America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 299 Bad Example

Chapter 299 Bad Example

Fortunately, it is close, so it is more convenient to calculate; after the simple decoration and layout of the villa, it is naturally time for the whole family to run over to play.

"I want to play! I want to play!"

"Don't ride! Don't ride!"

Qi Ping felt that his biggest mistake was to listen to the children's words and stuff Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai into the car. These two unsatisfactory things are not as big as their children Juliet and Romeo. It's too bad, and I'm still thinking about going out to play all day long, it's really lacking in class and taste!

"Let's go out to play and go to see the sea! Be obedient, this is a good boy!"

The more troublesome thing happened, there is no doubt that the child Xiaoyao pretended to be a sensible big brother; as soon as he stretched out his hand, he caught the unprepared Liang Shanbo in his arms, and the little guy pretended to be a very sensible and caring big brother, talking about education with Liang Shanbo problem.

Needless to say, there will soon be Liang Shanbo's protests, even shouting; Yoyo and Lele will naturally not be safe at this time, and they also attack decisively, and want to fight side by side with their brother.So at this time, Zhu Yingtai will definitely not see her husband being bullied, and join in the scolding battle.


When Xiaoyao's classic "F" swear words blurted out, Qi Ping shook his hand and almost drove the car into a ditch.This stimulation is really too frightening!

Without even thinking about it, Qi Ping already felt the real murderous intent; Kate didn't explode now, maybe it was just because Qi Ping was driving a car and made a lot of shots.Although there may be no "killing disaster" for the time being, it definitely does not mean that Qi Ping is safe at this time.

Qi Ping is very clear that if this matter is not completely resolved, he may fall into the abyss; Qi Ping is even more aware that after the obscenities blurted out by his fat son, he will continue to slide rapidly towards a dangerous situation.

"I promise that I never swear in front of the children, I can absolutely guarantee it. I have paid attention to it, and I will never teach the children bad words!"

I almost swore to God, and kept staring at the rearview mirror to watch the face of my beautiful wife; although Kate was still taking care of the children, she glanced at a certain suspect with substantive lethal eyes from time to time.If eyes could kill, Qi Ping would have been riddled with wounds long ago.

"I fucked up!"

Liang Shanbo yelled again, and after Liang Shanbo's dirty words came out, Qi Ping completely gave up.Now there is nothing to explain, and there is no need to explain at all; the Chinese learned by Liang Shanbo basically followed Qi Ping.And "I'm scared of a shit" and the like must be the "mantra" of the unscrupulous master.

Qi Ping honestly stopped talking, but he stared at the rearview mirror more frequently at this time; the children are still playing games happily, but Qi Ping can feel the twitch of his back. Put the murderous 'eye knife' ah.It's too scary, you need to suppress the shock, and by the way, you need to organize your language as much as possible to get a lenient punishment.

"We can actually have a good chat. I really didn't teach them badly. I will pay attention to it in the future. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are too smart, so it is faster to learn dirty words and the like. I promise not to let them in the future. They learn this, and they have to help them get rid of this bad habit. This is my inadvertent mistake, I admit that I made a mistake, but this should not be an unforgivable thing."

Summarized his remarks, and at the same time was a little frightened; Qi Ping felt that he really needed to have a good chat with Kate now, otherwise this matter would become more difficult as it dragged on, and it was even certain that he would be ruthless. Seriously repaired.Qi Ping had to fight for it, so that he might be able to get beaten less.

"I don't think you are fully aware of the mistakes you are making now. This cannot be solved with a simple apology. Perhaps, I think your apology is not sincere at all. You have not realized what you did. Some mistakes that should not be fanned. You should not apologize to me or look at my color, you should apologize to the children!"

Kate was very unhappy, and felt distressed that her husband hadn't reflected deeply at this time; sometimes, she really wanted to have a good match with that nasty guy, and she really wanted to beat him up Let him have a long memory, it is really that guy is too disappointing.

For example, in this matter now, an apology is affirmative; but Kate feels that Qi Ping did not realize the seriousness of this matter at all, and that guy is simply thinking about how to get away with it.If you want to talk about summarization, reflection, etc., you can't see it at first glance. That guy is just thinking about evading responsibility now.

"Xiaoyao, don't learn swear words with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, you won't be a good boy. By the way, Xiaoyao, who did you learn swear words from, those bad words."

Kate feels that there is a long way to go for Qi Ping's training, and this matter really cannot be completely resolved in a short period of time; it will take enough time for a bastard to realize his mistake.But the most important thing now is to educate the children well, especially Xiaoyao, who seems to have learned swearing now.

"Dad is the best, he scolded and ran away a bad guy! Dad is the best at driving, you can't run in front of Dad!"

Xiaoyao's words made Qi Ping break out in a cold sweat instantly, and this time there was a complete mess; now it is certain, this time he will have no good fruit.Don't mention the fact that the children might have learned swear words at this time, and their own uncivilized driving, etc., all of these were completely exposed at once.

"I know, an old guy, is a big bastard! Dad scolded the big bastard and ran away before getting out of the car. Dad is the worst!"

Oh hello, although I have known for a long time that I am the number one hero in my precious daughter's mind, but it can't be at such a moment.Qi Ping feels that he has a clear conscience. For example, some people do not pay attention to driving, of course Qi Ping will not be polite; it is a pity that there may be a slight deviation in the way of expression, especially when bringing children.

This time Kate couldn't calm down at all, and it can be proved now; the seriousness of this matter far exceeded her expectations, and it was even worse.Obviously, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, and the children cannot continue to be led deeper and deeper into the ditch by some unreliable guy.

Kate felt that a certain person was a 'pathogen', not to mention the children being taken into the ditch now, and clever and cute little animals like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were also taken away by him.This guy must be punished, and he needs to learn enough lessons, otherwise he will continue to make such mistakes!
"Yesterday, someone forcibly overtook another car on the sidewalk. That person was a bit of a jerk. He wanted to overtake when he saw my car was better, and even provoked me. It was because the children were in the car. How could I let the children Safety was threatened. So my attitude was relatively tough, and I didn’t expect the children to hear it. I will learn my lesson and promise that there will be no next time!”

Qi Ping's embarrassment is even more embarrassing. At first, he thought it was just because Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai learned swear words; this made Qi Ping's situation even more embarrassing. Now he is undoubtedly the type of 'targeted'. The question is the biggest bastard, he taught everyone bad.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are innocent, they have just been taught badly; these are two "bad role models" in the first place, but the worse ones belong to other people's types.Qi Ping, the bastard, is often outspoken; he is really a bastard enough, under his influence, the little ones have learned to swear!
Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai trust Qi Ping the most, and they follow Qi Ping a lot when they learn to speak.As for the children, although they always argue with their father and the like; but if they don't admit that the hero in the children's mind is their father, they will always learn from their father.

This time it's all right, and I've learned the swear words!

(End of this chapter)

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