America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 332 Patrol the Territory

Chapter 332 Patrol the Territory
Spring is the year of the year, and while there is plenty of sunshine in California, especially on the Ramona side, there's really no winter or anything like that; but right now, it's a little better.It is suitable to better start the production of agriculture and animal husbandry, and it is suitable to start to increase the yield of some crops.Now is the time to go full steam ahead, and the time has come to make good money.

Those who engage in farming and animal husbandry largely depend on the weather for their food; the climate in California is very good, and Qi Ping is really willing to spend money on various guarantees, so there is no need to worry about natural disasters and the like.

The biggest advantage of choosing California is the natural environment and climate here, and production can be carried out all year round; but relatively speaking, there will be some reduction in production around January, because the temperature here may not always be high enough .

"Boss, we will never follow the orders of those restaurants. In fact, we will respect their opinions. But we need to consider the production status of the forest farm. We need to ensure the maximum benefit and standardization of production."

"Boss Xiaoqi, Thomas is right. The products of our forestry farm are very popular. If we follow the advice of those people, if we plant a few acres of this vegetable and a little more of that vegetable, we will really follow behind. Yes. Every time we conduct surveys and ask for feedback, we actually draw a pie for them and look at market demand by the way. We have the final say, not them.”

Well, Qi Ping doesn’t have much, and the employees at the vegetable base are excited; they have long regarded these businesses in the forest farm as their own. Who makes it relatively easy to work here, but they can earn a lot of money. to a considerable income.Speaking of being able to work in the Fairyland Forest Farm for a while, especially the group of people who started with them, they are all 'little rich'.

In fact, Qiping, like the employees, is proud of the forest farm; in fact, the Fairyland Forest Farm is the most resounding signboard.With such a brand, it represents absolute high-grade, high-quality and in short supply.So now, others have been scrambling to place orders, even after a long time in the queue. Anyway, there are no unsalable products in the forest farm.

The vegetable base is actually the place where Qiping needs to worry the least; because this has always been the place where the forestry farm has the most profit, and this is also an industry that Qiping started.There has long been a stable output, stable channels, and a market here. There is no need to worry about anything at all. Continued production step by step can actually ensure that there is no shortage of money; everything just needs to ensure a stable state.

Heitan wobbled and ran towards the orchard with Qiping on his back. This lazy horse now belongs to the spirited type.This six-year-old horse is already in its prime; it always likes to be lazy, and spends all day with Rudolph doing nothing.But in fact, this lazy guy is still very smart. He actually likes to dominate the entire forest farm and patrol around with Qi Ping, which is full of sense of accomplishment.

Looking at the orchard, it is really modern and high-quality; not to mention the various sprinkler irrigation and other equipment in the orchard, but taking care of these fruit trees makes many people feel that they are more careful than caring for others.

Every fruit tree is registered, and the health status and output status of each tree are registered; even Professor Bruce, who wears the hat of chief technical engineer of Wonderland Forest Farm, has arranged some security teams. pests.For example, the density and the number of fruits are the most basic, and regular inspection and maintenance are the key parts of their work.

These fruit trees are the same as the vegetable base; Professor Rudolph's team has actually produced a lot of "codes of conduct", which are standardized production and more scientific production.

In fact, these things are really necessary, although relying on the super good environment of the forest farm, there is no need to worry about the quality and quality of the products.But with these fine care, that is excellence.It does cost a lot of money to do these things, but Qi Ping thinks it is worth it, because his orchards and vegetable bases are better protected, and he doesn't need to worry about "overdraft". Produced under the healthiest conditions.

Once he arrived at the orchard, Heitan couldn't walk; he was a horse, but he liked to drink and eat some tender meat.Fruits and the like are even more delicious snacks, so this guy’s snacks will never be lacking throughout the year; apples, pears, watermelons and the like are just the basics, and strawberries, mangoes and the like are already tired of eating.

This guy's appetite and digestion ability are really good, as long as Qiping's family is eating, as long as King Kong and Pooh will eat, Heitan must have a taste.As for the unsuitable ones, eat it first and then talk about it. If you don't eat it, you won't know if it tastes good. If you don't taste it, you will have more say.

