The little guys have greasy faces and are struggling with the braised pork. The little guys are typical carnivores. They can accept both American and Chinese food. In fact, as long as they are good If you eat something, then the children will like it very much, and now they only like to eat delicious food.

"Grandma, I still want soup. I don't want mom's soup, I want grandma's soup!"

Xiaoyao raised his little hand, the little guy wants to drink soup now; the little guy is very good, he doesn't like American or Western thick soup.For example, borscht, creamy mushroom soup, etc. are really a bit like paste soup; and children actually like real "soup" in many cases, such as tomato and egg soup, edamame soup, etc. Broth or something, that's what the kids love.

Qi Ping and Satisfaction, the children are so upbeat; what the little ones are missing now is the Chinese stomach, but Qi Ping can be sure of one thing, that is, with a little training, in the future, they will be able to enjoy Chinese-style meals at home, children We will support him!

(End of this chapter)

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