America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 316 The Benefits of Being a Bad Guy

Chapter 316 The Benefits of Being a Bad Guy
The high-end reception looks very stylish, with high-end custom suits and elegant evening dresses.Of course, those high-end red wines and good food are indispensable.

"Mr. Qi, you should understand what I mean. In fact, we can't control those wild animals at all. We just need to ensure that the national forest park has sufficient wild animal resources. We don't mind where they go, we just need to give some explanations to the people . You should know that this is a lot of work at stake."

"Yes, Mr. Qi. In fact, everyone understands that those wild animals just want to pursue a better living environment. This is their right, and we have no right to interfere with their choices. But Mr. Qi, you should understand something .For example, the National Forest Park provides jobs for many people, and it can create enough benefits for people and the United States."

"Mr. Qi, maybe we don't need to choose to show this matter to the media and people at all. We can resolve this matter internally. We will definitely be able to find a reconciliation method that is sufficient to protect the interests of both parties."

Qi Ping has seen it now. Some people seem to have that kind of sanctimonious appearance. They seem to put on a posture of public servants of the people for the country and the people.But in fact, what these guys are thinking about is how to make a fortune, and what they think about is actually being able to fool them.One more thing is worse than one less thing, anyway, it doesn't care about my own business.

Perhaps, it is far more than that; there is a huge industrial chain in it. Don't think that this is just a matter of some wild animals. It is related to the pockets and jobs of many people, and it is related to the interests of those with vested interests.

The existence of national forest parks is really necessary, and providing jobs seems to be the most basic thing.This can actually create certain political achievements, which is very important to many people.Of course, this also includes derivative issues such as driving the local economy.

There are also those managers who have to get a lot of management fees and funds every year. If the National Forest Park cannot continue to operate, the most important thing is that those managers may still be able to find jobs, but they may not be able to have the current state. such treatment.And when there are some stains on the resume, there may be some obstacles to "motivation".

In fact, there are many other interests involved. For example, if the national forest park is no longer necessary, then these forests are likely to be auctioned.At that time, the value of those holiday forest farms is likely to be damaged, because everyone will find that this place is no longer in the most primitive state, and it is full of traces of human development.

Can't help everyone not paying attention, especially those with vested interests.For these people, change may be a disaster, and change will greatly damage their pockets.This kind of thing is actually something they don't want to accept at all, and they won't accept it at all.

Therefore, it is necessary to hold this reception.And Qi Ping is naturally the focus of everyone's attention. His attitude is really important. What direction this matter will develop in the end is largely Qi Ping's decision.

"I have become the protagonist of this reception. Many people hope to talk to me. They hope to understand our attitude. Obviously, they feel that their interests are threatened, especially a powerful person. When plutocrats get tough, they look for ways to settle."

"I feel the same way. I think this reception is just for us. They are testing our attitude and trying to know our cards. Maybe they will give some ambiguous hints, but I think some The lobbyists have done a good job, they have successfully built bridges, so that everyone can sit at the negotiating table calmly and strive for their own best interests."

The two most important people at the reception were sitting together and chatting; in fact, they don't have much plan to continue communicating now, it's just a matter of air.In the next period of time, everyone will slowly offer conditions and their own cards, etc., and then it will be about profit distribution, anyway, it is not now.

Qi Ping and Kate are chatting, and the reception is continuing now; perhaps the most important thing in this reception is the dialogue between Qi Ping and some people, which is a platform for them to come to contact and communicate.In fact, since everyone is here, we can't just talk about these things, there are other topics that we can have a good chat with.

Obviously, since everyone has already come; then let's communicate and see if we can expand our network by the way, maybe when these contacts can come in handy.

"We should fight for our own interests to the greatest extent now, you should know. Now we have the initiative, they just want this matter to be within a controllable range, and they don't like to cause too much change. So, We can be smarter, we have to make them pay something."

