Chapter 268
"I just recruited a crew, and now I'm going to Gulfstream for training. Brother, I'm a busy person right now, and I'm going to inspect my ranch soon!"

Seeing the children cheering and rushing to buy all kinds of weird masks, Qi Ping, who was teased by Luo Yi that he was going to mold at home, started to protest. He is a very busy person, and he has done a lot. matter.

"If there is no accident, the people recruited by the headhunting company just gave a little order and then interviewed them. I don't believe that you recruited your crew slowly one by one. As for the ranch, ghosts know what you're doing, don't look at it after the integration is complete, you just check it and sign it."

Seeing the fat son put on the mask of Spider-Man, Luo Yi shook his head; vulgar, so vulgar!

"Signing is not a trivial matter. I still have to make up my mind. There is no large-scale ranch here in Ramona, and I can only slowly integrate it here. The intention to acquire a small farm, and then continue to test. You don't know It's so annoying, I can't get it directly, and I always have to make sure there is no trouble. Tired, really tired!"

What Qi Ping said is the truth, such an integration needs to be kept in step, and even some relationships need to be dealt with in advance; the trouble is that it is a little troublesome, but who made Qi Ping face such a situation now.In fact, the most important thing is that Qi Ping is not short of money, so he can stay at the forest farm quietly and read information without having to do everything himself.

Halloween is coming, and the happiest thing at this time is the children; this is a festival for children, especially Halloween, children can dress up as their favorite characters and run around begging for candies .Xiaoyao and Yoyo have some impressions of this festival, and it is obvious that they both like this festival.

"Dad, I like Monkey King, but there is no fat monkey here. Then we can only be Pooh. I want to hang out with Pooh. He likes candy the most!"

Xiaoyao ran over happily, the little guy had discussed with his mother for a long time just now; he couldn't find his favorite Monkey King, but he could be Winnie the Pooh.The little guy was greatly influenced by King Kong and Pooh, especially King Kong; Qi Ping saw King Kong and Xiaoyao sitting on the sofa watching TV not only once, but naturally it was "Journey to the West".

Now that Fat Son has made a choice, Qi Ping will of course support it; Xiaoyao likes Monkey King, Pooh, and various cartoon characters.This is normal, who let the little guy is just a kid now.

In fact, the same is true for Yoyo who loves beauty. The little girl is now the type who can't move after watching cartoons; the little girl like Snow White is not only half-knowledgeable, but now the little girl is starting to like dolls.This also allows Qi Ping to have some understanding of Barbie, Disney's Ariel, Belle, Jasmine and other princesses.

The happy children returned home with their favorite toys; in fact, Qi Ping was also very happy. Halloween is not just about children playing games, adults can also participate in it.

Although Kate had a lot of white eyes, but in the end she still paid for the stewardess uniform and nurse outfit; for Halloween, adults can actually dress up a bit.Although it was unanimously requested by the children and Kate to wear the shape of the Hulk, Qi Ping didn't care about these; the Hulk is very suitable for buddies, it's one thing not to make me angry, the most important thing is that it is infinitely powerful!
"Lele is the best in our family, unlike my brothers and sisters who start arguing for new clothes early in the morning. Lele is a good boy, and grandma likes Lele the most!"

Yu Lan smiled and hugged her little grandson who just learned to spit out bubbles. Lele has grown up a lot now, and already knows how to interact with adults more.Look at this little guy in the Superman costume, and those two fake Pooh and fake princesses who grabbed Pooh and King Kong and they started to fight.

This is real happiness. The children are healthy and happy now, and the son and daughter-in-law are loving and sweet; in addition, I and my wife are in good health.This is of course worth being happy, and the two sons are both successful in their careers; this is the happiest thing, and this may be the real family happiness.

In fact, Yu Lan is very busy. The twins have never been worry-free. They have grown up a lot now, but they are also very naughty.As for Lele, he always needs someone to hug him; the little guy is very naughty, and he will definitely be more naughty than his brothers and sisters when he grows up.Don't forget about the big grandson Benben, who is now studying in the United States, and as soon as he returns to the forest farm after school, he brings his younger siblings to make a fuss.

