America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 259 Pooh Is Not Fat

Chapter 259 Pooh Is Not Fat
Qi Ping, who had just finished reading the document, walked out slowly with a cup of coffee, but he was really amused when he saw the situation on the lawn in front of the door.

Undoubtedly, except for those naughty boys, no one can make such a big commotion; he is not unfamiliar with such angry and funny scenes, because he is often made dumbfounded by these little naughty boys Well, each of these little guys is very capable, there is nothing they can't think of, let alone something they dare not do.

Benben is the elder brother, and it happens to be the weekend again; there is no doubt that this kid is here, so he is a complete king of children, and now he is playing games with his younger siblings.This kid's good skills have long been supported by his younger brothers and sisters, and he is well-deserved as the king of children.

Wearing a pair of small boxing gloves, he is directing his younger siblings to besiege King Kong together; it's a pity that King Kong is only a half-child in the Xingxing family, but his strength is enough to suppress the children.King Kong, who was very sensible when he was young, became more playful as he grew up, especially when he was with the children, he became even crazier.

The two boys, Xiaoyao and Lele, are struggling with their calves and looking for help; it's a pity that the elder brother can't beat King Kong at all. As for the younger sister, the little girl Yoyo is wearing a beautiful princess dress. She doesn't want to get her clothes dirty and is pretending to be a lady Woolen cloth.

"You boys, are you planning to piss me off? I told you to practice kung fu with me, and each of you can run faster than anyone else; especially you, Benben, you have practiced kung fu with me for a year anyway. , Three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, no progress at all!"

Seeing Xiaoyao and Lele being pinned down on the lawn by King Kong with one hand, Qi Ping didn't intend to rescue those two naughty boys; don't look at King Kong's strength, but he is very measured, he knows how to be with children Play together to hold back your strength.Otherwise, Xiaoyao and Lele don't exist now. It seems that they have some chances to struggle out, and they will take out King Kong's Wuzhishan.

"Baby, I want to study!"

Well, this guy Benben has a good reason; practicing kung fu is not fun at all, so the kid's excuse is that he is constantly 'playing truant'.You have to study from Monday to Friday, you may have to sleep in on weekends, you may have a lot of housework, and you may have made an appointment with your younger siblings to play games... In short, if you want to arrest him to practice, you must not have much time.

"If you practice kung fu with me honestly, then you will be the most powerful fighter in school!"

Qi Ping teased his fat nephew, but unfortunately, this kid didn't show any face at all, and ran away in a hurry, continuing to harass King Kong, to see if he could rescue his younger brothers.The game the children are playing now is to fight the big devil, but unfortunately, the little warriors can't beat the chimpanzee big devil, and they are all caught by the big devil.

"I'm lucky. If he practiced kung fu with you, something big would happen. Now he's acting like a half-baked man, always causing trouble; your sister-in-law has to go to school to report every now and then, and every now and then I hear that he's getting into fights at school." .A very gentle and introverted child in China, but after staying here for more than a year, he has become a serious monkey."

The boss is a little funny, don't look at his tone of complaint, but it's more of pride; Benben always fights in school, but basically he doesn't take the initiative to find trouble, and even a few The second is fighting against injustice.Who makes Laomei's school always have a lot of "little bullies"? Some people even think that half of the children belong to the bullied type.

Obviously, Benben does not belong to the type of being bullied; although when he first came to the United States, the little guy had some language barriers and was a little slow to make friends, but now the little guy actually speaks very good English.As for some racial discrimination that may exist in the school, there is more or less; but after all, it is a child, so it is not obvious.

The most important thing is that all the children in the school now know that the kid named Qi Ben is very powerful, he can beat the big kids who are much fatter than him!

Therefore, Benben belongs to the type that no one dares to bully; in fact, the family does not encourage children to fight, but they do not want to see Benben being bullied.So this kid fights in school every now and then, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to bully others, in fact, this kid may not necessarily be taught a lesson.

"When Lele grows up, I will tell him to practice kung fu with Qi Ping. It is one thing to keep fit, but also to ensure that he will not be bullied by others. But it is best not to be like Qi Ping. I used to see him Carrying Pooh around at every turn; this bastard is not human, but a humanoid beast!"

Luo Yi came over flickeringly. It would be better for the three big men to talk together. This is their social circle. Besides, the three brothers actually have a lot of common topics.

