Chapter 295
"Don't steal the fruit, we can't share the fruit until we finish peeling it!"

Watching Yoyo push Liang Shanbo's head away and snatch the fruit with a tiger pounce, and Qi Ping, who stood watching for a long time, twitched his mouth, he really didn't know what to say now.

"This? Did the children really think of it?"

Kate and Nina had been called a long time ago, even Qi Ping's parents and Luo Yi's parents had come over at this time, and the adults were all here watching the children's performance in a daze.I can't tell whether I am happy or panicked; perhaps, I have both emotions.

"I have never been so lazy. Although I know that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai like to eat dried fruits, I have never done this. I swear to God, I have never done this before, and I will not think about teaching like this. children!"

Qi Ping knows that he is the biggest 'suspect', and in fact he is; except for the children who are excited, the adults suspect Qi Ping first.If you want to talk about being lazy, a certain person's attainments in this area are definitely very good; and don't even think about it, although Liang Shanbo and the others are very playful, there is nothing to say about their relationship with Qi Ping.If Qi Ping yelled them to help, these guys might yell 'I don't want to, I want to play' or something, but in the end they still worked honestly.

"Our child is really smart!" Qi Ping was stunned, did my mother make a mistake, is this smart? "They all know that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have sharp mouths, and it's very easy to pry open the dried fruit. That's good, I will take out the dried fruit in the future, and don't put it in the fruit bowl. Walnuts are very good, educational, and children like them Just eat a little more, anyway, you don’t have to worry about getting full.”

"Yes, it's really good for the children to play games while eating snacks. And you can see how good the children are, and they know how to share. It is true that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai peeled a lot of fruits, but none of our children stole them. Eat, and know that they are collected and shared together. They are all good children, so smart and sensible."

Luo Yi's mother is also very happy. The children are so smart and cute, of course she is very happy; don't look at the children who seem to be mischievous all day long, but the children are very good.These little guys are typical 'protecting weaknesses'. In fact, children still know how to share, but it needs to be 'one of their own'; Play games and share delicious food together.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are older brothers and sisters, the older children; therefore, the little ones are the most powerful, happily grabbing fruits with their little buttocks pouted.Once Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai bit into the fruit, Xiaoyao and Youyou immediately pounced on it.

Yan Yan was quite happy, the little guy happily shared the fruit; handing the fruit to his elder brothers and sisters, he was responsible for the assigned task.As for Xiao Lele, he was the happiest sitting on the ground; all the fruits that his brothers and sisters grabbed were handed over to him for safekeeping, and the little guy kept these fruits responsibly.

The division of labor is clear, and each shows their strengths; the children are really good now, and they have all found roles that suit their identities now.Smart, the little ones clearly defined their roles, and they cooperated to eat fruit together.

Seeing the children are now happily sharing the fruit, watching the children are busy sharing the fruit with "you alone and me alone".Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have gained something now, they have pecked away countless fruits with their powerful beaks, and now they are finally able to eat a lot of fruits.

"I finally understand why someone sued you. Look at how good your education is. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai didn't know how many fruits they pecked at, but you can see how many fruits are in their mouths. That is to say, your Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are stupid, they are still eating fruit together stupidly, thinking that they have earned it for nothing, but in fact they pecked it themselves."

Luo Yi started to despise him in various ways, but now that he thinks about it, this is really the case; don't look at Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who are usually very smart, but now no matter how you look at it, they don't have the usual cleverness.These two guys are a little bit more talkative, but their math skills are actually ridiculously poor; they obviously suffered a big loss, but in the end they still happily put on a small gesture of taking advantage of a big advantage.This is really too cheap, it is completely the virtue of a little fool and a fool.

"The pressure is actually a bit high. I really didn't expect these children to be so thoughtful and funny. Forget it. I can see clearly now that the most important thing is for the children to have fun. Don't expect them to be more sensible now. , having fun is actually the most important thing. And you see, Liang Shanbo and the kids have a good relationship, that's all there is to it!"

Qi Ping doesn't care about the children's cheating and cheating now, he thinks that the children should have fun; in fact, it is also because of Liang Shanbo that they can also have fun together, which is actually the most important thing.As for who is at a disadvantage, it really doesn't matter; Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are actually very happy, and the most important thing is that everyone enjoys happiness together.

I have seen it all, although the children have some mischievous elements, but they are more cute and innocent; Qi Ping will actually be proud, because his children have the happiest childhood.

"It's true, I don't think there's anything wrong with this. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are really fun, and King Kong and Pooh are actually very good, they both like to play games with children. Anyway, I watch When they're out, they like to mess around, as long as they're having fun."

Luo Yi smiled, and was also envious; the children living in the forest farm would really be very beautiful and happy, he believed in one thing.That is, when Yanyan grows up, when Yanyan recalls his childhood, he will be extremely happy and satisfied; I believe that Yanyan's childhood will also be envied by everyone.

"The thing I'm most proud of is not how many billions I've earned or how my career is still progressing. I really like money, and I don't think it's too much. Now, if I'm not afraid of people laughing, money is very important to me. It’s just a number, I can make sure my family is happy, and that’s about it.”

Qi Ping was very proud and satisfied.He is indeed very proud now, and feels that he has achieved it; he can pat his chest and say that he is the best father and an excellent father!

"Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, as well as King Kong and Pooh, are all my good partners, and they can grow up with the children. Look at what I do, other people's fathers don't have this ability; but my children They can all have the most enviable childhood. I have also thought about it, and when I get my villa, I will take the children to the beach to play; build beach castles, surf, and ride waves! How happy you are!"

Qi Ping is in high spirits, he feels that these things are not difficult for him, and he feels that these things are actually the most important things to him.Playing games with the children and watching the children grow up slowly is what he is most looking forward to and proud of.And career, now only put in a secondary position; family, no doubt the most important!

Kate feels very happy and happy. She has always thought that her happiest thing is not marrying a billionaire; her happiest thing is that her husband, like her, is thinking about how to run the business all day own little family.

Seeing the happy smiling faces of the children, and seeing the cute and happy faces of the little ones despite being mischievous, is what Kate is most proud of and happy about.Kate also believes in one thing, that is, once the sea view villa is obtained, the whole family will definitely go to the beach to play immediately; the family is happy, building beach castles and stepping on the waves happily.

"Go and play, all the delicious food has been eaten, go and play!"

Seeing Yoyo stuffing the last few hazelnuts into his mouth, watching the little girl jumping up and opening her hands and negotiating with Liang Shanbo who was eagerly looking over, Qi Ping laughed; the cuteness of the little girl made everyone Everyone laughed, this is a typical example of crossing a river and tearing down bridges, okay? Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai peeled off these fruits!

(End of this chapter)

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