Chapter 372

Qi Ping is a very assertive person, and he doesn't like change; once someone changes his plan randomly, he will be quite unhappy.Qi Ping couldn't accept such a thing, especially for some inexplicable people.

If it's something else, maybe he doesn't care. If he can improve his plan and bring him more wealth, then maybe Qi Ping will support it.But if you expect him to make wedding dresses for others, it's better to go back where you came from.Qi Ping doesn't like the beauty of adults, and he doesn't like someone to stand on his shoulders to achieve success, that's not Qi Ping's character.

Transforming wildlife sanctuaries into rare animal protection and breeding bases seems very grand.But this has nothing to do with Qiping at all, and it will not make Qiping make more money at all.The most important thing is that it violates some of Qiping's principles of dealing with people. He will not selectively give up the original wild animals here because of some so-called animal protection.

To say that all living beings are equal is definitely not enough, but Qi Ping thinks that those natives have the right to stay in their homeland.If it is said that these wild animals have left their homes due to their own reasons, then it would be better not to engage in this plan in the first place.He didn't want his forest farm to be invaded by wild animals. Once it became a rare animal protection base, the indigenous wild animals might run to the fairyland forest farm again.

"SON, I support your choice. Those people only want to give the people a plan that looks good. They are just politicians full of lies. I don't think they care about those wild animals. They are just fighting for their own political capital!"

Mark seemed aggrieved. Originally, he was very happy that his son-in-law had done some good things. He not only established a top forest farm, but now he was trying to bring more benefits to Ramona, making it an animal Heaven or something.But now, some messy people suddenly appear, which is very disgusting.

"They have no right to ask the wild animals in the mountains to leave their homes. This is their home. I admit that many wild animals are in a very dangerous situation, but this should not be a disaster for other animal groups. On. Obviously, they think they have done a lot of meaningful things, but they seem to forget that it is precisely because of the destruction and killing of humans that those wild animals are in danger. Now, they are fighting The banner of protecting wild animals hurts wild animals!"

The mother-in-law, Catherine, also broke out. She just doesn't like some sanctimonious people. You can probably do a lot of work.But this can't be to use taxpayers' money to do some meaningless things. The most important thing is that these things not only look stupid and ridiculous, but the most important thing is that they harm the interests of the son-in-law!

Qi Ping smiled happily, and it seemed that he was not alone in this way; it was obvious that his family members were all on the same front as him, and even in a sense, the family members were not helping their relatives at all.Maybe the protection of rare wild animals is imminent, but the family just don't want to see Qi Ping more tired, don't want to see Qi Ping's work go to waste and his interests are damaged.

The support of the old father-in-law and mother-in-law is not just a visit to express their verbal support. In fact, they have lived in Ramona for decades, and they are still very well-connected here.After knowing that some people want to come to pick the fruits of victory, they are now contacting the residents of Ramona and preparing to launch a protest and march.

Obviously, some residents of Ramona may feel that it would be more attractive to establish a rare wild animal protection base, because rare wild animals can attract more attention, especially a rare species with a large range and a large population. wild animals.Such an effect will actually quickly turn Ramona into a super wildlife protection base, which can attract more sight and attention.

However, this can also be based on the protection of local wild animals and the protection of the original environment. Ramona does not need too many changes, and they do not need to harm the interests of 'locals' because of certain 'alien species'.In this way, the local people will feel quite uncomfortable, and they will feel that their homes have been violated.

This matter is not negotiable, and the interests of the local people must be guaranteed, which is the most important thing.And I have to admit that most of the residents of Ramona will side with Qiping, because they know some things very well.This is not because Qiping always donates money, sponsors schools and the like, but in fact it is more because of Qiping's strength.

Qi Ping is rich, quite rich; but the money is Qi Ping, and he will not give it to the locals for no reason. This is an obvious thing.It's just that the flush fairyland forest farm has indeed brought benefits to many people in Ramona.

