America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 397 Life Continues

Chapter 397 Life Continues

Qi Ping is indeed busy enough during this period, but he is also the type who enjoys it; of course he hopes to see the property under his hands grow stronger and stronger, and of course he hopes that his wealth will increase.

So doing more things now is not a problem at all; and there is still a bit of vanity there. After all, the threshold for this promotion meeting is very high. If you are not a powerful and famous industry leader, you don’t even think about participating. This promotion meeting, we only look at strength and influence, not some small fish and shrimps can come to make a sense of presence.

Life goes on, and on Thanksgiving, I take the children to make pumpkin pie and roast turkey together, and enjoy the joy of Thanksgiving with the children's grandparents.Halloween is naturally a children's carnival, watching the little ones dress up as little monsters one by one, and accompany the children to the town to play trick-or-treating games.

Naturally, Christmas is also indispensable, which is also the favorite of the children, because there will be many gifts on Christmas; as for the Spring Festival, think about it, it is still the favorite of the children. When I go back to my hometown, I will go to various New Year greetings, eat snacks, and have fun In addition, the chubby face of eating is a little rounder.

Qi Ping suddenly found that there are too many festivals now, and every festival seems to be the favorite of children.He is also a little thankful, fortunately, he is also successful in his career now, otherwise these little rascals would make him feel a lot of pressure every year, especially Kate finally got what she wanted and was pregnant with a baby. It made Qi Ping feel the pressure even more.

"Mom, is my sister obedient today?" Xiaoyao and Youyou, carrying small schoolbags, went to find their mother as soon as they got home. Kiss my sister, can you?"

"No, my sister is sleeping now!" Xiao Lele was excited. He was knocking on the ant nest with a small wooden stick at the side, but when he heard that his brother and sister wanted to kiss his sister, the little guy rushed out immediately. Zhang Lan was in front of his mother, "My sister is sleeping, you can't disturb her!"

Qi Ping felt very headache. The pregnant Kate has always been the key care object of the family; when the first child was born, Kate was cared for by his parents as a national treasure. In fact, the second child was pregnant with Lele, and it was the same.Kate is pregnant, of course she needs to be taken care of carefully, but now there are three more little guys who will take good care of the mother and the younger sister in the mother's womb.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are both older children now, knowing that their mother is pregnant, they will soon give birth to a lovely younger sister.As for Xiao Lele, he has always been the youngest in the family; but now the situation is about to change. His mother is pregnant now and will soon have a lovely sister. He seems to be the happiest.

Xiao Lele seems to have the attributes of a sister-protecting madman. Now, in order to take care of her sister, she even basically hangs around her mother all the time.If you are disobedient or something, you only need to use words like 'sister is unhappy' and it will be effective immediately.Even for the sake of his sister, Xiao Lele often restricts his father from getting close. Now he always feels that his father will not take good care of his sister.

Kate is actually very happy. She knows that the children will love her sister as much as she does. The happiest thing for her is that the family lives happily together. She enjoys the happy life of the family.

The imminent arrival of another daughter will make Kate feel like she's living in a honeypot every day.As for the fact that the pregnancy stage is sometimes uncomfortable, for Kate, these are actually enjoyments. She enjoys witnessing the growth of her child. She is very happy to be able to clearly feel every stage of Britney's growth.

This is a very happy thing. The little girl is constantly growing up, and she will soon meet those family members who care about her.Kate has enough reasons to believe that Princess Spears will become the happiest and happiest little princess, because the whole family will care about her and protect her.

Qi Ping thinks that Kate must be blindly optimistic. He thinks that Tian Tian will be treated like a little princess after she is born, and he also thinks that the little girl will definitely get the care and care of her brothers and sisters.It's just that Qi Ping feels a little stressed, that is, he really knows the children too well. These little guys with the attributes of good brothers and sisters must make troubles from time to time. It is typical of them to do bad things with good intentions.

For Qi Ping's 'negative', don't say that Kate can't stand it anymore, and my parents are very angry; just look at Xiaoyao's performance. You have to say hello to your sister before going to school every day, and ask her when you get home. Ask about Meimei's situation.As for Lele, no matter how much she likes games, she spends more time running around behind her mother every day just to take care of her sister.Once there is a little something to do, the children are sure to run fast.

The children are indeed very concerned about the pregnant mother and the unborn sister, but Qi Ping thinks that these little guys may not be the particularly patient type.And these boys are neither big nor small; the little guys are actually a little too naive or take it for granted, they always think that the younger sister is cute and beautiful.

When Lele was young, it was actually very difficult to take care of, and she still liked to cry, which is also a common behavior of children.It's just that Xiaoyao and Yoyo obviously don't have such memories anymore, they were still a little younger at that time; they don't remember at all that when their brother cried, they would run fast, not to coax him, but just not to be disturbed by him.He even loses his temper sometimes, saying that his younger brother is not cute at all, or that he doesn't like his younger brother.

The little ones don’t have long memories, maybe they will like their younger sister more of the time, but Qi Ping believes that the children will be very distressed sometimes, because the younger sister may not be as cute as they imagined.Even Qi Ping had a premonition that the children would be angry because their sister was not as cute as they imagined.

No way, this is the fact; children are still too young, sometimes they can't understand, and some things are indeed something they take for granted now.But it doesn't matter, the children still like their sister very much, they still take care of their family members very much, at most they don't like their sister who always cries.

