Chapter 454

King Kong is still being squeezed out. It is definitely not an easy thing to integrate into the chimpanzee group easily.It is always frustrated repeatedly, and often crawls around the house motionless and sulking very unhappy.

But it doesn't matter, this little guy is still very persistent. Although he is often excluded, he still "harass" the chimpanzees every now and then. He is determined to integrate into the chimpanzee group.The most important thing is that King Kong has grown up now, he already knows to harass females, and he also wants to pick up girls.

"King Kong is really the same as you. Is this because the upper beam is not upright and the lower beam is crooked? I think that King Kong has completely fallen now. It is really too smart and knows how to use more wisdom to find some solutions to difficulties. .” Watching King Kong keep stuffing fruits from the fruit plate into the backpack, Kate laughed.

"So we don't need to be distressed at all. We all underestimate King Kong and its cleverness. Look at its solution to this matter, look at its current pride and satisfaction, I don't think there is any There is something to worry about. I think King Kong is still caring to me, and like me, it can use its own wisdom to solve some troubles."

Qi Ping's self-satisfaction is really disgusting, and he is too arrogant.King Kong has quite a face for him, who made King Kong have some ideas that coincide with him.Obviously, everyone has found a good solution now, and there is a market for such solutions that were not favored by the family.

King Kong, a smart little guy, is still very powerful. He knows what is called the carrot and stick policy; this kind of reward and punishment policy has made it gradually accepted by the orangutan group.

The strength of King Kong is extremely powerful, and it will go to the reserve to fight with the chimpanzees in the reserve from time to time.This is the best way to prove your strength, to prove your strength with your fists, so that other chimpanzees dare not provoke it and be more honest.

Of course, just relying on fists is not good, not to mention that it is too violent, and King Kong thinks that it is impossible for it to be truly accepted.So some rewards are needed at these times to let those chimpanzees know the benefits of accepting and obeying it.

So now every time I see King Kong busy stuffing fruit into his backpack, the family members find it funny; but they also praise Jin Gang for being so smart, he knows how to use the resources in his hands to create It has more favorable opportunities for itself, and it knows how to find success by learning from each other's strengths.

But Qi Ping just felt a little wronged. He proposed such a method as "darkness". This is a wretched idea.And when King Kong does this, he is cute and smart.

This is definitely a double standard. Anyway, Qi Ping felt that his position and status in the family made some of his suggestions unreliable.But the other members of the family have a relatively high position, especially King Kong and the others, they are definitely 'superior', and some of their actions are absolutely correct and not wrong.

Although he has no status, Qi Ping doesn't care at all.

King Kong can solve the troubles that have plagued him for a long time, and now he can be accepted by the chimpanzee group, which is what Qi Ping would like to see most.After all, King Kong is almost ten years old now, and it's time to think about such important things as getting married and having children.This is also the life that King Kong should have. It also needs to spread its branches and leaves, grow and reproduce.

"Dad, did King Kong go on a date again?" Lele started looking for King Kong after returning home. There was no King Kong in front of or behind the house, and his small backpack was gone, so he knew the answer. "It's already the same as Pooh." Now, you will forget to play games with us as soon as you have a date."

"It's really going on a date, and I think we may have some new discoveries soon. I know you like the animals in the reserve, you like cute animals. We will be able to see the cute little animals in the future." A chimpanzee, that's King Kong's baby, just like Pooh had a baby bear."

Of course, Qi Ping knew some of the little complaints of the fat son. The little guys always wanted to play games with their little friends.So when King Kong and Pooh both go on a date and forget to play games, it's not uncommon for the little ones to be unbalanced.

Who makes children still like to play games with their partners more now, and they spend most of their time playing games.Then for King Kong and Pooh's "emphasis on color over friends", children will start to be confused and complain.But it's not bad, that is, although the children are a little unhappy, they still know that King Kong and Pooh need to consider starting a family, and they should also have their own children and families.

It is of course the best thing to always have your friends by your side, but you should also respect your friends' choices.This is also an excellent character of the children, which is something that Qiping and Kate are very proud of.

Children know how to respect the opinions of others, and they will support their families and friends; even if children are still young, it may be difficult to understand some complex emotions, but the little ones know something, that is, everyone They all have different personalities, and they should have different interests and hobbies.

Then it is understandable to make different choices; as long as your family is happy, then you will support it.

Qi Ping was teasing his fat son, and vaccinating the little guy by the way; King Kong has just learned how to date now, and this has already shown a bit of disregard for his family.

This is not only about sex over friends, but also about marrying a wife and forgetting about her mother. The little bastard King Kong just stared at the beautiful chimpanzee.This little bastard who turned his elbows outward and couldn't walk when he saw a beautiful woman really set a bad example.

So I must remind my sons that it is actually okay to fall in love and the like, and this is also supportable.It's just that it can't be that you forget your family just after falling in love, or it can't be that you just started to fall in love, which completely shifts the focus of life.

I just fell in love, and this completely changed the rhythm of life; I have to say that such a change can easily make people psychologically unbalanced, especially as a group of parents, watching their children completely 'change their hearts' , which will make them even more psychologically unbalanced.

This is not a joke, it is the case for many parents; originally they had the most important position in the hearts of their children, but now that the children have grown up, the most important position in the hearts of the children may become changed.

In fact, Qi Ping himself is like this. Before starting a family, the most important person in his mind must be his parents.But when he falls in love and gets married, such things are slowly changing; especially after having his own children, such changes are actually more obvious.

It's not just Qi Ping who has such a change, it's a situation that most people will encounter.Because they grow up, marrying wives and having children to form their own families, these are all normal things, and it is also a process that everyone must go through in the process of maturity.

"Don't coax our family Lele, Lele won't marry his wife and forget his mother like King Kong." The mother couldn't stand it anymore, she knew what kind of virtue her son was, "Our family Lele is still Little, I don't believe that when he grows up, he will be cheated away with a few words. This kid is shrewd, trying to trick him away will definitely not work. "

"Didn't I vaccinate these little guys in advance? My fat boy is smart, but he may be confused when he falls in love." He patted the youngest son's ass and let the brat go on his own. Play.

The mother and son started chatting, talking about some interesting things about their childhood, and about Xiaoyao and the others.In fact, recalling some interesting childhood stories of children now makes people feel very happy.

This may also be because Qi Ping has slowly begun to mature, and it is also because Qi Ping has become more and more aware of some things in the process of watching the children grow up.

You know your parents love you when you have a child, and you know your parents’ kindness when you raise a child; Qi Ping is getting more and more emotional now, because he now has four children. In the process of taking care of the children, Qi Ping knows that he wants to take care of them. It is definitely not an easy thing for a good boy to be a good father.

Because of having four lovely children, Qi Ping now understands some things more clearly; it is definitely not a simple matter to take good care of the children's growth.From knowing the arrival of the children, this is constant care and love; the birth and growth of the children, at every stage of the children's growth, it is impossible for Qi Ping to rest assured, he is always concerned about children.

It is definitely not an easy thing to make a career, but it is even more difficult to be a good father.This is the most complicated and difficult job in the world, and in this matter, there is never a way to be perfect and perfect.

Qi Ping hopes that he can do better, and he is constantly summarizing; but it still seems a little stressful now, because there will definitely be constant troubles, big and small, in the process of children's growth. There will be many things that need to be resolved.

In the final analysis, no matter what age the children are, in the eyes of their parents, they will always be children, so they will constantly worry about their children's health, career, family...

(End of this chapter)

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