I picked a lot of cherries, ate some by myself, and stuffed a handful into Heitan's mouth; it would be impossible not to let Heitan eat some to satisfy his cravings, otherwise he must be the type that doesn't walk, and he still If you are in a hurry, you have to move your mouth.It's better not to be stingy, or the 'loss' will be greater, these boys have character.

Qi Ping suddenly felt that he seemed to have no sense of existence. No one denied the importance of the big boss Qi Ping, but in the daily production, there was really no place where the big boss needed to appear.That is to say, everything is going smoothly in the current production, and there is no need for the boss to guide or care at all. He just needs to wait for the money to be paid and see the bill.

There's really nothing to worry about leveling on the orchard and vegetable base side, because everything works so smoothly here.Not only because Qiping has provided sufficient logistical support for the forest farm, but also because all the current production models are clear to the employees.

This job is really great. In order to live a better life and not to worry about the living expenses at home, I really need to work hard.Therefore, the employees are very attentive, which is the motivation brought by the salary, which makes the employees aggressive enough, and they will work hard to do their own work seriously.

Because they know that the unemployment rate in the United States is very high, and because they know that good jobs are hard to find; it is naturally a good thing to have a decent job with a high salary.They also know that their boss is not a philanthropist. Although he can be very kind and friendly at ordinary times, he is definitely the type that cannot be tolerated when it comes to work.

He showed his sense of existence a little bit, and the most important thing is that Qi Ping saw the development of these industries in his forest farm through his own eyes.Speaking of it, there is no need to worry about anything now. What you see with your own eyes is better than some flowers and flowers in those reports; and only by walking around and seeing more, can you better know what is the development of your forest farm? to which step.

For the property of his own forest farm, Qi Ping is very attentive; because he knows very well that the property here is too valuable.Although you don't need to do everything yourself, you must ensure that you can't let all this go out of your control.So take more time to walk around and have a look, to actually grasp the situation of the forest farm, which is also something that Qiping needs to do.

He is not a high-ranking big boss, nor is he an unrealistic controller who "sitting in the deep palace and ignoring the sufferings of the people".If you want to talk about 'down-to-earth', Qi Ping must be very familiar with and understands the three-acre land of his own family.

"Hurry up, my brothers are here for a little excitement today, and I haven't run for a long time. I'm very idle now, and I didn't do much in the morning. I just looked around. Now, we still Keep relaxing."

Patting Heitan on the neck, Qi Ping intends to make a little publicity; to be honest, he really seldom experiences those exciting things now, in fact he seldom lets Heitan run away at full speed.Speaking of it, riding a horse is too bumpy, and for Heitan who doesn't like running fast, it's too tiring and doesn't like it.

But once in a while, running a little bit is still very exciting; Heitan is very smart, and after he neighs, he runs wildly.Although it is usually lazy and unwilling to move, it does not mean that its ability is insufficient.Once this guy runs, his speed and endurance are first-class; he has lived in the forest farm with the best environment since he was a child, and he has always eaten and drank well.

Then, there is absolutely no reason not to be strong.When it comes to horses, Heitan is definitely a horse; although it looks a little fat and strong, this cannot deny the fact that Heitan is a horse.

I just went to see the vegetable base and orchard in the morning, and it seems that I have done a lot of things; but these are only part of the industry of the forest farm.There are also racecourses and resorts. These are actually within the scope of forest farms. Qi Ping still needs to take a look at the development of these industries. These are potential stocks!

"You go pick up girls, and see if you can kidnap a beautiful girl to have sex with. Pooh has babies, and the children of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai can run around now, and you should work harder. That's you If you don’t care so much about King Kong, at least you have to consider things like racial inheritance. You just let Rudolph lead you down, and you just solve your physical problems and don’t take on your due obligations and responsibilities!”

He patted Heitan on the butt, this guy is hopeless; he is indeed full of energy when he arrives at the racecourse, but this guy usually only cares about various casual affairs, anyway, he will not consider 'getting a family' anyway.This guy is a jerk, like Rudolph, like Steve, the dude over there at the resort.

(End of this chapter)

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