"It can't work now, Pooh is too fat now. It was okay when it was younger, and if it was disobedient and wanted to run out to play, I would definitely carry it back. But it can't work now, it just lay on the ground obediently. I can carry it on my back, but if it works hard, I will definitely not be able to bear it, that guy is quite powerful."

"Bears are powerful in themselves. Your big fat Pooh weighs three or four hundred pounds now. You are already amazing if you can carry them on your back. You are a humanoid beast. Last time I showed a video to my friend. Look, they're all talking about stunts. You're too good to be human!"

Qi Ping rolled his eyes straight, what Luo Yi was talking about was nothing more than some videos of him returning triumphantly with Pooh who was struggling to run out to play.Ordinary people do seem exaggerated, not to mention the weight of a big black bear of one or two hundred catties; and it can be seen that Pooh is struggling, so the strength is even more exaggerated.

However, a certain human-shaped monster carried the struggling Pooh home slowly in a relaxed and comfortable posture, as if it was carrying a bag of rice weighing more than ten to twenty kilograms on its shoulders.

"Pooh is only over 300 catties now, not four hundred, okay? He was naughty and active when he was young, but he became more and more lazy when he grew up, always sleeping on his stomach or taking a walk around. In fact, you should carry it similarly, so don't worry about being caught. Press out the shit, it won’t move when it lies on the back of the person.”

Seeing Pooh dozing off under the shade of a tree, Qi Ping felt very speechless; this kid is really hopeless now, and he is surprisingly lazy.Every day is actually playing games with the children, or taking a nap; the older this guy is, he really has a bit of a bear in the wild, and he doesn't want to move when he's full.

Pooh is obviously always full of food. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables at home, and there is never a shortage of meat; this kid's little life may be the most leisurely in the forest farm.

"It's still not four hundred catties? I don't believe it. The food is delicious. Look at that fat man, the flesh on his body is shaking when he walks!"

Luo Yi expressed serious doubts, Pooh must be more than 500 catties; he is a big black bear over four years old, basically an adult.Although the American black bear is not particularly large, under normal circumstances, a male bear like Pooh weighs more than [-] kilograms even if it is a real adult.

"It really didn't weigh more than 300 catties, but more than [-]."

Qi Ping is a typical short-term protection. Three hundred and one catties is more than 300 catties, and 390 nine catties is also more than 300 catties.Anyway, Pooh is less than 300 catties, just over [-], so Pooh really doesn’t need to think about losing weight, this is a normal weight; although it looks a little fatter, it’s just because Pooh’s hygiene is very good, The hair is clean and fluffy, so it looks fatter!
I'm too lazy to talk about Qi Ping, this guy is too defensive, and he doesn't let people talk about his little friends at all; that boy Pooh is a little puffy, but Qi Ping just doesn't admit it.

What Pooh eats every day is really good; there are big fish and meat, and various vegetable and fruit packages produced by the forest farm, and the honey production of the forest farm is not small now.Although honey is delicious, but speaking of it, no one likes it except for Pooh who drinks a large glass of honey water every day, because it is too common, and the taste of the family is getting more and more tricky.

The three big men talked about a wide range of topics, from the children's "love" for kung fu at the beginning, to the little guys at home; without knowing it, they talked about some domestic affairs, as well as those in the United States. policy.The next thing is to discuss guns and cars. Anyway, there is nothing suspicious about talking about whatever comes to mind.

"By the way, when are you going to Gulfstream? I'm here for a few days of vacation. You have to hurry up. If you don't go there, I'm going back to China. Maybe I'll buy a plane once in my life. I plan to Follow you to see the fun."

The boss has spoken, although his sister-in-law and Benben have immigrated here, but the boss is still in charge of the domestic business, he really doesn't have much time.Even if he comes to the United States every now and then, it doesn't mean that the boss has a lot of time and can wait here all the time.

"In the past two days, Gulfstream sent a plane to pick it up. It must be in time. We will all go there to see the excitement. Actually, I am also curious. It may be more common to buy a car, but this private jet may not Just this time, I can go to see the excitement. There are a lot of bait thrown out from my side, and they have no reason not to be tempted!"

Of course, Qi Ping knew how rare this event was. To be honest, he was also very curious. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the Gulfstream headquarters.And this time, I plan to buy a real private jet, the most luxurious G650!

Although Qi Ping doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all, although he has a lot of preparations, he really can't wait to get his own Gulfstream G650!

(End of this chapter)

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