America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 409 Interest Exchange

Chapter 409 Interest Exchange
Qi Ping likes a simple life. If conditions permit, he really doesn't want to touch some intrigue and other things. It's not his 'specialty', it's an area he doesn't like.

It's just that Qi Ping is more aware that sometimes it doesn't mean that he can rely on his personal preferences; obviously he doesn't have much capital to pick and choose, since he lives in this world, some things can't be escaped .

For firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, Qi Ping may not need to worry about it now, but he still needs to deal with these things.Only by ensuring that there is no financial pressure, can we enjoy a beautiful life in a beautiful and relaxed manner.

In the past few years, Qi Ping has always defined some core industries of the forest farm as family industries, and no outsiders are allowed to reach out. This is the industry of the old Qi family, and even Qi Ping has made a will; the forest farm must guarantee the attributes of the family business, and will not Listed, will not accept any form of investment.

Obviously, this is a cornucopia; Qi Ping does not expect to rely on the listing to earn a sum of money to make himself more valuable. He is not short of money now, so he needs to consider leaving a solid foundation for his children and grandchildren. iron rice bowl.

So Qi Ping has been quite restrained over the years. Although he has a lot of top-level jade in his hands, the formations he arranges are pitiful.In addition to his own property, Qi Ping also set up some spirit gathering formations, and the castrated version of the spirit gathering formations did not have any conflict with his own property.

As for creating more paradises for the benefit of mankind or allowing more people to breathe fresh air and taste top-level delicacies and so on.None of this has anything to do with Qi Ping, he doesn't have such noble sentiments; those important family and country affairs should be left to those who care about them, Qi Ping still prefers to count his own pockets.

He is well aware of the uniqueness of the fairyland forest farm, so he will not wantonly copy the fairyland forest farm, which will only lower the grade of the forest farm, and only uniqueness can guarantee the maximum benefit.This matter, Qi Ping touched the door clearly!

Although Qiping can indeed resist some great temptations and refuse some investors who want to put their hands in the forest farm, this is also something he knows.If he accepts financing now, it will increase his property a lot, but think about it, the pressure left on future generations will be great.

Qi Ping felt that even if his descendants would fight for power and profit, the cheap ones would still be the old Qi family; if some outsiders were allowed in, then the descendants of the old Qi family might even be squeezed out of the core of power.Qi Ping would be worried about such things; because he is a conservative person, he doesn't want to take these risks.

"Keep an eye on me, this time we have to guarantee absolute control no matter what. Understand what I mean, we are allies, absolute allies!" In the study, Qi Ping was more serious than ever, and now some There is really no way to refuse the matter, and it can also be said to be a matter of course.

"You have the absolute shares in hand, okay? The shares we have in hand are nothing, okay?" Luo Yi said angrily. Putting out some original shares, I can increase my shareholding, and I guess Steve thinks so too."

"Agreed, I also want to increase my shareholding. Everyone knows how valuable these original shares are now, and everyone knows their potential and value. I will not struggle with money. If you are willing to put more original shares out, how many I can take as much as I want, even a loan or cash out." Steve said with a shy face, he was indeed 'dissatisfied' with the shares in hand, and was greedy for more.

Qi Ping rolled his eyes and didn't say much. He shouldn't be polite to some greedy people; Eat alone.

He has now made some plans and split up the forestry industry, except that vegetables, fruits and pastures will not accept financing.The resorts, horse farms and wildlife sanctuaries have begun to let go, and now they are accepting capital injections from some investors.

This is also impossible, because whether it is a resort, a horse farm, or a wildlife sanctuary, it needs some 'energy'.Qi Ping's eating habits in the past few years have always been ugly. The property he valued is in his hands, and it is basically difficult for outsiders to intervene.

This is not a good thing. In business, we still have to pay attention to making money, especially in some industries that need some contacts and relationships.It is really not good for a person to control these things, and he will encounter a lot of resistance.

In the past two years, Qi Ping has learned to be smart and is constantly calculating; sometimes he is very persistent, but he has also learned to compromise.He now understands the benefits of everyone earning money, that is, weaving a huge network of relationships and forming some interest alliances.Although such benefits are not unobstructed, they can definitely save a lot of trouble.

