America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 334 I've recruited a thief

Chapter 334 I've recruited a thief (please subscribe)

"Boss, our ranch will enter a period of rapid development. We have introduced more excellent cattle breeds from high-quality pastures, and the pasture quality of the pasture is constantly improving. Believe me, we will make more money this year .”

"I'm not at all optimistic about how much money I can make this year, and I actually think I may need to continue to invest some money. I think it may take another two years before I can see the output of the ranch. These things we are doing now are just The foundation, we are now just cultivating more and more high-quality forage grass, we are just laying the foundation for better cattle breeds."

Qi Ping smiled and didn't say much, he was not optimistic about the rapid output of the ranch at all; the current ranch can indeed make some money, but compared to Qi Ping's request, it is really just a drop in the bucket, his request It is a bit too high.The result of this is that Qi Ping is not satisfied with this little money at all, he is a person with big pursuits.

Grass is the foundation, and the quality of pasture is becoming more and more stable now, which is very happy; originally these pastures were only pastures cultivated in forest farms, and they were planted for the purpose of opening a small stove for black charcoal.

After several years of cultivation, the quality of pasture grass is undeniable; although a small change is needed to adapt to raising cattle, but to be honest, it is really a surprise that pasture grass can grow up quickly.After all, Qi Ping never thought about running a ranch before. He just wanted to take care of his good brother. This is a typical example of carelessness.

"The calves are growing very well. The growth cycle of these Angus cattle in our pasture is about ten months. High-quality pasture and excellent environment can greatly improve the growth rate of beef cattle, and their quality is not the slightest problem. In order to breed better cattle breeds, we have actually made a lot of preparations, and we have followed up and observed hundreds of experimental cattle, and we can find the best data.”

"BOSS, believe me. There is no problem at all. We have established a database, and we will observe their growth every day. We are constantly looking for the best combination. In fact, there is no problem at all. We have achieved a lot Good results, we'll be moving all of our cattle to second grade this year, and a lot of first grade beef. Trust us, just look at the calves we've bred."

Looking at the report given by the technician, Qi Ping still didn't understand it very well; it was because he was too professional, and a scholar like Professor Bruce had too many high-quality resources under his hands.

Professor Bruce was in charge of contact and assessment, and Qi Ping was in charge of paying; so obviously, a very high-level research team, a research center for Angus cattle, was formed quickly.

This shows Qi Ping's ambition, and he is definitely aiming for the highest quality beef cattle; otherwise, relying on the high-quality pasture and sufficient aura in Qi Ping's hands, even if it is a "natural development" step by step, it will be impossible. Be able to breed a very high level of beef cattle.

It's just that Qi Ping's request is not limited to this, what he wants is the best beef cattle; at this time, it's not just the first-grade or even the so-called super-grade beef, what he needs is super-grade beef.In other words, the products he needs exceed the current market-grade standards, and what he needs is unique certification.

Looking around, generally speaking, people still feel very satisfied now; because he has indeed seen a very good result and progress, although he can't say that something exceeded his expectations, but he did It is in a state of self-satisfaction.

"I'm very patient, I've always been a very patient person. We all know that time is a basic requirement to run a good ranch. We now have good pasture, the best grass on the market This is the basis of our success. But we still need to continue to improve, we need better cattle breeds, cattle breeds are the key."

"By the way, Japanese Wagyu are not allowed to be exported. But we can move our minds from the Leitian Simmental bull. Everyone knows that Wagyu was improved and bred from here. Although we don't know that Wagyu The breeding method and cultivation process, etc., but we have the unique air quality and pasture, which is our advantage!"

"My request to you is actually very simple. You need to do more experiments and research, and I will provide you with sufficient funds. Not just to copy Wagyu, but what we need is to surpass the quality of Wagyu. It doesn't have to be Wagyu , what I need is only the top beef cattle that have been researched, not necessarily improved from the Leitian Simmental bull."

