America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 353 Ready for the Party

Chapter 353 Ready for the Party

Qi Ping feels that the children have really grown up now, the children have grown up completely now; the children have grown up now, and these little guys are not only getting better at talking or getting bigger and bigger Higher and so on, and some of their social activities are getting richer and richer.

"Dad, my sister and I want to invite children to our house to play, can we have a party at home?" Xiaoyao and Youyou had just returned home, and ran over as soon as they threw their schoolbags away. "I am good friends with many children, we should be together, we want to play more games on weekends."

Seeing the fat son and baby girl looking up with anticipation, Qi Ping really didn't know what to say.It's actually the first time the kids want to have a party or something at home, and that should be a thing to support.However, holding a party for children is a bit of a test, and it is definitely not easy.

But seeing the children's anticipation, Qi Ping felt that there was no way to refuse it; to be honest, it was because there was really nothing wrong with such a small request from the children.Little parties, that's what kids deserve, they just want to start their own social activities, they just see that their best friends have parties, so they should have parties too.

The kids are grown up now and they should have their own social activities.In fact, it is not so easy to invite other children to come to the house as guests.First of all, it needs the approval of the parents of those little guys, and it is also because Qi Ping must ensure the safety of these little guys in his own home, which is very important.

Perhaps those ignorant children may make trouble a little bit, but it doesn't matter; because Qi Ping, Kate and the whole family are able to take good care of the safety of these little guys, this is not any influence at all. Xiaoli's friends brought back a reason to be a guest, and there was nothing wrong with that.

As for King Kong and Pooh, it's not a problem; these guys are smart, not to mention Xiaoyao and the others will be there at that time, so there is no need to worry about any danger at all.

"You can tell your friends tomorrow, welcome to our house. I think the weekend will be a very good time, we invite them to come to our house to have a good weekend." Kate smiled and hugged the children, for Of course, she is very happy with the growth of the little ones, "But you have to tell your friends that they need to get permission from their parents."

The children started to cheer, this matter is very important to them; because the children really hope that their good friends can come to the house as guests, and now they can get the support of their father and mother, which is very important for the little ones It's really important.The little guys knew some things a long time ago, and now they are just a little older than their younger brother, and many things cannot be decided by them now, and they still need the help of their parents.

The children cheered and ran away again, but these little guys still have one thing to do when they return home; that is, there is a contact manual for the contact between the kindergarten and the parents, which is the best way to communicate directly one.

Part of it is to tell the parents what the children did and what they learned in the kindergarten that day.This is the same for every child. This is the school schedule and the like, letting parents know about the life of their children in school.The other part is the performance of each child, so that parents can know more about the performance of children in the kindergarten, and what parents need to focus on is also shown on it. This is a good means for parents and kindergartens to communicate .

"I finally figured out why Xiaoyao and Yoyo are clamoring to have a party. They are becoming more and more popular now, and our children are obviously the most popular objects in the kindergarten, and there will be more and more of them." Good friend." Kate was a little funny, but more happy. "We really need to think about some things, our kids obviously live in a different environment than a lot of kids, but we can't make kids behave too differently."

Kate’s words are correct, and of course Qi Ping also knows this; it’s like the kindergarten where the children are now. In fact, although this kindergarten is not the best kind, it is also a middle-level kindergarten, and not everyone Can afford expensive kindergarten tuition and the like.

But compared to those children from middle-class families, the happy and leisurely life is undoubtedly more 'exaggerated'.Although the children have always been the type with insufficient pocket money, the little ones have always enjoyed the best life, and their material living conditions are undoubtedly the top and most luxurious.

Although the children don't go to any noble schools now, they have to admit that the children are considered to be out of the 'popular' level, and they belong to the wave of people at the top of the pyramid from the moment they were born.Little ones, maybe they haven't realized too much now, but they do sometimes not understand the situation outside.Life at home is so good that it is easy for the little ones to not understand 'folk suffering'.

What the children need now is to get along with their children more, so that the children can understand something.

"We need to start preparing now, we need to have a lot of preparations now. This is the children's first party and we can't let the children down."

Kate was confident, confident, and actually more serious; it was the kids' first party, so naturally the whole family needed support.Everyone in the family hopes to leave the best memories for the children, so of course they need to go all out. This time, the children's party is definitely not a small matter.

Wanting to prepare a happy weekend for the little ones is actually a simple thing, but it is not an easy thing; obviously, the little ones are not easy to serve when they are many, and they are often It is a little inexplicable, or you have unconstrained ideas, you will never be able to keep up with the children's thinking.

Let’s be honest, throwing a party for the little ones is never easy or lighthearted; Chip and Kate are well aware of this, as the three little ones in the family have given them so much clear experience.And now that there are a few more naughty people, it will obviously be more difficult to serve, this is something for sure.

While it may have been a difficult affair, both Chip and Kate clearly took it seriously as it was the kids' first party.Although it is not necessary to say that because of this party, the little guy will completely make some close friends, but it is obvious that if the little guy can know some simple social and interpersonal relationships, this is also a good idea. A very important thing.

The most important thing is for children to have fun; children may not know what a real friend is now, but they can have fun and grow together slowly, and they also know in the process What is a real friend.

The family is busy discussing some details together, and it really needs a lot of preparation work; because this time the party belongs to the children, it is certain that such a party has too many uncertainties.Children, this is an uncontrollable group. No matter how much preparation you do when facing the children, you may not be truly fully prepared.What's more, once the children have fun, they are full of unpredictability.

"Mom, I want ice cream!" Xiao Lele is the most free, because he doesn't need to go to kindergarten, and now he is an older child, he can have fun all day long, "I want to wrestle with the baby bear, I can wrestle now Down with Baby Bear."

Seeing her youngest son in crotch pants running happily on the lawn with the baby bear, Kate suddenly felt a little pressure; her own youngest son was actually a wild boy who was not controlled at all. Slippery and all kinds of bullying little bastards.

"Dad, I'm back! I want to eat ice cream, a big ice cream!"

When Luo Yi's car just stopped, I heard Xiaoyao and Youyou shouting; ice cream, this is very important, I didn't have a lot of ice cream after playing in the kindergarten for a day, the ice cream there is not as good as the ice cream at home It's delicious. Although there are many children in the kindergarten, it is actually very interesting to eat ice cream together, but Xiaoyao and Yoyo still want to eat ice cream when they return home.

The little ones are happy and home; today is the godfather to pick them up from school, because it is godfather's turn to do this task this week.Things like pick-up and drop-off from school are small things, but the most important thing is to say hello and hug everyone when you get home.

So Xiaoyao and Youyou who came back home happily hugged the younger brother who ran over, kissed the younger brother, and then went to say hello to King Kong and Pooh.The little guy is still very busy now, because he needs to say hello to everyone, which proves that he has gone home, so everyone can play games with Xiaoyao and Yoyo.

Seeing the fat son showing off in a ostentatious manner, and seeing the little guys who went to kindergarten clean but came back dirty, Qi Ping and Kate also laughed.It seems that the little ones are having a good time in the kindergarten, otherwise they wouldn't be so dirty.

(End of this chapter)

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