After kissing his sweet wife, Qi Ping felt that Kate's opinion was very correct; obviously, Kate's opinion was very correct.The problem now is that some people want to calm things down and hope to maintain the current situation to the greatest extent. Anyway, there cannot be too many changes to prevent them from explaining to the media and taxpayers.

As for paying a little price, that’s definitely fine; if you don’t pay, there’s no reward, this is the truth!
Feeling that there is too much room for development in this matter now, Qi Ping still feels quite satisfied.Although there were not many in-depth and specific negotiations at this reception, and although there were no exchanges of views with some heavyweights who could make up their minds, it is certain that this is a good start.

Now you can start to think about it carefully, such as how to maximize the benefits, including what kind of benefits you can get from such a thing, or what direction the next things will develop to make you Get more benefits yourself.These, in fact, are worth thinking about for Qi Ping, which is the focus of the next work.

"For the forest farm, let's see if we can expand the area a little bit. As for the land, I don't think it's too much. Anyway, my family's money is not enough, so I don't worry about depreciation if I buy more land. And now there are so many animals. , Look at how happy King Kong and Pooh are going up the mountain to fight and play every day, it must be to expand the territory."

"Your father is right, but the forest farm over there is a national forest park, and it is public land. It seems that I heard that the development restrictions are severe. It is not easy to develop or buy land there. thing."

Mom and Dad are in a good mood now, they seem to see more benefits, they see more land beckoning to Lao Qi's house.Since others have come to ask for it, no matter what, you can't be polite; the benefits that should be reaped, anyway, you can't lose at all.Although there is a lot of land at home, we can really pursue more good land.

Earning property from those protective public resources that are not allowed to be bought or sold can feel even more fulfilling now.Although the difficulty is indeed not small, the initiative is now in the hands of Qi Ping.The simplest explanation is that those people now want to be equal; as for the land that is not allowed to be bought and sold, it is to see if there is a need for them to exist. If it is said that these lands can be taken, then The value is higher.

Although these forest farms and national forest parks are not necessarily the foundation of the country, these lands are not necessarily the so-called forever immutable.However, it must be admitted that it is really too difficult to change the nature of these lands.Then in this way, the forest farm can be kept from being disturbed to the greatest extent and in the longest time.

Speaking of it, Qi Ping is more nervous than the National Forest Park. Obviously, he doesn't want the surrounding environment to be affected at all.To maintain the current state and keep these as primitive as possible, so as to ensure that the environment of the forest farm will not be affected to the greatest extent.

Although the forest farm is indeed like a paradise, but if you want to be in these turbid worlds, you need to ensure that the surrounding environment is great.If there are only bare mountains around, then the added value of the forest farm will definitely be affected a lot.Naturally, this can also ensure the maximum degree of 'captive breeding' of a group of wild animals.

"Dad is a big villain, I am a little villain, we are all villains! Godfather said, we are all villains!"

"I am also a little villain, and my brother is the youngest little villain."

Xiaoyao and Yoyo jumped out, they were really villains; they betrayed their younger brother, and Xiao Lele was held up innocently by King Kong. You must know that these three little guys went to provoke King Kong just now, and Xiaoyao and Yoyo were the leaders.But now it's all over, the only one being punished is Lele, the little follower.

"Yes, we're all badass! I agree with you, it's actually better for us to be badass."

Qi Ping cheerfully picked up the cute child, and as for Lele; it is estimated that this kid is having fun now, it is actually very interesting to be lifted above his head by King Kong, that is, he is lighter and smaller to play this game better game.Didn't you see Pooh looking at it eagerly? It's too big now, and it's hard to find anyone who wants to play the game of 'flying a plane'.

There are benefits to being a villain, many benefits.

Maybe the reputation is a bit worse, but the benefits obtained are real.For example, now, if you don't see the rabbits, you won't spread the eagles. Anyway, you have to get all the benefits you should get!
(End of this chapter)

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