Qi Ping is indeed not a scholar, but he is the boss; those who engage in scientific research are not necessarily superior, since the boss has made a request, what these people have to do is to meet the expectations of the boss to the greatest extent.These seem to be very difficult, but who made the big boss really have an excellent foundation and sufficient financial support here.

Doing scientific research is actually burning money; it is actually the luck of these scientific research dogs to meet these rich big bosses.Qi Ping is a very good boss, he only gives projects and does not meddle blindly; the most important thing is that he is willing to spend money, a lot of money.

Doing research for such investors is not only easy to make academic achievements, but actually more can make money.Scientific research dogs are not necessarily for science, they are actually for getting rich, this is work!

Driving the helicopter around the pasture, I feel quite satisfied in general; but after a closer look, Qi Ping seems to have discovered some things, some of which made him feel uncomfortable and not very happy things.

"Kentreese, you come to the ranch with someone. I'll give you the coordinates so you can come and see what's going on. I'm sorry, maybe we lost at least fifty square feet (five square meters) of pasture."

"Boss, we will arrive immediately. We will investigate this matter, and I hope to obtain your authorization. Perhaps what we need now is to notify the police, which is not an easy matter."

Qi Ping really needs to inform Kentris that this matter is not a simple matter; because he saw that the fence on the edge of the pasture was artificially destroyed, and those people actually broke into the pasture to steal pasture.This is not good news. Although the Spirit Gathering Formation is arranged, there is not a sufficient type of spiritual energy in those edge areas of the pasture, and the quality of pasture there is relatively average.

It is absolutely unacceptable for someone to break into the pasture to steal the pasture now; you must know that this is a complete violation of one's own property, which is a violation of private territory.Such a thing can be said to be a felony; in fact, this matter should not be underestimated, it is a complete crime; perhaps economic crimes such as theft and espionage can also be counted.

Qi Ping's face was ugly, although he did arrange security, but the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot high; this is a typical man-made money, dead birds die for food, and more professional "thieves" have appeared here.

In fact, this was a big mess. Kentris and his team actually had a high level of security, but they were still quietly ran over and dug a large piece of grass and left.As for the use, it is obvious that everyone knows that it is for forage seeds.

The pasture quality of the ranch has been well recognized, because according to the research institute's information, the pasture here contains higher minerals, which is more nutritious and delicious for some livestock, and can improve the quality of these livestock products.

"BOSS, this is our negligence, we didn't expect them to use such means. According to our investigation, they are very professional. In fact, I suspect that they may have received help from others. It may not be that there are spies on our ranch. But I can guarantee that there are some ambitious people around us, and we have encountered some villains."

"Kentris, I can understand that your work will be extremely difficult. I can understand that even if you are working hard all the time, it is inevitable that some people with a heart will catch some flaws. I will not blame you for your dereliction of duty. , but I hope you can learn your lesson and I don't want this to happen again."

Qi Ping's complexion was indeed very ugly, quite ugly; but he had to admit that he was still sensible enough at this time, and he was still relatively polite.It must be said that Kentris and the others were dereliction of duty in this matter; but they can't blame all the employees under them, because the tens of thousands of acres of ranch will always be found by those who are willing to find some loopholes.

It seems that some management needs to be strengthened now, and a better patrol mechanism needs to be established; now these infiltrators are basically experts, and there are likely to be some people on Ramona's side who are helping these people.Such a result is very disappointing, and it does make people feel a little tricky and stressful.

The policemen from the small town of Ramona appeared, but Qi Ping had no hope for these policemen at all.All of them have big arms and round waists, big fives and three thick heads. These guys have to pant after running for a few steps. Their daily work is to deal with some parents' grievances.It is too difficult to expect them to handle such a big case, they simply do not have that ability.

However, the procedures that should be followed still have to be followed, and the police and the case must be filed. Only in this way will some people feel the pressure and let them know that it is not an easy thing to offend a rich man.Of course, as the biggest rich man in Ramona, the property under his hands has been violated, and these officials need to give some explanations.

(End of this chapter)

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