The resorts and vegetable and fruit bases of the Fairyland Forest Farm are actually excellent; they have brought unimaginable wealth to the Fairyland Forest Farm, and indirectly created some wealth and jobs for some local people.Especially important is the resort of Fairyland Forest Farm. Those who can come here are rich people, quite rich rich people; so naturally, more people are needed to serve them.

As for the current ones, perhaps the rare wild animal base can attract more people.But everyone knows that the most basic technology is provided by Qiping. Since Qiping, the core key figure, is opposed to this matter, it is better for everyone to support Qiping with a little insight.

Because everyone knows that if Qi Ping withdraws suddenly at this time, then the so-called rare wild animal base will not be built at all.And also to be sure, once Qi Ping got angry, he might never care about it again.At that time, even the most 'ordinary' wildlife sanctuaries will be gone, that is, you will really steal the chicken and shoot yourself in the foot!

As for those who are officials, they don't care about long-term interests, they only need short-term political achievements.With political achievements, you can climb to a higher position. As for the follow-up troubles, just let the latecomers worry about them; since you are in politics, you must naturally serve the people, and these troubles must be solved as a matter of course.

Obviously, what Ramona needs is a long-term and stable meal ticket, rather than just getting a quick fortune; many people even suspect that once Qi Ping is offended, there may be no chance to make a fortune .Now they are worried that those officials will go their own way for the sake of their political achievements. At this time, they must see the strength of the residents of Ramona, and they cannot let their whimsical ideas ruin a better Ramona. !
Although Qi Ping didn't want to be deliberately high-profile or something, he had to admit that he was a big man now, the richest person in Ramona and the most capable of creating wealth.Even as long as he is willing, he can lead more people to get rich. He can become a very good leader. He knows how to build a better Ramona.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law seem to enjoy doing some things, such as social activities.Organize the residents of Ramona, this matter is very meaningful to them.This matter will actually fill them with a sense of accomplishment and make them feel more present.In fact, many Americans are interested in politics. They are not only willing to talk and want to talk, but also like to join in it.

"As the old saying goes, the poor don't compete with the rich, and the rich don't compete with the government. You are indeed rich now, but what you do is too offending people. Those from the Wildlife Conservation Administration and the Forestry Department, you are offending all at once It’s all gone. Speaking of which, this is still the supervisory unit of our forestry farm, you have provoked me all of a sudden, what will you do if you wear small shoes for us in the future!”

My mother was a little worried. In her opinion, it was true that the family had money, but it was best not to offend those officials if they had money.Being rich is naturally a good thing, but in some of my mother's views, the powerful are actually the ones who have the most say, and those people cannot be offended.Although I have seen a lot in the United States over the years, the official-based thinking is definitely not easy to change.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of offending them. As for wearing small shoes and so on, I really don't need to worry about it at all. I'm the most powerful when I have money. I still believe in the law here. The officials here are sometimes quite aggrieved, what they are most afraid of is offending a rich assassin like me, and the top lawyer team I have formed. Even if they can't win the lawsuit, they will be disgusted to death."

Hearing Qi Ping's words, both parents laughed; they didn't think their son was arrogant, he really had such capital now.Although being rich is not necessarily everything, rich people are really not easy to provoke.And speaking of it, I still have some reason in this matter, so I don't need to worry about those messy things at all.

"Besides, I also funded many newcomers and veterans in the political circle. If they don't give me a little help, I can't make sense of it. We rich people support them, isn't it for the sake of their governance It’s time to give something back. If you take my money, then you should do things well, so that you can cooperate happily.”

Qi Ping laughed out loud, he didn't care at all about the villain's success and arrogance in front of his family.In front of his family, he doesn't need to think about gentlemanly demeanor or low-key at all, he just needs to ensure that his truest self is actually enough.As for the so-called gentlemanly demeanor and modesty, they are just dealing with people, obviously family members are not among them.

For those disgusting things that might happen, Qi Ping really doesn't care at all, doesn't care at all.Because he occupies the principle, because he masters the core technology.Then the initiative is with him, and others should act according to his face.

This is the truth!

(End of this chapter)

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