Chapter 381
The so-called rare wild animal protection base can be regarded as an opportunity to be established after going through twists and turns. It relies on the key technology of a certain super rich man to be able to lay eggs through the shell, and even a certain one provides the key technology for the purpose of forcing the horse. The super rich are kicked out.

Although this will violate the contract and compensate a large sum of money; but it doesn't matter, this is taxpayer's money, not out of my own pocket.And I can be sure that these officials and coordinators are foolish, and they don't care about some so-called protests at all, because they can draw a good blueprint, because they can make reports full of flowers.

Think about it, some rare wild animals are here to settle down, think about it, tall, easy to get results!Besides, Qi Ping has long been hated by people; because he monopolizes key core technologies, it is impossible for others to enter some of his industries.

So when Qiping has established the infrastructure, even if it is a breach of contract, many people are willing to pay for liquidated damages, because they all know that as long as the project is done well, they can earn unimaginable wealth.It’s better for everyone to earn money together than one person who always likes to eat alone!
The ideal is full, but the reality is really skinny; now a large group of people are sitting in the conference room, looking at the materials in their hands, looking at each other and not knowing what to say.

"We really have no chance to sue him? You must know that the air environment improvement project he presided over has a problem, and he must be responsible for this matter. We may not be able to let him do this project again, but we will not He should be compensated for liquidated damages, and we even need to hold him accountable!"

The bald, fat old man held the last chance. Originally, he was full of confidence in this project, and wanted to get along with some capitalists and politicians.The most important thing is for everyone to make a fortune together and make a lot of money.But now, not to mention making a lot of money, not losing money is actually the top priority; if you can get a little compensation, it can be considered hard money.

"We have little chance of winning the lawsuit. We didn't pay attention to some of his suggestions. So we cut down a lot of trees, and we built a lot of lawns and buildings. According to Qi, we destroyed the overall layout. We asked I have heard some Chinese Feng Shui Yijing experts, and their opinion is that we have destroyed the so-called pattern. Maybe it is just a small change in our opinion, but to them it will completely destroy the whole environment!"

The business elite in suits and leather shoes said depressedly, in fact, Fengshui Yixue still has a certain market in Europe and the United States.The most important thing is that the core technology is in the hands of Qi Ping, he can do whatever he says.And in the contract documents, there are indeed such clauses; so when something goes wrong, it is not unreasonable to be equal in law.

A large number of business elites and capitalists continued to scratch their heads. It seemed that this matter was too naive at the beginning; I thought that these air environment improvement projects had been completed, and it just took a little time to reach the best state.But who would have thought that just some insignificant things would ruin the whole plan.

At the beginning, everyone agreed that professional designers should be invited to build this place into a real top-level resort; then blue sky and white clouds, leisure and ease are certain, and luxury villas must be indispensable.But now, luckily, the cleverness was mistaken by the cleverness. The plan that was thought to be quite feasible at the beginning completely ruined the project.

"I asked Qi's good friend in private. Steve and I have a certain connection. He asked Qi's assistant Luo. According to the information we have now, it doesn't mean that we can copy the vegetation back. I don't I understand these techniques, but his opinion is that this is an overall layout. When you destroy a part of it, you need to start a new layout. Obviously, we and Qi are enemies, and he can't do it again Take a shot, even now he will watch our jokes from the sidelines."

Although the boy who spoke was young and handsome, typically young and rich; but now this boy looks bitter and bitter, and the investment of tens of millions of dollars has been thrown away, and now he can't see any return at all, and even needs to see Seeing that the money is completely gone.Moreover, the follow-up may bring a lot of trouble; it is very simple, this rare wild animal protection base has completely failed and is unfinished, and there must be a lot of trouble.

These investors now need to consider whether they can reduce losses as much as possible, and they may now just accept the reality of investment failure.These investment failures really make people feel distressed. It is distressing to lose a large amount of money, and it is a subversive investment project that was originally thought to be a surefire investment. It is even more speechless.

