America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 452 Existence

Chapter 452 Existence

Qi Ping has never been a playboy, he is very serious about his feelings, but this does not mean that the people around him are definitely the kind of people who want to be loyal to their feelings.

In fact, there are still some playboys around Qi Ping. For example, Steve, a good buddy, is definitely a playboy.The illegitimate child has been produced, and he has also been engaged to be married; but it is absolutely useless to expect him to settle down.

Joshua is actually not much better than Steve.Although it is not like some Americans, they became parents in high school and college.But Joshua did have a lot of girlfriends, cheerleaders, drama club girls, or prom queens, that's a lot.

No way, Joshua is really a bit of a campus hero.

In itself, he is quite handsome, and this kid is a typical sports boy; he has been the core figure of the school baseball team since high school, and he also performed quite well in college.These are enough to enable him to pick up girls in school.

In fact, Joshua’s car cannot be ruled out. He drove a Porsche macan when he was 16 years old; on some special occasions, he can also drive a modified F650 or a custom-made Bentley, even when having a party, sea view villas, yachts, etc. Everyone wants to borrow.It is completely possible to let go of the madness.

Rich handsome type, and he is also a sunny sports boy, it is difficult for such a boy to be unpopular.And to a certain extent, this kid's family education is relatively strict, at least he doesn't break the law or commit any crimes or be involved in pornography, gambling and drugs.Isn't such a handsome guy just becoming the object of pursuit of some girls?

"Aren't you? I've heard that. It seems that athletes should not get involved with cheerleaders. You are not the cheerleaders in school. Now these women don't know how smart they are. You This, isn't it that you have encountered the legendary flesh and blood?" Qi Ping was a little stressed, and he had a new insight into how hard his brother-in-law is.

"So I'm looking to you for some advice now, I've seen some gossip before, some players get hooked up with those cheerleading girls. It turns out, you know, it's hard for them to have some enviable relationship, and those girls actually What I care more about is whether I can get exposure or find long-term meal tickets.” Joshua still looks very calm, and he also knows the intentions of those hot cheerleaders.

Isn't it just flesh and blood, find a player to have a relationship to make some money, hype it and become famous.Or if they have children, they will make a lot of money. Just a child support fee is enough to make them live comfortably for a lifetime.

Qi Ping continued to look at Joshua. He really wanted to know what kind of trouble Joshua was in. This hesitant state was really worrying.In the final analysis, Joshua is not old enough and has limited social experience; especially in a sports circle like theirs, it is often chaotic.

"I now know that such things cannot be known by the team. I have just signed with the team. If I let the team know such things at this time, I may be labeled as a locker room poison. Maybe this will make me It was difficult for me to be accepted by my teammates and rejected by the management."

Joshua's worries are not unreasonable, such things are still very important for rookie players.

Joshua finally got to the point, that is, as a rookie, he refused to obey the discipline when he first joined the team. This must be labeled with some bad labels.Whether it is the team or the fans, in fact, there will be some bad impressions of such a rookie, which will make it more difficult for such a young rookie to be accepted.

In the final analysis, Joshua was trained as a role player. He is not the cornerstone or core of the future of the team. It is one thing that such a player does not have a high position in the team, and the team will not have Too much patience or something.

This matter is really hard to say; whoever makes Qi Ping is an agricultural and animal husbandry giant, and besides, there are some things that Joshua really needs to do by himself.It doesn't mean that a good brother-in-law can be invincible and let everyone give face. Even if it is the brother-in-law of the world's richest man, in professional sports, it is all about strength, not face.

I hope that what happened this time can make Joshua a little smarter. It seems that the handling of this matter still needs to be decisive and quick.Fortunately, Joshua hasn't caused any big trouble now, so if he is decisive, there won't be much trouble.This can be regarded as relatively timely, who made Joshua a little naive now, he doesn't have much experience.

Qi Ping felt that he had really done what a dog-headed military adviser should do for his brother-in-law, and he was helping Joshua to solve those big or small troubles as much as possible.

In fact, it's not a big deal, anyway, it's not really a big trouble now; in the end, Joshua has just come into contact with a more complicated society, and he is still a little naive and inexperienced at this time.However, Qi Ping still feels very happy. Isn’t it trust that Joshua can ask him for advice and experience.

The little rookie has grown up, and it has been several years in the blink of an eye; when he first met Joshua, he was just a little kid. At that time, Joshua, like all children, was full of interest in King Kong and Pooh.And now, Joshua has his own job and can make money; his current interests, in addition to his favorite baseball, seem to have other fun.

This is growing up, there is no such thing as a person who never grows up; Joshua is not a kid anymore, he has his own life now, he has his own mind now.

At this time, Qi Ping couldn't say that he was giving Joshua some advice. At most, he was providing some advice as someone who had experienced it.It seems that this is all he can do; in order to allow Joshua to grow better, and to avoid detours for him.

In fact, this is a good thing, although now Joshua has begun to slowly come into contact with some adult troubles, but this also proves that Joshua has really become an adult.This is a good thing, it shows that Joshua is getting stronger and his life is getting richer.

"Dad, when are we going to Uncle's house? I want to go to Minneapolis, I want to see Target Field, it must be fun to play baseball there." Yoyo, who is not very fanatical about baseball, "I want to go out to play, I want to see if uncle is lying to me?"

"How did uncle lie to you again?" Qi Ping hugged his precious daughter, but also had no confidence in his brother-in-law, "Did he promise you again, you are his sweetheart, princess, and he will put your photo in his wallet ?”

"No, my uncle said he likes my paintings, and he has collected them all!" The little girl was deceived by her uncle at first glance, and Joshua is just so promising.

Seeing his baby girl's expectant look, Qi Ping really didn't know what to say.Yoyo really likes to draw, and Qi Ping once thought that the baby girl has a talent for painting; but now Yoyo seems to have almost fully discovered her talent for painting, and the little girl's painting level is not too much promote.

This is the truth, although Qi Ping often thinks that his baby daughter is the best.But objectively speaking, even if the little girl likes art very much, she may not be the most talented existence.These things are sometimes so unreasonable and unfair.

Yoyo likes to draw very much, although some of her current masterpieces still don't look very attractive.However, the family members will encourage Yoyo and support her hobbies, but this little girl is really a headache, because she likes to share, and some of her masterpieces are often given away, because her family members appear the most in her masterpieces .

So at this time, something that seems to be a headache has appeared. It is not easy to collect Yoyo's paintings and keep them well.

Joshua's sense of presence at home suddenly became stronger during this period of time. Who told him to play professional baseball now.So there will be too many things surrounding Joshua.

Especially when the children knew that their uncle was going to play baseball far away, they suddenly started to stick to him.My uncle used to go home every weekend when he was in college, so the little ones didn't care about him much.But now it was different, because the little ones heard that Uncle would be away for a long time.

For Joshua to suddenly have some sense of presence, it is still a bit hard to laugh.However, Qi Ping and Kate don't have such feelings of reluctance like the children. They think this is a very normal thing, and it should be a part of life and growth.

As for buying a house for Joshua or going out with the whole family to watch Joshua's game, it still takes a little time.Who knows that the new season has not started yet, and there is no way to watch the game for the time being.

The most important thing now is actually to enjoy life well. As for some small embellishments in life, or this is also a different attempt and feeling, which will make life more fulfilling and colorful.

Just like Joshua, he will be very happy to be selected by an MLB team to enter the major leagues; although such a team may not be his favorite, although the contract amount is relatively average.But it does make him happy and looking forward to it, because playing professional baseball in MLB has always been his expectation.

Of course, the matter with the cheerleading girl was enough for him to have a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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