America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 355 Modeling

Chapter 355 Modeling
King Kong and Pooh set off happily, and Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai also set off at this time; they all liked the new tasks of these two days very much.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are actually quite vengeful, they know that fighting alone will definitely not be able to beat that ugly but fierce bird.But once he is with his good brothers, then he will be an absolute backer; now to get revenge and scare that big bird, this will completely ignite the enthusiasm of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, absolute enthusiasm.

Qi Ping and Kate were snickering, this matter is progressing quite well; first of all, there is Liang Shanbo and King Kong, so there is no need to worry about people making irresponsible remarks.Obviously, this is the choice of the naughty animals themselves. You cannot use human thinking to define the actions of these small animals, even if they are smart.

The grown Andean condor basically has no natural enemies, because they are quite powerful; however, facing a group of powerful opponents, even the Andean condor will be afraid of three points.The most important thing is that it is not a raptor in the true sense. It has no advantage when facing tigers, leopards, bears and wolves.

"Dad, Baby Bear misses Dad, but Pooh went out to play games with King Kong again. Dad, Pooh is not a good father, but you are." Looking at the baby girl in his arms, Qi Ping felt full of a sense of accomplishment, Obviously the little girl is acting him out, and the little girl thinks Qi Ping is a good father.

Qi Ping is very grateful to Pooh, who is also a father; but he doesn't like to play games with her children very much. Most of the time, Pooh only needs to see the existence of the baby bear. The safety of the baby bear is Everything it cares about, things like taking care of children, that's what a mother, Jenny, should do.

So the result is that Qi Ping has become a model of a good father; because of Pooh and the even more irresponsible Liang Shanbo, this is enough to make the children see everything in their eyes.The result of this is that although the children will always call 'bad dad' and the like, but the little guys really like dad because dad is the best.

Taking the children to play games together is quite a challenge in itself.Especially now that the children are getting older, it will be more difficult for them to choose games.The family's swimming pool is no longer the children's favorite, they now like to swim with Dad in Muse Lake.

Obviously, the children just come to play games under the banner of swimming. In fact, there are still many entertainment facilities on the Muse Lake; water slides, water castles and the like are one of the children's favorite toys, and these Once this little guy starts playing like crazy, no one can guarantee that they can think of other games like crazy.

Playing games, these little guys are absolute experts, as long as they can play games, then these little guys will never get bored, they can have unlimited vitality.Adults feel tired, but it's just a piece of cake for children, because their time is precious and they must hurry up to play games.

"Dad, can you hug me? I'm scared, I'm too young." The water slide is still a little exciting, which is the case for Xiao Lele; brother and sister can rush into the water holding the skateboard , but Lele was afraid, "I want to catch up with my brother and sister, but my brother won't wait for me to play games together."

The aggrieved little Lele was happy, and was hugged by her father; they rushed into the water together yelling. Although this was just a not very steep slide, it was exciting enough for Xiao Lele.The little guy is yelling with excitement, especially when the skateboard rushes into the water with a big splash, which will make the yelling little guy happy.

"Dad, I don't like this hairstyle at all now. My sister can have long hair, and I want long hair too. But grandma told me boys can't have braids, so can I have a cock head, I like mohawks hairstyle."

I took the children to play games for a while, and I was a little tired; I picked up the children and put them on the beach chairs, but these little guys are not drinking some drinks and sunbathing honestly now, the little guys are now There are still a lot of thoughts, and the little guys now have too many small thoughts that are difficult to understand.

Qi Ping started to have a headache, Xiaoyao is starting to want a new hairstyle now, it's really hard to say anything about this matter.

In China, some little guys have strange hairstyles, but generally speaking, they are not too much.But in the United States, the pursuit of individuality and the like, children with special hairstyles or hair dyes are nothing new.This kid Xiaoyao is like this, he seems to be affected, even though most of the children in the kindergarten have normal hairstyles, but he hopes that he can have a special hairstyle.

Whether or not this kid should have a special hairstyle is really hard to say.Let Xiaoyao behave too differently, which is definitely not good; but this is not unconventional, it can only be said to be relatively avant-garde, and even this matter is not considered by many people. a thing.

"Did Mom agree to you? You know, Dad has always been excluded by Mom and Grandma. They don't agree with my aesthetics at all. So if you want a new hairstyle, then you can ask Mom and Grandma, and they agreed. Just do it."

After thinking about it, it was really a genius idea; this matter is really difficult to handle, so I left it to Kate to handle it.Anyway, Qi Ping knows that once he makes up his mind on such a matter, it is likely to be a typical example of thankless work.

So it's better to be smart, and don't be too greedy or assertive; styling things for the family has always been one of Kate's main jobs.So now I really can't be too active, because once I cross the line, I will definitely be criticized by Kate, and that is Kate's job.

The most important thing is that it is too difficult to change Xiaoyao's hairstyle. It is definitely unacceptable to be too avant-garde; It's even more unreasonable.

Therefore, it is better to leave such troublesome matters to Kate; Jin Jiliang even knew that he had the right to speak at home.

For things like Xiaoyao's styling, it is a completely big matter, and Qi Ping can't intervene in this matter at all.

And Qi Ping is very clear that he has always been the type who has no say in styling, and even his clothing and styling are arranged by Kate.At this time, if you think about dressing up your fat son, something big will happen, because Qi Ping's aesthetics has always been severely excluded at home, because his aesthetics is not liked by his family at all.

(End of this chapter)

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