She is busy taking care of her family all day long, and she has always been in charge of the kitchen; researching food, researching food suitable for children's tastes.As for the father and son Qi Weihui and Qi Ping, they can eat whatever they want, and some food is good. Where did all this nonsense come from.

No matter how noisy the children are, Yu Lan thinks this is the happiest thing; although there are some meanings of being busy every day without touching the ground, Yu Lan, who has always been restless, thinks that it is best to take her grandson and granddaughter with her. things.And holding the children, moving a small bench to watch the children stage a havoc on the lawn when they are free, this is the cutest and most interesting thing in Yu Lan.

"Grandma, here I come!"

Benben, who was on vacation, was very happy, and ran in with his baby dog ​​Benben cheering; he just said hello to his grandma, and then ran to play games with his younger siblings.Dressed in the shape of The Flash, Ben Ben immediately called his younger siblings to play games together; brother Lele is too young to be hugged now, so Benben would not take brother Lele to play, otherwise he would not be able to play well Play the game now.

"These little guys are about to start contacting each other. He called Xiao Yanyan just now. Benben plans to take his younger siblings to the town to ask for candies. He seems to be in contact with his classmates these days. I plan to ask for some more candy, and go to the town to have a good time."

The sister-in-law is a little funny, she is now a full-time housewife, and taking care of Benben is her most important thing now.As for the financial pressure, there is really no; because her husband's business in China is booming, he has the best vegetables and fruits, and some high-end restaurants in China are Qi Lei's 'cash machines'.

"I'm not afraid of them. At worst, I'll take them to the town to ask for candies, just like we did when we were young." Qi Ping doesn't care about that, it's a happy day, "Xiaoyao and Yoyo didn't go out to play much last year, they Too small. But this year is different, let them have a good Halloween and trick-or-treating."

"By the way, Kate and Nina, I, and I plan to do a little charity. We plan to donate a batch of computers to the school here in Ramona, and set up a small fundraiser along the way. Many parents in the United States are assholes. It's the same whether it's black or white; since you've got the kids, you've got to take care of them. But some people here are so shameless that they don't take responsibility after the kids are born. Last time I went to the supermarket with my mom, there was Saw several little black homeless."

The sister-in-law suddenly mentioned something, and Qi Ping was taken aback.

"Oh, it's good for you to do a little charity. I don't care about it. Kate is actually richer than me. The financial power of the family is in her hands."

Qi Ping nodded to show that he understood, and he had nothing to say about this matter; in fact, a little charity is really needed here in the United States, and rich people will get a better reputation if they do a little charity.Qi Ping is indeed investing a little bit in the Republican Party now, which is a "high-end" route and an upper-level investment; but this does not mean that he does not need a good reputation as a "civilian", especially Ramona, who lives with a family.

And one thing is for sure, having a good reputation in Ramona will make the whole family get more recognition here.The Fairyland Forest Farm is so eye-catching. Since unimaginable wealth has been earned here, it is not incomprehensible to let a little bit of charity out of it.

Sometimes, a bit of a good name is really a good thing; even here in the United States, your charitable figures can make you pay a little less tax.Even when a lawsuit is encountered, the lawyers who go to court will use these donations to build their attorneys into a "great man" with high morals; and this will become the opinion of the jury and the judge.

"Doing charity is a good thing. Do you know how to cherish blessings? How much a person eats and wears has already been determined. Our family can live like this now. It is God's blessing. Do more good deeds and accumulate virtue. Don't you Just think about yourself, and think about the kids."

Yu Lan was very happy. The children must be supported in doing good deeds; although it will cost money, compared with the wealth of the family, the money for doing good deeds is nothing.From being an ordinary farmer to a family with billions of dollars in wealth; all this finally made Yu Lan feel unreal. She used to think that it would be great if the children could live well, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands Maybe it's because she finds it unimaginable.

But now tens of millions, this is US dollars; if you say you spend it, you spend it, and you buy your own private jet.And helicopters, supercars and the like, they already have enough immunity, those things are too common.Cars worth several million RMB now often see children spitting; although Pooh and King Kong slapped her paws, although she would feel distressed, she would definitely not feel unforgivable.

The family has money, and life is so good now; then naturally, we need to cherish and cherish our blessings.It is very necessary to accumulate more yin virtues!
(End of this chapter)

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