Chapter 306

"I really didn't expect this racehorse to make so much money. I won't talk about your black charcoal. It knows how to eat and play. For a horse, it must be the most comfortable life. It's good to eat, Now I am not interested in beer, drinking red wine and the like can meet its requirements. It just doesn’t eat meat, otherwise I would suspect that it has become a spirit.”

Father Qi looked at Heitan with some emotion, and he still felt quite shocked; horse racing was really nothing unusual to him, wasn't it just riding a horse for two laps.But look at the prize money for these horses, the prize money for a game of three to five million US dollars, and the advertising endorsement.Even for one breeding, this is hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is too exaggerated.Thinking about these horses, they are really worth money.

"I didn't think about this either. The horses we bought earlier were actually quite expensive, but they were still not good enough compared to those good horses. This time Eddie recommended to me the horses from several horse farms in Kentucky. It’s the capital of horse racing, these horses are worth hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, just think about it, they’re all sweats, they’re too expensive!”

"It's expensive. Ordinary horses like Heitan cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. This is really incomparable with those famous horses. Then you have to think about it carefully and choose a few horses carefully. These several million are not too much for our family, and we really need to study it carefully.”

"I feel that the pressure is actually quite high. This horse costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. If I can't raise a good horse, my money will be wasted. But there is no way, I am moved. If we raise a few horses and run well, we will lie at home and count the money. When the time comes, I will take the horses to the competition, and you and Lele will help me count the money at home."

The father and son studied well here, and indeed they seemed to see wonderful prospects and very good enjoyment.Especially when I saw the ignorant little Lele happily fooling around with grandpa and father, I was even more happy to say that the little guy took out several dollars from his grandpa's pocket and counted them blindly. A little money fan who likes to count money.

"Grandpa, give it to Dad!"

Xiao Lele's cuteness made Qi Pingle go crazy, the little guy was very happy to take out his grandpa's pocket, and handed over all grandpa's money to his father by the way.This is a smart little guy. Although the little guy doesn't really understand the benefits of money, he has to admit that the little guy already understands a little bit, that is, these 'papers' are very useful. .

"Look at your good son, he is thinking about my money at such a young age. I can see that this little naughty kisses grandpa and grandma usually, these are all fake. Good things must still be thinking about my mother , Good things will be picked up by Lao Tzu right away! This little bastard, why is he so bad!"

Seeing the chubby little grandson trying to run away, Father Qi hugged the little guy.Because the little guy likes grandpa to pierce him with beards, Father Qi doesn't usually grow beards, but now he is already working hard to grow beards, or only leave a little stubble, just to enjoy the family happiness.Looking at the bright smile on the little grandson's chubby face, watching the little guy dancing happily, those few dollars are nothing!
"Dad, you are bullying the lovely Lele again."

Kate smiled, seeing the fat son playing with his grandfather, she was naturally very happy; as for the fat son being bullied all the time, she was really helpless.The little guy is the 'weakest' in the family, and it is doomed to be bullied.

King Kong and Pooh like to bully Xiao Lele, they always push Xiao Lele down mischievously; every time they play a fighting game, Xiao Lele must be the first one to be cleaned up, and he is often seen being bullied by Pooh or King Kong 'Beating'.As for the elder brother and sister, this is even more unreliable, the little guy is always crying and complaining, and neither brother nor sister plays games with their cute Lele.

Rudolph, Heitan, or Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are all hopeless, and they actually don't intend to play with Xiao Lele much.It's true that I like Xiao Lele, but Xiao Lele is really too young, not to mention that I can't enjoy playing games with him, and I need to take care of him.Therefore, Xiao Lele's reliable playmates are still the little pony Dian Dian standing beside him stupidly, and the little parrot Romeo and Juliet who has just grown fur and can't run around.

Life is very leisurely and nourishing, and now I have found a little more things to do.

In fact, there are not many things to worry about in the forest farm. There is nothing to worry about in vegetables, fruits, or even the industries in the resort. Anyway, he just needs to enjoy life well.The business here has long been on the right track, and now it belongs to the early stage of development, which is very stable and solid, so now I can enjoy the results with peace of mind.

The racecourse side is actually quite surprising and unexpected; I really didn't expect the prospect of the racecourse side to far exceed expectations, and there is still a lot of potential to be tapped here.This of course makes Qi Ping very happy. Although his career development is already very good, but if he can develop better and more comprehensively, then there is definitely no reason to object.

Now that there's nothing to worry about here, go check out your ranch.To be honest, the development of the pasture here is quite gratifying, and the preliminary preparations are good; coupled with Qiping’s abundant funds and great patience, the growth of the pasture is surprising, and the growth of the first batch of cattle is also very satisfying. People are satisfied.

In fact, the operation of the ranch really needs a little more patience, so that a more solid foundation can be laid.

"These guys are easy to manage and very strong. These cattle on our ranch are very good, they must be very high grade. Look at their body shape, wide and deep, cylindrical; short and straight limbs, strong physique The muscles on their bodies are very strong, not only because of the qualified amount of exercise, but also because they have tasted very good and delicious pasture here."

Qi Ping was very satisfied, seeing the cowboys taking care of these cows and showing them off made him very happy.Angus cattle are actually faster-growing and more precocious, and about one year is enough to ensure their growth.The bulls in the ranch generally weigh more than 400 kilograms, while the cows weigh more than [-] kilograms.

This is a satisfactory result. At the end of the year, we can seriously consider the issue of breeding these cattle.In fact, the first batch of cattle was somewhat experimental, and it was for improvement; the first batch of calves, the strong bulls were left for breeding.As for the cows, keep as many as possible to increase the carrying capacity of the pasture; in fact, this is not enough, and we need to continue to buy some high-quality calves and cows from outside.

This is the process of survival of the fittest and improvement of species. In fact, it will definitely take more time.Anyway, Qi Ping is very satisfied, he has a lot of time to improve these; it can even be said that he is ready, and he will only spend money in the first few years.Because once a stable beef cattle system is cultivated, it will be able to make money continuously.

Besides, although these cattle in the pasture may not be able to obtain the highest quality immediately, they can indeed be in a very recognized and popular grade in the market.And these cattle are actually the type with a very good price; some low-end pastures produce poor-quality or fattened cattle, and those cattle can be a pound for a few dollars.

The price of these high-quality beef is quite good, and even some popular parts of these cattle can be sold at a better price.Although compared with the same level of investment, the income brought by these cattle is very small, but what is certain is that these cattle are really satisfying. As long as the scale increases, they will definitely not be owed, and even a lot of money can be made. make money.

"Keep buying cattle, better calves from those good pastures. I've got the time, all I want is a solid foundation and more money."

Qi Ping is high-spirited, and looks like a nouveau riche; he doesn't worry about income, anyway, as long as he has enough time, that's enough!
Qi Ping understands this truth well.

(End of this chapter)

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