Chapter 325

In fact, Qi Ping is really looking forward to this class reunion. Although he does have some small apprehensions, he believes that this reunion will be even more memorable.

Naturally, the children also need to give Qi Ping a good cheer, this time the party can bring family members.Qi Ping booked a banquet hall, in order to be able to have a good time with these students, without too many constraints.Anyway, I'm in my thirties, and it's more restrained when there are outsiders around; so if you are with familiar classmates, you can let go of shouting and eating and drinking a little bit!
Don't need to care about the so-called face and influence, because this is the gathering time for this class of old classmates.

"Dad, am I not beautiful today?" Wearing a beautiful princess dress, Yoyo tugged at the corners of the skirt smugly; It should be a beautiful princess."

"Yes, you should be a beautiful princess. In fact, you have always been my father's princess." Looking at the younger son sitting on the ground, and then at the older son leaning against the wall eating snacks, Yoyo really It is to let Qi Ping save face, "You are the most beautiful, Dad believes that everyone will like you."

Kate rolled her eyes, and she could see it; for her own daughter, Qi Ping was almost on the level of doting.For the baby girl, she really spoils her very much; although Xiaoyao and Yoyo are twins, there are obvious differences in the education of the two children.Perhaps this is the difference between boys and girls.

A family of five is at the entrance of the banquet hall. Although a sign has been erected, as an organizer, it still needs some enthusiasm.Although not every classmate will come here, but there are still many students who are close to each other; this time is to show off your wife and children, especially the children. The old classmates basically have never seen the children. .

Luo Yi's family was the first to come over, and the children who hadn't seen each other for a long time hugged happily together; now the little ones started to have fun, and they are very happy now.As for guiding guests and the like, the little waiters didn't care about it for a long time, they just need to play games now.

"I contacted a little bit and asked them to make a statistics. Not everyone has to take a private jet, and not everyone from all over the world has to be sent there. Fly a little bit, and it will take about one day. When the time comes As for us, we will play here for three days. The students have all been sent back, and the crew members have rested, so we will return to the forest farm."

The children were playing games happily, and Kate and Nina got together again to chat about their Spring Festival, some customs and habits here, food and so on.

As for Qi Ping and Luo Yi, both of them belong to old men, and they can't just chat about some family problems, but also need to do some serious things.This class reunion, Qi Ping is not only thinking about organizing, but also wants to end it.

"Hey, billionaires are rich. They have covered the entire banquet hall. How much does it cost!" Well-dressed and in a suit, he looked a little strange, "Qi Ping really didn't How did it change? Otherwise, I really wouldn’t dare to go this way. Look, Laozhu and I have gained a lot of weight and deformed.”

"It's because you civil servants have good benefits and benefits. We little lawyers can only envy and hate. You are now the section chief, and you are a serious leader."

Qi Ping shook hands and greeted these old classmates with a smile. It was indeed strange and awkward at the beginning, but it gradually improved a lot.Speaking of it, it’s because these students don’t have much contact with each other at ordinary times. In the final analysis, it’s because everyone has their own careers and families, and they all have their own responsibilities and pressures. The classmates chatted and bragged.

In fact, it's also because it's too difficult to meet each other in the world now; if it wasn't because Qi Ping proposed to get together this time, maybe it would be really difficult for these students to get together.In fact, for this gathering, it may not be that the whole class can basically be there, or even if only half of the people can be there.

Feel a little helpless, deeply helpless.

The atmosphere of the class reunion is actually very good; speaking of it, there may be some class reunions in private, but those are more of a dormitory or relatively close relationship.But now there are really few such large-scale alumni associations.

"I really didn't expect that Li Zi, who encouraged us to skip classes and book a night out, is now an honest and model citizen. This time flies so fast."

"Isn't it? At that time, I was thinking about all kinds of unreliable things. I thought that if you have a degree, you have some skills. In the future, you must become a big shot. Now, the first thing that comes to mind is to be safe and sound. live."

"You don't care. I remember that you used to like to ask for seeds everywhere to research whether Sister Tianhai is the real murderer or fake breasts."


In these gatherings, a large group of men must gather together; at this time, it is almost smoky, and when chatting, they will almost recall the glorious years and youthful frivolity of the past.

Qi Ping handed over the children to Kate, and she wanted to take the children to chat with the ladies; and Qi Ping naturally belonged to the group of old men.

At this time, I discovered that those people who didn't like to greet and talk to each other when they were studying or gathering have now become glamorous and successful people.Now, they are also scrambling to chat with Qi Ping, and the chatterbox is opened immediately, and people who don't know think that they have been close buddies since the eighth generation of ancestors!
If it wasn't for seeing Qi Ping's wife and children by his side, those female students who thought they were pretty might be tempted.Qi Ping, now this is a billionaire, such a person belongs to the top of the pyramid.In fact, as long as Qi Ping nods, there are bound to be some people who want to forget that they may be married and have children.

While complimenting, everyone wondered in their hearts, why didn't they see that Qi Ping had this ability before.If I had known that there would be today, I would have been able to have a sip of soup today!

Didn't you see Luo Yi? That kid's relationship with Qi Ping is strong enough, and he's doing well now; although he has given up his major, being able to make money is better than anything else!Looking at Luo Yi, at least his worth is tens of millions of dollars; this kind of worth is much better than being an official or working for others.

Who will take care of things that are not beneficial?Many of the college students who came to the party today are playing their little Jiujiu in their hearts!

Although there is a very good atmosphere, although there are indeed too many topics now, even all kinds of compliments, affirmations, and envy and hatred for Qi Ping.However, Qi Ping also felt a little strange, a little strange, and even slowly felt more melancholy.

Thinking about it, it's really strange. After graduation, the classmates who were close to each other were completely split into two camps;The ordinary students who are temporarily mixed basically just sit quietly on the side without attracting attention, and even need to cater to and envy those successful students.

Qi Ping is definitely the most promising among the classmates in the class. It can even be said that in his alma mater, Qi Ping belongs to the top.Billionaires are hard to come by, especially a young rich man earning unimaginable dollars in a foreign country. Such a person will become the focus of everyone's attention wherever he goes.

Although the students all want to find some good memories from Qiping's college days, but after thinking about it, it seems that there are only a few things.For Qi Ping, the college classmates who played basketball, CS, and DOTA together suddenly found that these faces gradually became a little unfamiliar.

The purest love between classmates will be tempted by the reality of fame and fortune, which really makes people feel regretful and melancholy.However, this is also reality; after all, the big dye vat of society will not allow so many naivety and fairy tales.After all, what everyone needs now is to be more promising, to become a master, to stand out, and to get more!
Although there will indeed be some regrets and melancholy, but Qi Ping is not there to mourn the spring and autumn; he knows, he is clear, these are actually the reality.What he has to do now is to maintain his own state in getting along with his classmates, there is no need to show off, he just wants to recall his wonderful college career.

This class reunion will indeed have some regrettable things, but more people will feel happier.Reminiscing together when we were young and frivolous, recalling some absurd things in college, these are actually very interesting and worthy of nostalgia, including talking and laughing together to find the good time back then.

It's a pity that there is no feast that never ends. After the party, everyone still has to go their separate ways and work hard for the next life and work.In fact, some students may feel that such a gathering is more about looking for a "new breakthrough" in their careers, but it is undeniable that being able to gather with old friends is also a real enjoyment.

After the enjoyment is over, it is time to prepare for life and work; take the family to play in Damodu for a few days, and then return to the forest farm.This time it took almost a month to return to China for the Chinese New Year, which was enough for Deception to start preparing for official work, including that the children now miss King Kong and Pooh very much.

(End of this chapter)

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