Investors were dumbfounded, and what was even more dumbfounded was that there were many people there; for example, in the National Forest Park that Qiping contacted at the beginning, they planned to join forces with Qiping to create a wildlife protection base.It's a pity that a large number of investors came to the door. The "Rare Wildlife Protection Base" is obviously more attractive, and it can also have a large number of contacts.

So obviously, these guys thought they had found the right 'investor' to get more energy, improve performance and get more help.But now, it is absolutely true that stealing chickens does not lose money; now that this investment has failed, there is really no way to explain it to the public.

Those who engage in politics often do not just want to be ahead, but the most important thing is to get the support and votes of the people; but at the beginning, these leaders insisted on ignoring the opinions of the people, and now they have failed and wasted taxpayers' money.This is a disaster, investors just need to accept the failure of investment; but these politicians may have to take the blame, or even take a detour and end their political career.

A large number of people are stupid now, and they don't know what to say now; those projects that were almost 100% profitable and politically successful have suddenly taken a turn for the worse, and now they need to start because some of their original 'naive' Evil' and too much ambition pay a heavy price.

The meeting room is really gloomy. Although they are business elites and politicians who hold power, but now these people are idiots.The reason is very simple, because they don't understand technology; it is even certain that even if there are more so-called experts in environmental science and forestry, they are still helpless now.

They started to continue the meeting to find a solution; of course, they will be quite depressed now, basically everyone is discussing how to reduce the loss as much as possible.This is still the thinking of investors. They just accept the idea of ​​investment failure and get out of this quagmire as much as possible; they can foresee that this protected area is actually quite troublesome, and there will be endless troubles.

But these officials, they are actually the hardest ones; a large number of powerful and well-connected investors are leaving at this time, and they also offended Qi Ping in order to please these investors.

This time I was completely dumbfounded, and I should have just sat and enjoyed the benefits; I just need to ensure that the protected area will come step by step, and then money and money and political achievements are needed.But it’s not good to be too ambitious, and now everything is gone; let alone the political achievements, I still can’t explain to the people!
Investors want to withdraw their capital, and these officials are panicked and anxious; they still need to consider stabilizing these people, what they need now is to seek stability as much as possible.Being an official is really too difficult, you need to consider all aspects of your relationship, and you need to consider making no mistakes as much as possible; as for making mistakes, then there will be troubles.

In fact, these people are now seeking to stabilize these investors and are still looking for a solution.Although they also knew that what they did was unethical at the beginning, they actually didn't care about the shamelessness.Face can't be eaten, as long as one can guarantee a smooth career, then what face is needed!Officials are always the most shameless!

Now this is just some bad signs that have just appeared, and some news like this can still be covered up, so you can fool the people while thinking about remedies, and you can pretend that something didn't happen.But once there is no way to continue to cover up some news, then it is time to consider letting people take the blame, and then there is no way to continue to be an official and hold important power.

An obvious truth is that as long as you can make money, as long as you can bring enough benefits to yourself, then you don't need to worry about so-called friends or enemies at all.As long as they can give some explanations to the people now, it can even be said that they didn't make much money. Anyway, for many people, power is their pursuit.

Qi Ping naturally doesn't care about these things. It is obvious that some changes in the air quality in the protected area are not particularly obvious, so some people will be anxious.But speaking of it, it wasn't imminent; it was true that many people were in a hurry to find Qiping these days, but there was really no need to be so anxious, and it still didn't meet his requirements.

Maximizing the benefits is the pursuit of Qiping. Now those people are in a hurry, but it is obvious that they still have a certain amount of capital to consume.Anyway, Qi Ping has already seen through some people's bad behavior. Shopping malls are like battlefields. There is no need to show mercy just because others talk softly or pretend to be pitiful.

Some people are not worthy of sympathy, they should be responsible for every choice they make.It was those people who kicked Qiping away in the first place and wanted to make a fortune, so now they should pay the price for this wrong choice.If you want to calm things down, there are no such cheap people. Our big boss Qi is not a bad guy with no temper!

(End of this chapter)

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