So apart from those core industries, Qiping is indeed willing to accept some financing; besides making a lot of money, Qiping has also learned to exchange equity and so on.In this way, it can be regarded as multi-faceted, and it does not put all the eggs in one basket, which means that there are several more insurances.

"The past two years have been a lot of pressure, right? I've known for a long time that you can't do this all the time. You are also a big business now, and you are still the wind vane in these industries. You have too many good products in your hands, but you have always If you don't allow others to make a fortune with you, you will offend many people."

Qi Lei took a sip of the red wine comfortably, and said with some concern and not without ridicule; now that the younger brother has grown up, and now the family has a big business, even he has followed him to create some careers.This is no longer the little follower he was when he was a child, he now has some ideas of his own, maybe even more far-reaching and more comprehensive.

"I really feel a lot of pressure. In the past two years, I have felt more and more resistance wherever I go. There are some people who are interceding, helping me analyze, and stumbling. I have encountered them all. I have gained some insight. Everyone has me in you, and you in me, and it is also a good thing to exchange a part of the shares for a cooperation."

Pretend to have seen it, although Qi Ping knows better that his own industry is a type with unlimited potential and has great development.It's just that he really can't offend everyone, and he also needs some partners to learn to fabricate a network of social interests of his own.

This is part of the reason why Qi Ping went out to have a carnival a few days ago. He was indeed relieved, so a lot of investors flocked here.It seems that they are waving a lot of checks to buy some shares in some industries of Wonderland Forest Farm, but they all know that this is a super potential stock, and it will definitely make money if they hold it in their hands.

At this time, Qi Ping has a headache. Although he is a little relieved, he will not release too many shares. Some of the companies he chooses to exchange shares are all good stocks.That is to say, only those who have money and status can get some shares in the fairyland forest farm. This is definitely the type of monks with too many monks.

It is too popular, so sometimes it will offend people; there are many people who rely on favors. At this time, Qi Ping should keep a low profile and withdraw. Everything still needs to rely on strength to speak.Therefore, at the moment of equity auction or exchange, it is better to leave it to professionals. Qiping is completely out of the way and will not take the initiative to interfere. It is more intuitive to rely on US dollars to speak.

Now that he has learned how to exchange benefits, what Qi Ping pursues is to maximize his benefits; obviously, he is now constantly advancing and improving towards the position of an outstanding businessman, and he seems to have done a lot of good things now.It has caused a sharp increase in wealth, and now some interest circles are slowly formed.

Qi Ping, who is humming, is studying the equity allocation. In fact, he still holds the absolute equity. Of course, holding shares is very important to him.Although he is now 'forced' to share part of the benefits, Qi Ping's virtue of not letting go of rabbits and hawks is doomed that he will not let go so easily, and he wants to maximize the benefits.

Qi Ping is quite at ease now, because he holds the absolute shares, and Luo Yi and Steve, the two iron buddies, are advancing and retreating together, and there is still some shares in the hands of the elder brother.The result of this is that there is no need to worry about some shareholders pointing fingers, because Qiping still has an absolute right to speak, and the core power is still on Qiping's side.

"I know you have made a lot of money recently, now you should give me an explanation, have you thought about how to reward yourself and your family now?" Qi Ping returned to the bedroom after taking a shower, and this is what he saw Kate, who was in pajamas, approached enthusiastically, "I tell you, I'm not that easy to kill right now."

"This sum of money has not yet arrived. There are still many procedures for equity exchange or financing. Believe me, I will not spend this sum of money carelessly." Qi Ping was talking nonsense with his eyes open. In fact, he spent a lot of money before the account arrived. "I think it is right to work hard for my family. This is my responsibility and obligation. I don't need any rewards."

Kate nodded in satisfaction, and was very satisfied with this answer; but as a smart woman, Kate is still very good at taming her husband. She knows that Qi Ping not only needs to be suppressed at this time, but also needs some encouragement and rewards.She is very good at this matter.

A verbal praise and a big picture are almost enough, plus some other rewards, this is enough to make Qi Ping continue to struggle and work hard, although he may not be particularly serious.

(End of this chapter)

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