Qi Ping is still very happy, because he has another lovely child, because now the family is really a prosperous type.This is a good thing. For Qi Ping, he definitely hopes that the family will be more lively, and he hopes that the family will be more lively and loving.

Began to be nervous and busy, because as Kate's belly is getting bigger and the due date is getting closer, the whole family needs to be completely busy.

Qi Ping naturally needs to take good care of Kate. Kate with a big belly can't do any housework at all now, and it's not very convenient to move around.At this time, Qi Ping naturally has to take care of Kate carefully. Kate is not only inconvenient to move with a big belly, but also inconvenient in daily life.

Sometimes Kate will be inconvenient because of her big belly. Sometimes she will have some cramps and swollen legs. At this time, Qi Ping has to take care of it.As for bathing and the like, Kate is of course not particularly convenient; Qi Ping will naturally be pissed, this is the third time Kate has given birth to him, and she is willing to do anything.

As for Kate’s daily diet, this is what parents care about; they do have some experience to talk about now, but they still often ask family doctors and nutritionists to find the most suitable nutrition package for pregnant women some type of.Even after knowing that mobile phones and computers have radiation, radiation-proof maternity dresses are indeed prepared for Kate, but I still hope that Kate will not touch computers as much as possible.

So Lele has a small task every day, that is, when his mother's cell phone rings, he will immediately run to answer the phone or something. Although the phone does not ring all the time, Lele really likes this task.The little guys are like this, they always hope that the adults will give them more praise, and the children really hope to do more things.

Xiaoyao and Lele are even more different. They have to do a lot of things now, taking care of their mother and sister, and they never talk about pocket money.As for mowing the lawn, washing the car, etc., there is no shortage of pocket money.

"Tiantian will not be a little lady, I know it." Kate touched her big belly happily. Although her belly will not be beautiful after she is pregnant, it is good for her daughter to be beautiful. "She is very naughty. With all the bad habits of our children. Believe me, our house will be more lively in the future, and there will be no quiet moments in our tree farm."

"I think our hard work is for sure. Bringing up children has never been an easy task. But my parents will continue to work hard. In the past few years, our children, as well as my brother and sister-in-law, have also given birth to a second child. Mom and Dad now seem to be busy taking care of pregnant women and newborns, and they are the most tired."

Qi Ping smiled and lay gently on Kate's stomach, while listening to the baby girl's movements attentively, while chatting with Kate.This is a very happy moment, and Qi Ping enjoys this time very much.

"But I think mom and dad will like this very much. For them, what they like to see most is the birth of our child. They like children very much." Kate gently touched Qiping's head. Of course she knew that her parents-in-law like children They said, "I think if we're going to have more kids, mom and dad will be happy, they don't think it's going to be hard work."

Qi Ping laughed, he really knew this; sometimes parents would say that it is tiring to take care of children, but they never think that having more children is not good.They even think that there is no family planning in the United States, and the family is very rich now, so they can have a few more children. It is a good thing to have more children and more blessings.

"I think we need to take good care of the children's emotions. Although Xiaoyao and Yoyo are more experienced, they may worry about having an extra sister and take away the care of their parents. Especially Yoyo, our family used to There is only one girl, and now there is another girl, she may be a little worried about her status in the family. And we also need to pay attention to our Lele, he was originally the youngest and was cared by the whole family, but he is not the youngest now Well, maybe he'll worry about his position."

Kate's worry is not unreasonable. It is indeed a good thing to have children, but the little emotions of the children in the family also need to be taken care of.Children are sensitive, they will worry that the existence of younger siblings will make parents care less and so on.This is normal because young children are always 'greedy' for more attention.

Qi Ping also attaches great importance to these. He does not want the children to feel that their parents are partial, and he does not want the children to think that they are not taken care of or cared about.Obviously, Qi Ping needs to do better at this time. He needs to be more serious and careful when raising the children, so that the children will not feel lost and unbalanced because of having a younger brother or younger sister.

It can be said that Qi Ping and Kate have done a very good job. Although they have three children, neither Xiaoyao nor Yoyo felt that their parents were partial because of having an extra brother.As for Lele, he can't do it anymore. He is a little sun. He not only likes to act like a baby in front of his parents, grandparents, but also often acts like a baby when he is with his brothers and sisters.As far as being able to act like a baby, Lele is definitely the leader of the family.

The two chatting with Kate are the short stories of the parents and the good expectations for the future life; now they are all waiting for the arrival of the cute little princess, and they are all looking forward to a better and happier life.For cute children, two people will not be too many, let alone annoying, because they both know what kind of happiness and joy cute children can bring.

Life goes on and the kids are growing, which feels pretty exciting; especially as the due date gets closer and closer.

Now the whole family is tense, and having a baby is never a small matter; although the financial conditions of the family are indeed very good now, and regular inspections have proved that Kate is in good health and Britney is growing up very well, it is true that It is very reassuring.It's just that there are some things that can't be reassured. Until the child is born and taken home, there is no way to be completely reassured.

Although it is indeed busy now, but now there are more expectations.Qi Ping went to the hospital with Kate, waiting for the birth of the child; as for the children of Xiaoyao, they often visit their mother with their grandparents. The most important thing is that they are now waiting for the birth of their sister all day long. It's been a long time, and now I can't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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